What Kind of Mod Would you like to see for HL2?

Oh no...Have I ensued the wrath of a gasp..SUPER moderator?

I must dramatically depart form thy forums!

Well.. if I ever start my mod, it shall be quite different from any hl mod that I know of..
I can garentee you this.
Kon said:
Well.. if I ever start my mod, it shall be quite different from any hl mod that I know of..
I can garentee you this.
Ofcourse it will.
I don't know what kind of comment that is, but I'm just saying that I'm fairly confident that my mod would be unique, hopefully original as well, and I would not be making it if I knew there was something similar or better.
I'd love to see 'They Hunger' make a return, the zombies would look great using the new HL2 zombie model/animations.
I had this neat idea, it would be sort like Grand Theft Auto (the Video Game not the Movie with Ron Howard!). Single player would be alot like Grand Theft Auto but with the amazingness of the Source engine it would be a lot more open ended though, you could do just about anything you want. For example: you could break into some guys house and put a bunch of dead cats in his refrigerator or some other crazy thing. You could do almost anything you want to in single player. There would be lots of vehicles too, everything from scooters to Jet Planes. The open ended gameplay would be pretty neat to see. There could be room for expansion, the developers could make new cities and missions.

Multiplayer would be the usual stuff, but you'd be in there with the NPC's too. The maps in multiplayer would probably be small areas, mabey a village or a suburban neighborhood. And you could use whatever vehicle you can get your mits on. Also you can use the Physics against your enemies, you could grab a pipe and jam it through some other player's leg.

I think I'll create a thread about my idea. :)
id like to see a back to the future mod (based on the movie), but its never going to happen :(
Anyone seen the film "Ronin". I'd like to see a mod based on this film - especially if it could capture the gritty, violent atmosphere. Cool car chases too :D
A teambased mod featuring classes and objective based goals pls :) No vehicles and maps that will cater for 6 v 6 matches.

Basically RTCW ;)
I would like to see one of three things.

1. A GTA like mod.
I want this mostly for the stratigic elements. There would be NPCs to rob and cops to avoid. You would be lightly armed and their would be vehicles. It would melt servers though.

2. A game similar to AVP.
Humans are the Humans. Zombies are the aliens. Combine are the preds.
It would be headcrabing instead of facehugging. The humans and combine would be pretty evenly matched though. I think we will see a lot of failed examples of this.

3. A 2D mod. It would be like Contra, only with PVP.
Alien swarm did something like this.
Definately AVP mod! i'll start modeling as soon as i can.Then i'll find team members and make a mod :)
I'm still waiting for people to take up my damned idea!

I wrote the fricken story! Loads of possible paradoxes! I even had a go at drawing some concept art!

Bah! Humbug! I'll never enjoy a single-player experience until mine has been at least tried.
Kangy said:
I'm still waiting for people to take up my damned idea!

I wrote the fricken story! Loads of possible paradoxes! I even had a go at drawing some concept art!

Bah! Humbug! I'll never enjoy a single-player experience until mine has been at least tried.

linkage ?

At least try to clear it up.
H2HSnake said:
Definately AVP mod! i'll start modeling as soon as i can.Then i'll find team members and make a mod :)

Are you going to make xenomorphs? I think it would be cooler if you used the HL zombies, you would have to make them stronger or just faster though. Whatever you chose you must use Headcrabs instead of Facehuggers.
A mod similar to that of Resevoir Dogs, but not exactly like it.
I posted this in another thread, thought i'd bring it here...
not a perfect idea by far, but it's something

I would like to see a very nice acrobatic-stealth game.
Think of splinter cell/theif 3 stealth elements
prince of persia+diving+rolling+proning ect acrobatic elements
rolled into a game.
along with those, I think an assasination/theft/espionage theme would go well.

your setting is up to you, however, modern setting (splinter cell, MGS) has been done, medeival setting (theif) and arabic (PoP) have been all done

I think (yes, beleive it or not) an oriental setting would be a good idea. Why? There haven't been any "crazy stellar" stealth ninja games for PC. I don't there have even been any good ninja games period (except for arcade fighting games).

Now, I hate saying "bad ass katana" or anything like that, you want to focus on a variety of weapons (which ninja all used). shurikens, blow guns, bows (i forget the japanese name), ninja-tos, wakasashis, katanas, katana-no dachi.

you should really research on what ninja actually WERE before you do this. They were all stealth, they preferred to never been seen. And if their real persona was ever discovered to be a ninja, they had to die.

why? because, you'll fsck it up, I know it. There really isn't a good way to make a ninja stealth multiplayer mod. Ninjas rarely fought each other. Their objectives were assasination and espionage. A multiplayer would just be tedious (they're in the shadows for fscks sake) and pointless.
I would recommend you make this into a single-player Action/RPG 3rd person ninja stealth/acrobatic mod (nice short description).

That's only one mod idea. there are many more.

read this article...

Howstuffworks rocks! As if they have this!

also, this link is pretty good
check out the "ninja facts"
Synthos said:
I posted this in another thread, thought i'd bring it here...
not a perfect idea by far, but it's something

Hell stay away from my ideas :)

I have done more work on a Samurai/ninja mod than anything else. I have come up with a sword fighting style unique to the industry, well as far as I know. I have gone over an entire mod were yuou play as a ninja and have the ability to improve your skills and grow in your abilities.

The there is the ninja thief idea that came with the concept I posted here a while ago. The one I still need to color (sorry Fenric).

Then there is all of the ninja stealth ideas rolled into a different galaxy with a futuristic/medivel look.
wicked man, i'm glad someone is doing it...
what kind of acrobatics are you implementing?
also, I'll tell you my sword fighting style (which is probably the same as yours) if you would explain yours. (I'm not here to steal any ideas, just curious)
CrazyHarij said:
Two kind of mods, and I'm working on them :)

CrazyHarij adds to the evergrowing army of concept artists :P
Synthos said:
wicked man, i'm glad someone is doing it...
what kind of acrobatics are you implementing?
also, I'll tell you my sword fighting style (which is probably the same as yours) if you would explain yours. (I'm not here to steal any ideas, just curious)

The sword fighting idea is based off of old samurai movies like the zatoichi series and some others like the Musashi series. My Goal was to come up with something that could partialy imatate someting of this nature.

Basicaly the sword fighting for Samurais is broken down into two different parts.


In a sheathed position the samurai is only holding the the handle of the sword preparing for a fast cut.

when the sword is unsheathed the player will have a couple of stances he can choose from. None of the stances are "stronger" or "weaker" they only offer different strategic elements, for each stance offers a variety of sword cuts.

The thing I like is how you have the choice in were you want to put the cut.

Basicaly there are certain points on the body that will call for a specific cut these cuts vary from stance to stance. You will have the option on what part of the body you will direct these cuts.

Also each cut will have different effects on different parts of the body, and the enemy may suuffer from bleeding out. Certain cuts will result in a quicker death (some almost instantainously), and some cuts will cause an opponent to die slow and painful.


A directed cut to the stomach (depending how deep) would cause a person to fall to the ground in utter pain, grabing their gut as the attempt to keep their bowels from spilling on the ground. They might lay there in pain and moan until the die or some might actualy try and crawl away before the bleed out.

However a cut to the gut followed buy a diagonal cut to their back as they pass by will almost allways result in a more peacful death as the sword cevers the spinal cord and the enemy falls limp to the ground.

The bottom line in my idea is that you choose were you want to place the cut and from what stance you want.

There are also several stances that one can take while kneeling or sitting.
in relation to controls, how will players choose where they want to cut.. and how will blocking be done?

in my control interface, it's more based for medeival swords, which were mostly just hack and slash.
It may or may not work, but I think it would be absolutely amazing if you did it right.

think of a sphere around the player, where it's radius is the total length of the arm and the sword outstretched.
now, shift the edge of the sphere at the player's back forward a bit.

now, when the player presses and holds the mouse button, the tip of the sword becomes "locked" to the sphere. As you move your mouse around with the mouse button down, you sword moves in smooth arcs according to your mouse. Add momentum and inertia to the weapon, and you have a swinging sword swung by your mouse.

The reason for shifting the back edge of the sphere is if you were to reach backwards for more torsional rotation in your swing, the sword edge turns according.

For blocking, you just release the mouse button. Blocking using the mouse would be tedious, and i've never liked games where I had to do something to block. (Maybe auto-blocking could be a learned ability or something)

The only problem this really represents is that players no longer have a mouse to look around with.
However, I think a system where you are "targetting" a player (switchable with tab) means that you are focused on that one opponent. you always face them (who would look away from their opponent??) and thus your strafe keys would bring you in a circle around your opponent.
This accounts for the mouse being taken up by swinging. It needs some tweakage, but could be done
Ermac said:
I am very curious as to what kind of mod you guys would like to see come to HL2. Like if you have a request, you could voice your opinion here.

I for one would like to see someone make a GoldenEye Mod, for Single Player.
Have it be Like the Orinigal one Rare made for the N64.
But Of course have way better visuals and Omg! Physics.
And have a extra missions and stuff. For Example the one were you go to the island in the Dam level. That was taken off due to time.
Well what do you guys want to see?

you know I was thinking the Same Thing!

too bad i'm already doing this cool medieval themed mod
Synthos said:
in relation to controls, how will players choose where they want to cut.. and how will blocking be done?

in my control interface, it's more based for medeival swords, which were mostly just hack and slash.
It may or may not work, but I think it would be absolutely amazing if you did it right.

think of a sphere around the player, where it's radius is the total length of the arm and the sword outstretched.
now, shift the edge of the sphere at the player's back forward a bit.

now, when the player presses and holds the mouse button, the tip of the sword becomes "locked" to the sphere. As you move your mouse around with the mouse button down, you sword moves in smooth arcs according to your mouse. Add momentum and inertia to the weapon, and you have a swinging sword swung by your mouse.

The reason for shifting the back edge of the sphere is if you were to reach backwards for more torsional rotation in your swing, the sword edge turns according.

For blocking, you just release the mouse button. Blocking using the mouse would be tedious, and i've never liked games where I had to do something to block. (Maybe auto-blocking could be a learned ability or something)

The only problem this really represents is that players no longer have a mouse to look around with.
However, I think a system where you are "targetting" a player (switchable with tab) means that you are focused on that one opponent. you always face them (who would look away from their opponent??) and thus your strafe keys would bring you in a circle around your opponent.
This accounts for the mouse being taken up by swinging. It needs some tweakage, but could be done

Huh, pretty close in our ideas. Your sphere concept is not to far from mine. In Iaijutsu there is a cutting sphere around you indicating the "8 cuts". What I have done is translated that to what it would look like on a human body. So I have come up with orthographic views of these cuts as they relate to different parts of the body. Again these change with stance you are in. Not in that the place of the body you can deliever the cut just in how you preform the cut.

This is done by actualy aiming at part of the body with the reticle. Yet when aiming for cuts you dont have to be exact, just merely in the general location, however these locations can be some what small.

The cuts.

The stomach area generaly will be designated as a horizontal cut area, while at the shoulders would be diagonal.

So your engaged with an enemy, you get in your "ready stance"(sword unsheathed). As you move closer to your enemy you begin to "aim" were you will most likely strike. Suddenly the enemy lunges with an over head strike. You press the attack key (mouse 1) and the directional key you want to move to when cutting. So you move to the right drawing your sword across his mid section. The horizontal cut was deep and the enemy lay dead on the ground.

Now by pressing the number wich indicates the place that holds your sword. Like pressing 1, the character flings the blood off of his sword and slides it back into his sheath. This blood cleaning animation only happens after a battle.
that's pretty neat... Are you going to persue your ideas in a mod?
Yeah, eventualy. I am starting school in the fall with a major in Game Design. One of the courses is working with a team on a Mod. I havent decided if I want this idea or the futuristic/samurai thing. I guess I would still be using the same concept for either idea.