What kind of multiplayer types?



Does anyone knows what kind of multiplayer types (ctf, plant the bomb, dm?) hl2 will have?

and what kind of multiplayer types would you like to see in hl2?

:sniper: :naughty:
Search the forum?

Oh right it's not a game. You should try it tho.
A sort of hybrid football/basketball type game using a headcrab and Manipulators...
I think some sort of a Battlefield/Tribes mode is in order. not like the engine cant handle it... man if someone made that mod, battlefield vietnam and tribes 3 wouldnt stand a chance.
ive been putting some more thought into it.. with the vgui2 i bet you could have a war room in some bunker that would show you were all your troops are and with a bit of ingeniuty you could send orders from in there. You could have rts players sitting in there, setting up airstrikes while positioning some snipers to pick off people sitting around stinger sites. with the ability to attach cameras to vechiles.. its starting to sound a bit easier. not to mention you can put multiple people in trucks, aircraft... Am i a retard or do i have a decent mod concept in the works?
Maybe its based on rescuing Alyx from slimy aliens? :)

But I think they have the sides layed out pretty good for them: Combine and Resistance... Maybe adding an alien side to it. It would be the most logical. And it wouldnt surprise me if neither of it is in the MP mode.
steal the bacon (In elementary school, my physical education class actually had a game called "steal the bacon" LOL)