What kind of nerds do you hate most?

Fanboy nerds

The 'Tf2 is serious business' nerds, you know the ones, the guys who scoff if you lose a tf2 match, they constantly moan over voip at how no-one can match their l33t skillz on their team, who bark orders over voip, pfft stfu.
Fanboy nerds

The 'Tf2 is serious business' nerds, you know the ones, the guys who scoff if you lose a tf2 match, they constantly moan over voip at how no-one can match their l33t skillz on their team, who bark orders over voip, pfft stfu.

Arrogance in general

Can go in the "Who I want to punch in the face" section
I only hate nerds if they piss me off. As long as they leave me alone i'm fine with them existing.
...you have no idea what you've just done. You've made yourself a terrible enemy this day.

A terrible enemy indeed.

If you're angry that I was specifying the '80s, then don't worry, I was just using it as an example. I meant that the media of just about every human era is 99% suck and 1% awesome.
I love people who generalize against people who love anime. I love it, I'm not fat, memorize every line to any anime, and I definitely don't go around dressed up like one. Only reason I wish I was jap was so I could rape at tetris and other related games >< So really, instead of saying anything about anime, go for hardcore anime. They are the scary ones, the ones that go to conventions on a monthly basis *shudder*
I used to hate nerds...

Until one day i realised we simply shouldnt mock then, as inevitably with a sprinkle of irony, youll end up working for one...
I love people who generalize against people who love anime. I love it, I'm not fat, memorize every line to any anime, and I definitely don't go around dressed up like one. Only reason I wish I was jap was so I could rape at tetris and other related games >< So really, instead of saying anything about anime, go for hardcore anime. They are the scary ones, the ones that go to conventions on a monthly basis *shudder*

I'm the same.

Until one day i realised we simply shouldnt mock then, as inevitably with a sprinkle of irony, youll end up working for one...

Didn't Bill Gates say that?
It's ok to be a religious nerd, because if you check your history - God created Man, and Man created the transformers.
If you're angry that I was specifying the '80s, then don't worry, I was just using it as an example. I meant that the media of just about every human era is 99% suck and 1% awesome.
"Just about." The 80's is the exception to the rule, where everything was awesome. ;)

It's ok to be a religious nerd, because if you check your history - God created Man, and Man created the transformers.
Primus created the Transformers. :dork:
Creepy nerds. Like a guy I used to have the misfortune to know, went out with a friend of mine for all of a few days, referred to her as "my little Tails", asked her when they were going to get married and have kids on the second day, and called her up to tell her what kind of hentai he was downloading. He also had his watch set to New York time so he knew what time his American friends would be on IRC. Weirdo...
console nerds, or more specificly, Halo nerds
Pretty much any of them who disagree with me and want to argue about it.
Nerds that have never seen boobies in real life and feel their jaw hit the floor when they see some. Not talking about whores or gf's here in this case, but about bodypainted girls. They also let you take pictures of you with them :D But I felt really bad about all those nerds gawking at them like they were a piece of meat. Buh, nerds (well, people in general) who do that piss me off.

Bit of clarification: Went to a game expo last weekend, they also had bodypainted girls with Packard Bell logos and slogans on them. :p
Uber elite science nerds, who know everything about everything. Don't get me wrong though, I love learning about what all the galaxies and universe's have to offer (i.e: other intellegent life and different new planets that are undiscovered) but that's it. I hate chemestry & I hate biology. D:
A common mistake is to assume that planets contain life that conforms to our standards of what is alive. For example: We assume them to be carbon-based.
I don't mind any particular group since the cliques aren't really as pronounced here (atleast that I've noticed). So basically any nerd who's loud, obnoxious, and won't let me escape a conversation I obviously have zero interest in. :)
f*ck.. I want to kill all hardcore movie/game nerds..

I just hate the repressed homosexual nerds.

Like, you can talk about all the sex in the world and then they just get pissy.
I don't think they've ever fapped.

Seriously, that could help.
I can understand how the topic of sex can make people feel uncomfortable, but I should've explained that the "ones" I'm talking about appear to have regular outbursts against anyone whose confident enough to talk about it. It would seem that these people are reflecting psychologically in they're outbursts a bad example of where someone in they're lifes abused certain boundaries and privledges -- but I'm not going to touch on that step, as it well might be ignorance of sexual topics altogether.

So as rational as your conclusion sounded, I'm still inclined to disagree, especially when some make it a point to intentionally disturb conversations they weren't invited to.
anime nerds are annoying. game nerds are very annoying. but nerds with social problems and immature attitudes are the ones I really hate, even though I shouldn't and there's probably something wrong with them. I feel bad when I hate nerds.
I object more to your implication that every male who isn't ruled by his penis is somehow gay.

Good wording. I think after this there's definately a middle ground to be had. :cheers:
Gay people, as I understand it, can also be ruled by their penises.
nerds with social problems and immature attitudes are the ones I really hate, even though I shouldn't and there's probably something wrong with them. I feel bad when I hate nerds.

You ever wondered whether you were one of them?

You can go your whole life believing you're completely normal, and then one day you say/do/see something which makes you realise that all along, you've been one of them.

Sometimes people complain at people who believe suicide to be an option. But that's because they've only ever been on one end.
I feel a kinship with all nerds, even the icky anime ones.
I feel a kinship with all nerds, even the icky anime ones.

I don't get what everyone's problem is with anime nerds. It's not really like they're that annoying. I just find them funny, immature, and almost pity them.

But then I haven't had much exposure to these
I think it's the tentacle rape and that fact that most anime star really young boys and girls - the later of which often being dressed up in scarily sexy gear for someone who looks 8.
I think it's the tentacle rape and that fact that most anime star really young boys and girls - the later of which often being dressed up in scarily sexy gear for someone who looks 8.

Lost... you want to have sex with an 8 year old girl and get raped by tentacles...?
Dude, follow the conversation and read the words ;)
I feel a kinship with all nerds, even the icky anime ones.

I think it's the tentacle rape and that fact that most anime star really young boys and girls - the later of which often being dressed up in scarily sexy gear for someone who looks 8.

So you have a kinship with people who like tentacle rape...

Am totally lost...

Too tired...
Aaah, yeah, now sentences make sense. Words make logic. Warbie != Weird :D
Softcore sci-fi nerds are aight.

Or in the closet ones like me and a few friends, full-blown asshat sci-fi geeks piss me off to no ends, luckily you rarely find them willingly participating in social situations.

Psuedo-PC tech nerds piss me off, too... They usually have no idea what they are talking about.

Edit: Rule of thumb - I hate people in general.
I'm pretty easily annoyed but I don't particularly dislike any type of nerd, except maybe weeaboos (although I can like them too, they just have to be exceptionally cool, and not the type that likes to put "kawaii" in english sentences)
What's a weeaboo?

Also, I hate nerd girls for some reason. The ones that everyone says "HAY HOW R U" whenever they enter the chat. They're like... black holes.

I'm talking about you, Phobie.

Even if you are hot.

And cutesy with your writing.
What's a weeaboo?

Also, I hate nerd girls for some reason. The ones that everyone says "HAY HOW R U" whenever they enter the chat. They're like... black holes.

I'm talking about you, Phobie.

Even if you are hot.

And cutesy with your writing.

Oh come on, they're funny. It's just too a) ridiculous and b) cute to hate :p