What is your worst fear?

Being trapped in an enclosed space(like being buried alive mixed with claustrophobia)

If anybody has ever seen The Descent, I'd be scared shitless if I was in their situation.
Yeah, so would I. Especially if there were evil creatures in it trying to eat me.
I fear people close to me leaving, disappearing, or dying. A lot. It gets me concerned and paranoid and worrisome.

I have a lot of fears :D
I'd have to agree with the anesthesia stuff already mentioned in the thread.
I would venture to suggest that most humans do too.
The loss of a loved one, especially a sibling or parent. I know what it's like. It stays with you everyday. Forever. :(
That's honestly what terrifies me the most. My best friend's mother died two years ago from breast cancer and she deals with that fact on a daily basis. It's hard to watch and I'm completely scared of having to experience that myself.
Why the hell are people scared of spiders? Tarantulas yeah, ill give you that maybe, but house spiders etc? COmmon day spiders? Come on...

Oh yeah, my fears:

Heights - only if I KNOW theres nothing there to stop me from falling. IE put me on a cliff edge with a barrier infront of me, im fine. I can bunjee jump easily. Put me on the same building with NO barrier, and ill probably start freaking out.
I'm not scared of spiders unless they're poisonous.

Really tho, the biggest fear i have is having my body messed up by someone/thing....the thought of being tortured/beaten and having permanent damage or being exposed to chemicals really drives me more than anything else, the thought of being involved in a bhopal like disaster makes me squirm, i guess it's a pretty natural instinct but i find it seems to be stronger than a lot of other people, it's mostly things that are 'out of my control' i.e i can avoid most other dangers but having chemicals spilled on me or being captured is pretty hard to avoid (i'm not wearing a NBC suit 24/7 btw)

Also i think the toxic waste scene in robocop had some effect!
Daddy Long Legs (NOT the Brits' version which is a grass mosquito ffs, im talking the PROPER one that is actually a spider), THE most poisonous thing in the world, cant bite you.

SPiders pretty much wont bite you anyway unless you provoke them. They dont run at you, fangs glistening moving in for the kill, they run to get away lol.

My mum screams, standing on a chair if theres a spider the size of a 20p piece on the wall in the corner or something...grrrr then I have to kill the thing and flush it away, pure cruelty. Why? 'Itll come back inside if you throw it in the garden'...
Daddy Long Legs (NOT the Brits' version which is a grass mosquito ffs, im talking the PROPER one that is actually a spider), THE most poisonous thing in the world, cant bite you.

SPiders pretty much wont bite you anyway unless you provoke them. They dont run at you, fangs glistening moving in for the kill, they run to get away lol.

My mum screams, standing on a chair if theres a spider the size of a 20p piece on the wall in the corner or something...grrrr then I have to kill the thing and flush it away, pure cruelty. Why? 'Itll come back inside if you throw it in the garden'...

Daddy Longlegs are barely poisonous at all. They can pierce the skin, but they really only make you itch a bit.

Spiders can get provoked fairly easily, especially if you're unwittingly intruding on their territory.

Spiders will come back inside the house if you put them in the garden.

Being trapped in an enclosed space(like being buried alive mixed with claustrophobia)

If anybody has ever seen The Descent, I'd be scared shitless if I was in their situation.
Hell yeah. That would suck royally. :O

Reminds me of killBill vl. #2 when Beatrix was buried alive in that pine box. Except I doubt even she could kung-fu her way out of that one in real life.

I'd have chosen the pistol, not the flashlight. :P
Being trapped in an enclosed space(like being buried alive mixed with claustrophobia)

If anybody has ever seen The Descent, I'd be scared shitless if I was in their situation.

Luls, I remember when I saw that movie, I was mad shitfaced, and spent more time wandering around the aisles than watching the movie.

I'd imagine it was scary shit though. Spent too much time laughing my ass off at my buds to be scared though :/
You may, but you should be warned that I don't have any. They're more likely to come from 34-year-old man on LiveJournal who suffers from delusions of being much more intelligent than he really is, is thoroughly incapable of consideration for anyone but himself, and prefers to excuse his social ineptitude with a self-diagnosis for a trendy mental condition.

Have fun!

P.S. I do not mean to offend any ~*true asspies*~ here, but if anyone other than a medical professional diagnosed you I'm just going to laugh at you. :>

You have ignored my immature interpretation in favor of your mildly serious original idea.


Oh also when I was little I was really, really afraid of computers when they were turned off. This lasted at least until I was ten or eleven. For some reason, I thought that if you pressed a key on the keyboard while it was turned off, it'd suddenly wake up and start screaming at you with its computer voice. But like... but "screaming at you," it just made a loud, continuous tone that escalated with every key you pressed. I remember having several nightmares about this, and I would never go into a dark room with a computer in it (if I had to, I would run past it as fast as I could). For some reason, I seem to remember there being Windows blue screens in my nightmares...? Bbbbut my family was always a bunch of dirty Mac-using hippies! D:
And then Toaster was a blue screen.

To be fair, Windows is pretty horrifying.
I'm afraid of a woman cutting off my penis while I sleep and throwing it out the window of a moving car.
And then Toaster was a blue screen.

To be fair, Windows is pretty horrifying.

But macs are the stuff nightmares are made of!

Also, I'll have to agree with Toaster, rapist spiders do scare the shit out of me.
First aroused by, then, a few seconds later, afraid of.
Afraid of then aroused by and then bleeding out of.


I totally regret posting this.

Oh also when I was little I was really, really afraid of computers when they were turned off. This lasted at least until I was ten or eleven. For some reason, I thought that if you pressed a key on the keyboard while it was turned off, it'd suddenly wake up and start screaming at you with its computer voice. But like... but "screaming at you," it just made a loud, continuous tone that escalated with every key you pressed. I remember having several nightmares about this, and I would never go into a dark room with a computer in it (if I had to, I would run past it as fast as I could). For some reason, I seem to remember there being Windows blue screens in my nightmares...? Bbbbut my family was always a bunch of dirty Mac-using hippies! D:

/edges away from computer
My greatest fear...

Is that humanity will make all the wrong choices in the next couple hundred years, and that instead of advancing and becoming wiser and more peaceful; we'll destroy civilization and ourselves.
Spiders... The bigger ones. The first week I moved into uni halls I came back to my room after a great night out, sat at my chair to check out whats going on in the world and out from behind my monitor on the wall came a HUGE spider about as big as the palm of my hand. Naturally I legged it, got the only dude who aint scared of spiders in my hall to come get it, he tried but it was too big to fit in the glass! It fell to the floor and ran into a gap between the wall and the back of the drawers on my desk.
It would be impossible to get there seeing as the desk is fitted, so i just stuffed up the hole with plastic bags. I feel bad about it cause it's probably dead now, I'd rather put them outside then kill them, but it was too big to just leave be D:!!

Heights, if theres a chance I could accidently fall or get pushed or whatever.

Losing all my family at once, like in a car crash or something. :(

Growing old alone would be pretty sucky.

Dying, but theres not really anything you can do to prevent that, as long as I have a good life death can come find me whenever :) (preferably when I'm asleep :P)
I'm afraid that when I look down the hallway of my home and see the glare and reflection on the picture there, I will see something in it. Something that moves out of view.

Same with looking at the glare reflection of a TV or a monitor. Whether they are on or off.

It terrifies me.
I'm afraid that when I look down the hallway of my home and see the glare and reflection on the picture there, I will see something in it. Something that moves out of view.

Same with looking at the glare reflection of a TV or a monitor. Whether they are on or off.

It terrifies me.
I get this a bit. I wouldn't say it terrifies me, but if I'm alone in a room with a TV that's off at night I'll always feel a little uncomfortable. Sometimes I won't be able to stop myself from subconciously looking over to check the reflection every few minutes.

Seems like it's been that way ever since I saw the Ring. Go figure.
i absolutely dread the idea of being trapped in a sinking ship. or being aboard a sinking ship in the first place.