What made you say "cool" in HL2


Nov 25, 2004
Reaction score
Valve have a brilliant imagination look at what they created in the HL2 universe. Combine using Headcrabs as bioweapons (Very cool). Striders crap to fight to watch amazing. The Magnet! if you do not know what this is just you wait :p. Antlion Pheremones controlling them is so much fun. The gunships and the RPG and having to use the lasersight.

What did you Think was "cool" in Half-life 2.
What made me say 'cool' the first time was seeing a strider impaling one of my teammates. Made me laugh so hard.
ii think i said cool when i first swung that gigantic crane into a bunch of combines...
the first time i steped out into the plaza and saw the citadel, i was taken back by the sheer magnitude of it.

now i just pot shot it lol
Overwatch said:
They are no slaves! Don't you dare insult the vortigaunts! :flame:

you see, I could not spell their name correcly, so I chose the alternitive. May I burn in hell!
Dog and whenever I hear a lot explosions followed by a huge structure either falling down or just blowing up.
Picking up those seemingly unmovable massive cargo containers with the crane and sweeping it across a group of soldiers and sending them flying.
petey said:
Dog's sequence at the start of Anti-Citizen One.
I saw this sequence for the third, maybe fourth time... Pure gold every single time. Seriously, I'm pretty sure it's the best scripted action sequence i've ever seen. From the moment that dog throws that car to the point that he goes one on one with the dropship, I was laughing my head off: and that was after seeing it twice, maybe three times already :)
I loved the part that the crow see us, fly away and get caught by a barlogue! Awsome scripted scene!
First time I played the game through, I'd managed to keep one of my resistance fighters alive for ages, right through all the big city battles right up to the final building when you're told to get to the horse.

Fighting through the underground carpark, the ruins, up the stairs, I ran across the rooftops. I glanced back and saw this resistance fighter running after me. Looking forward again, I crouched at a rooftop wall as I saw a strider facing my direction and... BOOM... the strider fired its main gun.

I glanced back again to the resistance fighter and she was gone, the area she was running across was gone and several floors of the building beneath and around were gone. Half the building just wasn't there anymore.

Totally amazing moment, like something from a film.
The part when you're driving the airboat and rockets come flying at you and send abandoned cars flying around, that was awesome. And when they knock over a huge smoke stack to try and stop you. And many, many other scenes in the game.
When the combines dropped from the cealing in the tunnels
Did anyone else at the begining of Anti-Citizen One actualy stupidly rush at the combine standing in the small room, then turn around just in time to see Dog toss the APC right at you, thus pinning you between the APC and the wall?

I laughed so hard, I was like "WTF DOG, THANKS ALOT YOU F**KNUT!"

This also happened when I was a bit too slow, and stepped out infront of the APC and got pinned between Dog and the APC on the front. I felt like a 2 cent ho :(

A big 'ole bowl of eeeeeeverythin'!
Other than that, walking into the big food dispensing hall and seeing the light drop onto the floor in rays from the windows, the first look at City 17 with the citadel looming in the distance, the first strider passing by, the teleport sequence in Kleiner's lab, especially Dr Breen and the icthysaur, the citadel going to full alert and...

Gosh darnit, just plain almost everything!
When a Combine shoved me in the train station, that was the first time I said cool.

The crane ('magnet') was great. I remember picking up one of the cargo holds and sweeping the dock with it, taking out several Combine soldiers. I laughed with glee :)
it was when Eli says to Alyx, " there is nothing Gordon can't handle, well, maybe except you".... and then Eli winks :naughty: at Gordon...
Alix Mcdean said:
Did anyone else at the begining of Anti-Citizen One actualy stupidly rush at the combine standing in the small room, then turn around just in time to see Dog toss the APC right at you, thus pinning you between the APC and the wall?

I laughed so hard, I was like "WTF DOG, THANKS ALOT YOU F**KNUT!"

This also happened when I was a bit too slow, and stepped out infront of the APC and got pinned between Dog and the APC on the front. I felt like a 2 cent ho :(

hehehe, yep. The first time, I ran forward, shot all of them, then turned to the other side to shoot some more only to see a friggin APC flying through the air at me. I had to pause so that I could get my laughter under control.
The first sight of the citadel; picking up my first few objects; getting my hands on a magnum; playing around with the grav gun for the first time; witnessing striders at their most potent; the coast level in it's entirety.......

Actually cool just sums this game up. :smoking:
the first time i said cool was when i found out they were makin Half Life 2 :D lol
the first time i said cooooooooooooooooooooooool was when you on the highway and u gotta cross that train bridge and the trains comin in da oposite direction and i didnt make it, i went flying and landed in the water lol
Metrocops flatlining. I still love that, it just adds so much to the atmosphere of the City, and seems to make the fighting against them a little more visceral and intense.
And blowing a combine grunt out of a window on Highway 17 straight onto a railing, then watched him hang there, slide slowly backwards and fall off into the big blue.
come on, how could you all forget?

when you see the bottum of the citidel? that part was the best by far....

(before you go into it, your on an underground cliff, it looks really cool)
oh, I forgot that time when I shotgunned a combine's grenade in Anticitizen One. He threw it down in an arc at me, I shot it and It flew back in his face and exploded :)
I always thought it was cool when the big black pillars of the combine barricades would lift up, move forward and come crashing down.

But the cooooolest part of the game for me would be bottom of the citadel, as reaperman mentioned. I must have stared at that awesome site for 10 whole minutes, before finally entering.
I said cool all over the game, but a part i really like was taking out a group of combine with the blue manipulator. Also throwing combine into the enery things where they go into slow motion and dissapear
kupoartist said:
oh, I forgot that time when I shotgunned a combine's grenade in Anticitizen One. He threw it down in an arc at me, I shot it and It flew back in his face and exploded :)

Even more fun: Just pick up the grenade and throw it back =P
The grav gun is nice for that too.
"Pick up that can."

"Now, put it in the trash can"

That was just an incredible scene. I loved it so much; it just set the mood so well for the rest of the game. Well, it would have been better if I didn't just pick it up and throw it at his head, resulting in a severe beating in the corner :D
I love the cannisters...It hit some dude in nuts bounced off a wall and then whizzed off and came from above killing him by smashing his head...he did like 2 backflips...I was like ROFL. That was a wow moment.
Seeing the swarms of scanners leaving the citadel (about the time you get the crowbar from Barney). Leading the antlions for the first time on the beach. The "thumpers" on the beach (made me think of Dune). Getting to use the portable turrets. Tossing combine into the "vertical liquid" (the name given to it in the SDK) energy fields in the citadel. Dog, of course. The little hula dancer on the table in Klieners lab. Playing with the swings and seesaw (and the very very subtle sounds of children when you interacted with the playground items). Picking up a cinder block and throwing a bottle for the first time. Realizing that you could pick up and stack tons of stuff - you could take time out and build yourself a little fort if you so desired. Being jumped on by a flaming headcrab. Tossing energy balls around. I could go on....