what made you play half life

Hi! First post, hope i'll have fun here:)
The first time i played HL, and made me want to buy and play the game was the Uplink demo back in 98/99 that came with a games magazine. I was completely blown away, it was so different from the other fps of the time, i had to buy the game immediately, and that was the start of my love affair with Hal-Life :D
I first tried the HL2 demo for original Xbox and enjoyed it but never got around to buying it. My friends really liked the game and I played it at their houses and finally bought the Orange Box.
I had originally heard how ground-breaking this game was from the good guys at PC Gamer, so therefore decided to try Uplink. I found it to be a totally new experience and went and snapped up Generations straight away!
I pirated it out of boredom, loved it so much i went out and bought it along with it's expansions.
I first played Half Life in a internet cafe, place was like my second home. Then I finally bought it for the Playstation 2, loved it! Then HL2 came to the xbox, I was over the moon.
I think I've replied to this thread already, but anyway:

I was watching my dad play Opposing Force, and I'd always assist him by pressing F6 (quicksave) so I played that and the rest of the games.

In 2005, bought Half Life 2. Played through with cheats then finished the game. Lost Steam account info till summer 2006, logged in, played without cheats and then registered on Halflife2.net in November 2006.
SOme guy on my school had all the good games and talked about half-life. He talked a bit about the gman and 'a train ride' on the beginning. I played lots of games but the difference between half-life and the other games was so huge the experience was really intense. So I didn't really choose to play hl.
Yeah so im playing this new club song REALLY loud, and my 8 year old sister walks in when im on eatmyblackmeat.com
Yeah so im playing this new club song REALLY loud, and my 8 year old sister walks in when im on eatmyblackmeat.com
Nothing made me played Half-Life. I recently got a 360 and thought Portal looked winning and rented the orange box. Then after a day and a half of playing Portal before beating it I went and played HL2 and the rest and loved them. After that I bought The Orange Box I went and found a used copy of HL1 for the PS2 and loved that to.
It was about 2002 when I went over my friend's house. His entire family always loved computer games and his father recently started playing Half-Life. He bought it for his son too, and he showed it to me. I didn't understand it at first because he was showing me Half-Life and then switched to different mods like PVK and The Specialists. At first I thought Half-Life was just the name of a program that came with a bunch of different games so a few days later I bought it. I was slightly disappointed that there was only one game and I only played Half-Life once through and never touched it again... until HL2 came out. Then my life changed.
I went to Alberta for a week or so and my friend's brother was playing CS 1.6. I loved the game so much that I had to buy HL1. So I searched everywhere but I couldn't find it. I thought I was out of luck but, my mom's boyfriend's son had HL1 (the "orange" box one). In the end I got it and I was like "LOL WTF IS HL!?". I then played it and fell in love, then had to wait until 2007 to play the rest of the series because I have such a shitty computer... <3 360.
Tried out Sven Co-op at a friends house in Malaysia once, He was also making maps so we played around abit. Came back to Singapore and got the game.
I first fell in love with the half life series when i found an orange case with a guy that had like power armor on or something (i was 5 years old at the time). I asked my dad "Hey dad what is this?" "Thats a game i got yesterday, came out a month ago" my dad then went on explaining that it was a "First Person Shooter/ Puzzle game, with zombies and aliens.." and thats about as far as my dad got before i was upstairs playing it on my computer.

And the rest is pretty much history :cheers:.
I saw the Orange Box on sale for ?19 and I had ?20 spare, 5 games in one, seemed like a deal.

It was.
My mate bought the PS2 version of Half Life 1 something like four years ago and we took a go at it, taking turns of a life each. We enjoyed it hugely and i was pleased especially because i managed to kill the Nihilanth. Then we tried decay mode and that made the experience even better. I later got the pc version with the expansion packs and was hooked.
since seeing my brother fight a headcrab at the age of 5 ive been hooked
Went round a friends who'd just got HL2, I liked it and finally having a computer which worked properly I wanted some games so i got HL2, then ep1, ep2, orange box, then original HL with Blues Shift and Opposing Forces. Now I'm here.
hey guys new user here, bought the orange box for ps3, because ive never had a good pc for gaming. heard so much good stuff about half life 2. I beat half life 2, which i have to say is now one of my favorite games of all time (only behind the metal gear solid series for me). I loved the atmosphere, it was so different from anything i have seen on consoles. After half life 2 i beat portal, really good game but i like half life better. Now i just finished episode 1. I liked it, but i kind of felt the same as half life 2, still really good. Havent started episode 2,(taking a break to play gta4), also waiting to play episode 2 will probably make it more fresh.
My friend kept ranting about it. Tried the Hl2 demo. I'm live,breath, bleed, and see HL2 now.
I thought the idea of a scientist kicking ass was sexy. Yeah, that's right. Gordon Freeman is one sexy pack of pixels.

Also, I lurve me some aliens.
was bored and looking for something new to play... picked up HL2... since then its been my all time favorite.

previously my all time fav was halo 1 >.<
I saw it in my first ever issue of PC Games Addict, sadly it took a backseat to the article on STALKER (which I also now love). When I read the review a few months later, I got really excited about the Gravity Gun and advanced AI so I gave the demo disk a try. Was hooked from there on in.
Can't exactly remember, probably something to do with my cousin being an FPS maniac and playing CS:S and DoD:S. Eventually i ended up buying them in an individual package that didn't include half life 2 (this was around 2005).

I played CS and DoD for ages and then for some reason i remember having a massive urge to buy HL2. It was a Friday, and i remember installing the game, waiting for it to update, and being hooked on it from the title screen, because people moved around!.

I stayed up until about 2 AM playing it and then realised i had to get up at 8 the next day. The day after i couldn't think of anything other than HL2.

To this day, however, only one of my friends has truly appreciated Half Life, which sucks for me.
I played hl on my pc ages a few years after it was released...loved it even though it scared the crap outta me
I wanted to try a game to see why my son & his Dad loved it so much. My son hooked me up with a Steam account & HL2. I quickly became hooked & have completed HL2 a couple times or so & played several co ops & mods.

I got Orange Box & completed the Episodes but always had questions about the story line. My son kept telling me I needed to play HL1 to see how it all started. He bought me Half Life Anthology for Mothers Day & I am now playing HL1. I'm stuck "On a Rail" & came to HL2.net in hopes of finding help!
I was played games when I was a kid, and pretty much stopped after Duke 3d, which I loved. Played the demo for Quake and thought it sucked and stopped gaming for the most part. I've still never touched a Quake game again. Anyways, in high-school, a friend suggested I check out the E3 videos for Half-life 2. I did and was impressed, so I got and beat all the original Half-life games while waiting for HL2 to come out.
Played HL1 on the PS2. Right up until... the first time you see a headcrab (I was like 6 or so I think). Eventually got rid of it, then saw The Orange Box on the shelves.

I thought 'Hell yes'.
I was bored and had money and I was in a GAME store at the time, and I didn't want anything in particular, all very fortunate circumstances for buying it.
it was cool, everyone was doing it

Just like sex, drugs, and rock & roll kid, huh?


Ohh, you think you're a big man, experimenting with all theses new sorts of things.

But guess what?

You're not.

(sarcasm metre(here, we spell metre like "metre"(no, seriously, we do)) at 11/10)
My dad, when I was ten, was talking about this AMAZING game called Half Life and how he'd got all the expantions for it. He gave it to me and I completed Half Life 1, Opposing Forces (My favourite), and Blue Shift in the space of 16 hours.
My dad, when I was ten, was talking about this AMAZING game called Half Life and how he'd got all the expantions for it. He gave it to me and I completed Half Life 1, Opposing Forces (My favourite), and Blue Shift in the space of 16 hours.

Quite an achievement. What about Half Life 2?
My dad, when I was ten, was talking about this AMAZING game called Half Life and how he'd got all the expantions for it. He gave it to me and I completed Half Life 1, Opposing Forces (My favourite), and Blue Shift in the space of 16 hours.

I call bull$hit!
My Dad's new woman in south carolina had a son that had his own room full of super computers, and he was playing counter strike, and i asked him if there were any single player versions, and he let me play half-life, and i never turned back. :P
I played HL1 because my bezt friend loved it. I only like it a little bit. HL2 came out for the xbox and I got it and LOVED IT.

Been hooked ever since. Can't wait for ep3. Also can't wait to see how the story will continue after ep3