what made you play half life

Seeing HL1 on my cousin pc in christmas of 1998 :D
I owned halflife 1 before halflife 2 but ive never played the first one. It's because there was no installation code, just an empty blank white rectangle ),=
I bought the HL2 bronze package or whatever back when it came out, just so I could play County-Strike: Source. I tried out these other games that I had gotten later, and HL2 was one of them! Wheeeeeeeee
I was never into HL2, whenever people talked about it I was like meh. I bought the Orange Box for TF2, but I decided to see what was so great about HL2 after I bought it, and now I think its pretty cool. :)
I was never into HL2, whenever people talked about it I was like meh. I bought the Orange Box for TF2, but I decided to see what was so great about HL2 after I bought it, and now I think its pretty cool. :)

Damn righe
Pinkle: Is your signature quoted from James Sunderland of Silent Hill 2? :p Sorry for thread derailing OP, I had to ask.

Close! It's from the first one, actually, said by Harry Mason. :)
I was bored, the game was available and I had some free time to spend playing.

That's it.
Close! It's from the first one, actually, said by Harry Mason. :)
Darn! I forgot about the part where James said, "Is this thing broken?" :) I loved both SHs albeit very cheesy and identical dialogue styles in both.
I liked the original but never played it (I was 6 or so). My dad liked it but he wasn't very great at it. September last year I showed great interest into the Orange Box, after seeing many good reviews. Christmas came and I wasn't expecting much, but there was a game box wrapped up under the tree. I opened it Christmas Day, and it contained a piece of paper that read-
check your email.
So I did, and my dad had gotten me a gift Steam package of the Orange Box, and I downloaded and educated myself about Steam.

And it's awesome.
When I first picked up Half-Life 2, I'd been off video games for some time and I was totally fine with it. Then one day I somehow got to flipping around Wikipedia in search of something interesting to read and, while browsing through the entry on HL2 I became intrigued with the whole mythology of the G-Man. I watched a video of the game's intro on Youtube and instantly knew I had to play it. The way he said "smell the ashesss" just hooked me in.
his a creepy bastard heh, love the end of HL2 when he ajusts his tie lol.
I heard about Garry's Mod, and thought that sounded fun, I also had a slight interest in trying out Half Life but really didn't like PC games because I had a crappy computer, then I got a better computer, and Half Life2, then I absolutely fell in love with the game. and Now I even think with portals, if you catch my drift.;)
I adorded playing on Gmod Spacebuild at my friends house last year, then the next day I went out and bough Hl2 etc...
There was such a buzz about the 1st HL, and it was released a few days before my 15th bday! I'd not long had my own PC and I was really into gaming, but especially FPS's. I'd been reading PC Format for a few years prior and really respected their opinions about games & hardware, and they were positively wetting themselves with excitement. I'm sure when it dropped it got one of their most positive reviews, urging you to steal if it meant you could afford it!

They weren't lying, and I've been hooked ever since. Its the only gaming series I've purchased without fail on said release date.
I was about 6 or 7 years old then. I couldnt remember how I got Half Life 1 but I got it, I played til the part where you had to turn a Valve and swim and stopped there cuz it keeps giving me nightmares. I never continued it..

Soon after, I noticed Half Life 2 and bought it for my Xbox, loved it.
Then I bought Episode 1 for my Pc, but it couldnt run. ($50 wasted)
Thank god, Orange Box saved my life.

And I completed Half Life 1 when I was about 13. (6 years in the makin')
i saw it on tv and it looked awesome. this was when the game was about to be released, it was like a preview of the hottest games soon to be released. back then i was a real quake 2 fanboy, and at first i didn't want to accept the awesomeness of half-life. but i soon completely forgot quake, half-life was that good.
I played Counter-Strike with a friend at a cybercafe... Loved it... Then I thought I'd try the game it was modded off, Half-Life... Loved it even more...

The Story and the way it is presented is simply great, the characters are great too... It's an awesome game.
well you see, i don't have a life. so i thought i can get half a life back by playing Half-life.
I was reading a magazine about Half-life 2, went "ooooh" saw Half-life in stores, so bought the first one, played that for a bit then a month later Half-life 2 was out and I eventually bought that. Even though it did take me a week to decrypt it and install it properly and play it. XD
Oh the joys of the conception of Steam.
I saw a few magazine articles about it, thought "that looks cool" then quickly forgot.

Later I played the Opposing Force demo, not even realising it was Half-Life. I loved that demo. I played it over and over again. Then I forgot about it again. I used to play a lot of demos back then and then forgetting about the games themselves once I lost interest in the demo.

Then later on my brother borrowed the PS2 version of HL off a friend. Unfortunatly my brother had also stupidly loaned our memory card to someone else so I never got past Blast Pit.

Later again my brother got a pirated copy of HL off someone. We installed it and I got to, I think, Power Up and then he gave the disc back (It was a pirated copy FFS, why did the guy just not make another disc?).

Then one summer we actually bought HL anthology and wasted a lot of time that should have been spent excercising playing through all 3 games.

A few years later I was watching TV and they started talking about Half-Life 2 and I jumped for joy.
I was browsing Blockbuster for a game to rent for my Xbox then I came along a game I had never heard of or seen called Half-life 2. I got it home, played it for like 7 hours straight, finally finished it, thought it was one of the best FPS I ever played. And i've been an avid fan ever since.
I honestly cant remember what prompted me to start playing. Im fairly certain that it was the Day of Defeat beta. I know that I had been playing Day of Defeat for a long long time before I even touched Half-life.
About a year and a half ago, I picked up a copy of PC PowerPlay, and it reviewed Episode 1, and called it a masterpiece, and one of the most perfect games ever. So from that moment on, I decided to eventually get it.

Two month later, I recieved it as a birthday present, installed it, started it up, and I heard the words "Tell me do-do-doc-doc...."; I had a crap graphics card.

Half a year later, I got a better videocard, began installing it,(it was the same copy from my birthday) before Steam asked me what my account name was. I had forgotten my account name, and didn't know at the time that you could buy games over Steam.

But, two months later, I spotted Episode 1 in a store, bought it, raced home, started the 5 hour installation, then waited through the two hours of updating, and eventually played it.

Two minutes later, I had decided that was really was the greatest game ever, and I knew that that would never change(I was wrong:Orange Box)
I watched my dad play it when I was little and I played it soon after. unlike most people though, I never heard of counterstrike or any other mod. I just had fun making my own little maps. I probably played HL1 over 20 times too.
Half-Life 2 caught my eye when I was browsing the X-Box section of GameStop. Played it, but couldn't figure out what was going on, so I got the Half-Life 1 Anthology (HL, HL: Blue-Shift, HL: Opposing Force and CS). Since then... well, the rest is history.
Hi all, this is my first ever post and this seemed like a good place to start. For me it was counter strike, all my friends started playing it and I hopped on the band wagon, then my internet went down one day so I decided to give half-life a go, the rest as they say is history.
A freind gave me an illegal copy of the original and I liked it. All of my other vlave merchandise is legit!
I remember playing HL1 for the very first time at a cousin's house, a long time ago. Didn't make it very far past the Resonance Cascade. Forgot it for a while.

I got it for my PC a few years later, played it up to Office Complex where I got scared from the Vortigaunts(hey, I was a kid :p). Stopped for a while again. I did become an active Counter-Strike LAN player for a while around this time though.

I really got into HL approaching the original release date for HL2 in 2003. I finally finished the game, hanged out on various forums, but then the delay came. Again I abandoned the HL fandom for about a year.

Around the time of HL2's actual release, I finished HL1 again, got HL2 a few months later, and have been a strong fan since. I actually didn't finish HL1's expansions until after I got HL2.

So yeah, it's been a real on-and-off thing before HL2's release. Even now I disappear for a few months every once in a while when something else catches my interest.
I first played HL at my grandparent's house (my uncle had it installed on their PC), then with my dad's work mates during their lunch hour, and then I got it :D
A mate of mine told me about the fact the game had received loads of 90%+ scores in magazines so I should go out and buy it back in 1998. Good decision it was as I got to play Counter-Strike from the early beta's and It was the best gaming period in my life :P
I was bored and i'm an FPS beast so I tried it and I've been addicted to it ever since
i started with counter strike.. then i tried hl, i liked the story the gameplay and ambience. then i got through all the expansions mods and stuff of hl1 and hl2..
It was Quake, then Duke Nukem, so when Half Life came out, it was just natural to try it. Been in love ever sence....
It was the highest rated pc game in PC zone magazine, saw it for a fairly cheap price in the shop and then made the best decision of my life.
I was at my very first LAN party (in 2002) with my new friends from school, at one the guys' house. Naturally we played Counter Strike, and naturally we had to install Half Life in order to play it. I even started out on HL before even loading up CS, just to get a feel for the whole thing. When I got home it was Half Life all the way, and I eventually completed it.

Then, HL2 was an obvious instant purchase as soon as it came out, and I got the Orange Box soon after that came out to complete the saga (was a little slow with the episodes, but I'm a truly dedicated fan now).
Esben (Gazork0) showed me the trailer for Portal late last year and recommended the Orange Box. I got that for Christmas, loved Portal and thought I might as well play the rest of the Orange Box. Now I'm hooked on HL2. :D