What kind of pms have you got?


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
I'm bored.

Anyway, I have gotten friendly conversational ones, warnings, death threats (Really), and some PRA reports..... ect.

my favorite:
KngHenry said:
It is not official. You are being deceived. It's called reverse psychology. The original poster wants to elicit a reaction from my part, and that is not going to happen. He thinks he is making me feel better with the fan club but it is all lies. He does not like me, he just started the fan club in hopes that I would feel better about myself. Basically, he is just insulting my intelligence with his patronizing attitude. I find solace in knowing that patronizing people are all stupid and for that reason down the toilet their 'advice' goes.

But don't get me wrong, I do feel better about myself, but not because of that club. I hate to sound harsh, but if this was real life, legal action would be taken. Do me a favor and don't join that club.
Very personal thread 15357, but considering yours is from knghenry i'll show one of mine.
KngHenry said:
3.Takashi Shimura

were you able to see the pattern? And who is that person in your avatar?
Forward Message
One of the few he sent me...
Hectic Glenn said:
Very personal thread 15357,

Well, I suppose so.

People, don't post anything too personal, please.
Remember to respect people's privacy in this thread guys...
Nothing good :( Did have a good one from KngHenry, but i think i deleted it
Originally Posted by Lemonking
why aint you letting me on your MSN list?

you dont like me or something? something I said maybe?

//Im living for who I am\\

thats my nick let me in ya?
Originally Posted by Skaadi
No no, you didnt say anything. Sorry, I'll just add you.


I wonder If I was high on suger whilsed I asked her that :|
Spicy Tuna said:
Originally Posted by Lemonking
why aint you letting me on your MSN list?

you dont like me or something? something I said maybe?

//Im living for who I am\\

thats my nick let me in ya?
Originally Posted by Skaadi
No no, you didnt say anything. Sorry, I'll just add you.


I wonder If I was high on suger whilsed I asked her that :|

You're an asshole LemonKing.
Woo me!


I snet myself a PM. I am so sad =P

yes, I even misspelt sent. I am sad.
Spicy Tuna said:
Originally Posted by Lemonking
why aint you letting me on your MSN list?

you dont like me or something? something I said maybe?

//Im living for who I am\\

thats my nick let me in ya?
Originally Posted by Skaadi
No no, you didnt say anything. Sorry, I'll just add you.


I wonder If I was high on suger whilsed I asked her that :|

After reading your pm, I now have MSN.
Numbers... run, go as far as your legs will allow you and don't look back!
Ha Ha Ha!

PM said:
Originally Posted by ******
Dont tell ******.

We can overthrow him!

Get the word out to ***********, to do the same.

Ill tell ******!

God speed!
AntiAnto said:
You've created monsters!



Indeed, comrade Solaris.
duffers20 said:
Shodan said:
You did not see or hear anything about Free Munro.

Ok.... Its still kinda random. Everyone seems to have it in there sigs and I just wondered what it is.

I like that, the rest are too personal though.
Chris_D said:
Remember to respect people's privacy in this thread guys...

Chris_D said:
Get off your lazy, fat, barnacle-encrusted, blimp-size arse and do some ****ing work already! I don't care if you're busy. I don't care if you're ****ing pregnant. And I absolutely do not care if there is no news. That's no excuse, for ****'s sake just make something up! That's journalism, you cocksucker, not your 'truth' bullshit'. You think you're stressed? I'll give you stress, you ****. Truth? Don't talk to me about the ****ing truth. Let me tell you about the truth. There is no truth. There is what we write. You little...

Munro said:
Give me money


Damn you Dan Turk!
ComradeBadger said:
Tis not just staff who write for it... and I'd like you on board... I post the reviews.. try reading it :)
That was for the game review thread that was for and ever ago.

No other PMs of any significance.
Chris_D said:
Right then, Munros gone away. I'm in charge. That means you get double the work - you'll be ensuring that those asshole Lost Coast hyper nuts are quelled when it comes to release. I don't want the forums flooded with "WTF NOOBS, WY IT ONLEH 2O MINZ?"...Comprenda? Good. Otherwise, its crackdown time. You like being a mod? Thats fine, but don't expect to remain in such a position if you don't log intothe forums at least 157 times day. I hope this is clear enough Salmon you stupid ****ing fish monger. Right, having a ****ing good day. Administrator Chris_D - out.

Munro said:
Why the **** weren't you logged in at 7 this morning? I had to delete a single spam post all on my own, and I'm not having it, right? Get your lazy ass logged on and get ready to quell the spammers. Its not my place. Right, **** off.

TheDarkElf said:
Dude, go to bed and sober up ffs

I also used to get a lot of PM's complaining about my avatars. Usually along the lines of "DUDE WTF?!?!?!?!", "I hope you ****ing die, that is gross", "Holy shit, please tell me that's not really you", and the occasional strange "LOL that's so cool but seriously I hope you never have sex".
Most of my PMs are abusive messages, strangely just prior to that person getting banned.
****Intercepted PM's****

15357 said:
The chicken has left the coop, i repeat, the chicken has left the coop

Short Recoil said:
Um, so that is a go for the rebellion then?

15357 said:
No, im just tellin you the chicken has left the coop...what rebellion???

****End interception****
Your *clasified* to the *clasified* has been *clasified*.

A *clasified* is *clasified*.
We shall *clasified* *clasified*.

Put a *clasified* Like *clasified* in your *clasified* *clasified*, or be *clasified*.

Tell *clasified*, answer *clasified* *clasified*!

Do not *clasified* *clasified*, he is *clasified* a *clasified*!

*clasified* out

The rest are about people's names, the guestmap, a mod or just general chit-chat.

We must not reveal to much.

Solaris out
Solaris said:

We must not reveal to much.

Solaris out
I think you just revealed more than I did...I mean...I have...er...never seen you before in my...er...life
Rim-Fire out
Yes, it was intentional.

-End Transmission
ríomhaire said:
Your *clasified* to the *clasified* has been *clasified*.

A *clasified* is *clasified*.
We shall *clasified* *clasified*.

Put a *clasified* Like *clasified* in your *clasified* *clasified*, or be *clasified*.

Tell *clasified*, answer *clasified* *clasified*!

Do not *clasified* *clasified*, he is *clasified* a *clasified*!

*clasified* out
The rest are about people's names, the guestmap, a mod or just general chit-chat.

All those times and you didn't notice the mispelling? :p