What Language is this?


May 16, 2003
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i came across this site that is using my desktop image. The problem is its in a different language and i want to know what it says :(. anyone know what language it is or what it says.

i also tried freetranslation.com and a bunch of other sites like altavista and nothing worked. plz help me

errr heres the site Click Here!

*edit* Heres the post i made with te image Desktop Image
must be polish, "halflife2.pl" pl --> poland i think
yep looks like polish to me, though I can't really read it all too well, i think the first line is something about being teased with new images or something... I think

If their using your image without permission, give them a shout and tell them to remove it. They'll likely be someone on here who can speak it fluently who might be able to help you write something they can understand if they can't speak/read english at the site.