What is your worst fear?

Actually, come to think of it my worst fear is the fear of becoming mentally or physically impaired. Losing one of my senses, becoming paralyzed, getting Alzheimer's or a brain injury, becoming a mute, etc. It would just suck all the life out of me.
a resonence cascade *shifty eyes*

but to be serius... i'd say that I'm afraid of a spider landing on my crotch that was in the towl when I'm drieing myself off after showering... that happened to me when i was ten or something... scared the shit out of me.
Actually, come to think of it my worst fear is the fear of becoming mentally or physically impaired. Losing one of my senses, becoming paralyzed, getting Alzheimer's or a brain injury, becoming a mute, etc. It would just suck all the life out of me.

Yeah, this would be my number one rational fear. Its just ****ing terrible to think about.
No, but I don't doubt it would be a funnier movie if it did.

My greatest fear would have to be losing all my intelligence and becoming a complete moron in the eyes of others, knowing full well how competent I was before.

That and having all the people I know killed and/or horribly malformed in the most gruesome ways imaginable before I too would suffer the same fate. If people don't find that horrifying I don't know what they will. That's practically the definition of horror.
boy it's like pulling teeth for members to care for others more than themselves ...my biggest fear is that something happens to my family; that trumps anything that could possibly happen to me

Well, I think we all agree that thats a given.
A spider biting me in the ass/dick while sitting on the toilet, which stems from seeing a big spider come out from under the lip of the toilet seat once.

That ten years from now I'll be a total failure.
I'm actually not that scared of dying, think about it, when your dead you don't have to worry about all the bullshit in the world today, like nuclear war, pain, or tumors. I still don't want to die (everyone, no matter who you are is scared of death), I'm just speaking out the positives...

I'm scared of extreme pain. (like getting extreme burns all over your body with blistering and shit, or when you hold your breath for a long time, think about that, but not being able to breath (like under water) It's uncomfortable, and unpleasant. Pain is stupid.
I guess what could also count as a fear is my fear(going in circles here) of not having my family to support me. They play such a central part in my life and if they weren't there, well, I honestly, true to God, have no idea how I would go on. I think about that every once in a while. Nothing to make you appreciate the present like the prospect of an uncertain future.
OK, I had to dig this up because I now have an actual fear.

Anesthesia awareness.

Oh god... do not want.

Wikipedia said:
Awareness occurs in 20,000-40,000 patients out of every 20 million US annual surgeries every year[1] when patients have anesthesia that is inadequate to keep them unconscious during an operation. In this situation, the patient may feel the pain or pressure of surgery, hear conversations, or feel as if they cannot breathe. The patient may be unable to communicate any distress because they have been given a paralytic/muscle relaxant. If anesthesia awareness does occur about 40% feel the pain of the operation, 92% experience panic/anxiety and 70% experience lasting psychological symptoms.

can't the doctors notice that the anesthesia has run out? don't they monitor these things?
can't the doctors notice that the anesthesia has run out? don't they monitor these things?

wikipedia said:
A fully paralyzed patient is unable to move, speak, blink the eyes, or otherwise respond to the pain except through physiological signs such as increased heart rate (tachycardia), blood pressure (hypertension), dilation of the pupils (mydriasis), sweating (diaphoresis), and the formation of tears (lacrimation) in response to pain. This is because these paralytic drugs cause skeletal muscle paralysis but does not typically interfere with the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. Even though the patient cannot directly signal their distress, they may exhibit signs of awareness detectable by clinical vigilance.

So yeah, i guess its detectable, only if they're looking for it. Also, the wikipedia pages notes that some recent technological advances can monitor the patients level of consciousness.

I dont know what would be worse, being paralyzed and not being able to do anything at all while they work on you, or being able to move and like get up while your chest is spread open and seeing inside your own body.

Oh god, im going to have nightmares tonight.
So yeah, i guess its detectable, only if they're looking for it. Also, the wikipedia pages notes that some recent technological advances can monitor the patients level of consciousness.

I dont know what would be worse, being paralyzed and not being able to do anything at all while they work on you, or being able to move and like get up while your chest is spread open and seeing inside your own body.

Oh god, im going to have nightmares tonight.

i'd rather be able to get up and scream. Some surgery's can last hours and imagine if you were just lying there for like an hour feeling everything but not being able to do anything about it...
A spider biting me in the ass/dick while sitting on the toilet, which stems from seeing a big spider come out from under the lip of the toilet seat once.

That ten years from now I'll be a total failure.
I have lol'd at your fear good sir.
My worst fears are:

- stepping on a snake in the dark or underwater
- dying before i have time to make a proper pass at life (ie get out of uni etc)
- loved ones dying (this is the biggest one)
One of my strangest fears is in 2001: A Space Odyssey when Dave Bowman goes through the Star Gate (watch the movie, you'll get what I mean.) Well, this poor human being is going at such a speed that his face is getting distorted! When my dad paused on it (what brought him to do so is still a mystery), I literally fell on the ground screaming and quivering, going into shock. Real shock.

Another fear of mine is if I was on a spaceship, and for some unknown reason it veers off course. You run out of resources and slowly go insane and wither away.

I also have many other fears, including nuclear war. Lots of the things other people mentioned are things I'm afraid of, such as complete isolation and the unknown.
Zombie Apocalypse
HL2.net shutting down.
Old age. Bieng depedant on somone, not bieng able to do anything for yourself, etc.

****ing scares me.
Recently, failure. As I grow up more and more without making any significant moves in my life, I'm occasionally frozen by the fear that I'll never actually amount to anything. Not in a cliched fame and fortune way, I guess it's just wanting memories to look back on when I'm through with it all.

Besides that, torture. The thought of being constrained and someone free to have their wicked way with you (not that way) makes me absolutely sick. Unrealistic, I know, but it doesn't stop me from dwelling on it in my darker moments...
OK, I had to dig this up because I now have an actual fear.

Anesthesia awareness.

Oh god... do not want.


My grandma had to get a hip replacement once. They put her under Anesthesia, she woke up in the middle of the surgery. She said she couldnt feel anything but could hear them use a saw thing to cut some of her bones, then she went back out.
Snakes. I am completely phobic of snakes. Especially pythons. I went to this sort of zoo one time and I went into the reptile room to see if I could get over my fear a bit. The moment I stepped into the room with the snakes i felt terrible. I felt so sick, I felt faint, I was dizzy, I was shaking like mad, all because I was in the same room as a load of snakes. At first things weren't too bad. I managed to look at two small snakes okay, I even laughed at one lying in its water bowl! But then i noticed the giant tank in the corner and saw the two huge pythons coiled up. I felt the blood drain from my face and i bolted from the room. Whenever we go there now I can't set foot in that snake room. The dreams I have about snakes are worse. Sometimes I wake up nearly screaming.

Another fear I have is of the dark. Well, it's not like a proper fear of the dark (que Iron Maiden!!!), it's when I can't see. A couple of times I've been out on a walk and it will start getting really dark and I get all panicky. That's sort of what it is.

Yet another fear is when people crowd around me. I feel like I'm being suffocated and I can't breathe. A good example of this would be at the HIM gig I went to in December at the Manchester Apollo. I was standing pretty near to the stage so it was very packed. I was ok when the support band were on because there were't a lot of people around us then. But when HIM came on there were loads of people around me and I felt like I just could't breathe at all. I ended up having to go to the back on my own because I knew that there was no way I could have stuck out the full hour-and-a-half down their; I would have fainted for sure.
Furries and Heights.
Oh God, Furries scare the living f*ck out of me. I used to know one. Thought he was a wolf, or something. Fat, rude bastard. *shiver*

Being buried alive would probably be my worst fear if it was ever likely to happen. But otherwise, losing a limb or a sense... That terrifies me :(