What made you say "cool" in HL2

whenever your in the citadel and you fall into that confiscation machine and it takes all your weapons. I fell into it and all of the sudden my weapons were gone, I was actually like "noooooooo!!!" in real life, and then I saw the manipulator just sitting there glowing with a strange energy and I was like "you can't take my grav gun bitches!" and then I saw combine coming so I hid behind a wall. Then I heard the foosteps and I stepped out in front of them and I just thought maybe I would be able to steal their guns with the physcannon, but instead I picked the entire combine up!
the openeing scene, with the bench and the combine walking around and the flashy thing...flashing...so sweet. Then when i stepped outside, i think i gasped. The gman siting got me pretty excited, and dog was definitly sweet, the 1st time..i didn't see him doing anything because i assumed he wouldnt. But then when a car came flying by me and crashed into that building...i felt left out.
on the level where the dropship comes down when you have the buggy, near the oil tanker in the road. i went to shoot one of the dudes with the crossbow, and as i sidestepped in zoom, i hit the edge of a tree with a bolt, i thought it was wasted, but it pinged off and hit the dude behind him in the face. classic! oh and a combine grenading himself, and spawning antlion guards and getting in the buggy...he barges you miles...so funny!
The first time using the rocket launcher, I spent a lot of time near the ammo crate just firing and guiding it around.
What really got me excited was when Steam read 98% unlocking HL2 files.
Finally getting to play it. Then I said cool about a thousand more times. ;)
There are so many times I was amazed I can't even begin to recount them. When I first saw the scene in Dr. Kliener's lab I was amazed by how... movie-like and well scripted it all seemed. Walking outside the trainstation for the first time. Breaking my first bottle and marveling at how it shatters into shards. The huge bridge, and when it starts to shake. Playing catch with Dog. The first strider. The ride into the citadel.

But most of all, the ending. I was completely immersed in what was going on -
I felt like I had to run for my life to catch up with Breen or all would be lost.
I was so absorbed, in fact, that the ending completely blew my mind - I just sat there staring, but had enough sense to take a cool screenshot to use as my monitor.

And then, Valve, being the geniuses that they are, had the sense to throw in
a lighthearted lamarr reference at the end.
Genius, I tell you, GENIUS!
Narcolepsy said:
And then, Valve, being the geniuses that they are, had the sense to throw in
a lighthearted lamarr reference at the end.
Genius, I tell you, GENIUS!

You actually read the credits?
KagePrototype said:
That huge chimney falling onto the canals in Water Hazard. :D

A lot of people seem to forget that bit, I was amazed when I saw it! :eek:
Zeus said:
You actually read the credits?
No, but I did passively watch them (I was staring, remember?)
And then Lamarr jumped out.
When i saw DOG catching the boxes i trew at it!

it was freaking amazing how it would catch them.
my favoryte character: Dog!
* Obviously spoilers below *

Every second of the game was just amazing. And trying to stay away from all the common answers (opening scene, scenes with Lamarr, Striders, Organic Manipulator etc.) one part that I really enjoyed was this;

After your little talk with Breen, Eli, and Alyx and you're chasing after Breen, Alyx gets you to go into an elevator so you can continue your chase.

Anyways, your looking out from the elevator and she comes over to the glass, and says something along the lines of "Do your worst Gordon, but... *she puts her hands on the glass* be careful.. *Que badass music and elevator immediately starts descending*" (I'm pretty sure this isn't exactly what was said but you get the idea)

That moment made me feel so important I just want to play it over and over again.
Hey hey ppl lets not forget ravenholm... ;)
There are 1000's of cool things. I dont know what's better than what. This is the best game I ever played, and I keep telling this to ppl.

What I didnt like is to get stuck in a narrow hallway with 4 rebel soldiers that kept comming back 10 seconds after they were ordered to go somewhere else. That was the only thing i didn't say cool about.
Ah yes, how can we forget about the fast zombies leaping from roof to roof or cutting zombies in half with sawblades.
A lot of the airboat sequence for me
-The huge chimney coming down and crashing while you're rushing for it (and then breaking!!)
-Fighting (and dodging!) the helicopter
-Evading the copter's mines
-That one APC blowing rockets around in front of you blowing cars and wood everywhere.

One time when I shot and killed a fast zombie just as it jumped at me, and it tumbled right by me in the air. That gas-powered slicer cart with a bungee cord did it. The sequence in and around the "old building" in C17 (up to and including fighting the striders).
Early in the game I tossed some junk at a row of barnicles and they ate it. Then I got the :thumbs: idea to toss an explosive barrel at the barnicles... *boom*... the barnicles all died. That's when I knew HL2 was *my* kind of game!
I liked the part in Ravenholm with the blade trap that... malfunctions when you're surrounded. And how my second time playing through, I threw it at a wall, it bounced off and cut me in half cuz I ran towards it. LOL. Also, throwing explosive barrels at the fast zombies as they leaped at me from the distant roof, and watching them ragdoll in pieces on the street below... actually, there were two leaping... the first one got blown into two pieces, the legs going one way, and the torso smacking into the ledge at my feet and bouncing off, while Gregori shotgunned the other fast zombie in the head, saving my butt at the last freakin second. It was like some tense moment from an action movie, but it cracked me up. And they say the A.I wasn't impressive. Pssh!
When Barney threw the crowbar toward me for the first time. "****ING COOL TIME FOR THE DELIVERANCE OF RAPE" i said to myself.

Seeing that massive cylinder thing come crashing down as i was pwning over water in the airboat.

When i was playing chicken with a train coming at me.

A lot of cool ragdoll moments. When the fast zombies were climbing polls to get me i was just looking down shotgunning them off. Cool i said.

Numerous other moments...too many to count really. God i love this game.
cooles moments for me:

1. going down the tunnels with my water-buggy and quickly seeing the G-Man standing at the ledge and then not die when i shot at him as he walked away....

2. seeing the G-Man on the TV in that one bombed out room and then the TV mysteriously turns off...

3. watching the head-crabbed zombies walk to me and then get picked off one-by-one by that sniper.

4. watching a barrel explode and send another burning barrel into me, just for me to laugh and cry at the same time cuz it was so cool but now i gotta load again.

5. everytime one of them uber-zombies runs at you @ 140mph in a dark alley screaming and scaring dinner outta you.

6. when your in that dark tunnel behind the bullet proof glass and then the head-crab zombie bangs on the glass out of madness of not being able to touch me.

7. seeing that one civilian rebel run across the overhead bridge and then a rocket flying at him from below, blowing him off the bridge and watching the ragdoll physics at work as he flies towards the wall and bounces besides me.

8. getting sick of using the gravity gun on the coast level and just running for it as them bugs spawn like ants behind you.

9. having the civilian rebels follow you in broken-city17 in the sniper section, and when they follow you as you sprint to safe spots, only they would walk, and then watching the blue-laser land on theire faces and blow them 10 ft back.

10.. last but not least, writing all these cool things ive seen and i havent even finished the game yet.

how far am i percentage wise? (im at the part just after saving Barney on the rooftop from the snipers)
Mr-Fusion said:
When Barney threw the crowbar toward me for the first time. "****ING COOL TIME FOR THE DELIVERANCE OF RAPE" i said to myself.

Seeing that massive cylinder thing come crashing down as i was pwning over water in the airboat.

When i was playing chicken with a train coming at me.

A lot of cool ragdoll moments. When the fast zombies were climbing polls to get me i was just looking down shotgunning them off. Cool i said.

Numerous other moments...too many to count really. God i love this game.

Yeah, I did the same stuff. When Barney game me the crowbar, I just let him drop it, I didn't try to catch it. It made the coolest clanging sound once it hit the ground. Then I thought "It's time to kick some ass." The, I walked over to the fence with the pieces of wood on it and hit it, amazed at the great physics.

Bring on Half-Life 3! And don't stop there, stop at Half-Life 999.

how far am i percentage wise? (im at the part just after saving Barney on the rooftop from the snipers)

Probably 75-80% done more or less.
The ENTIRE game, some that come to mind :

The characters/voice acting/scripted sequences (esp. black mesa east and the citadel)

The combines fused machinery/biological weaponry (strider, gunship)

Open areas + vehicles/large areas of combat and variety (ie. not endless cramped ****ing corridoors like d3)

Pace of the game, how the story progressed, and even tho it was a ****, the ending, cos now i want MORE!!!!

I thought everything was cool :E
Psychanalysis05% said:
Even more fun: Just pick up the grenade and throw it back =P
The grav gun is nice for that too.
No No No! Doing this was not "cool" because we all saw it in the E3 videos and just about everyone has figured it out. The best bits of HL2 were those that still suprised me... having Grenades as fully functional physical devices was just amazing when you can pull off stunts with them, with any old weapon :)
After watching the G-man so much in the binks and being amazed, it was a 'cool' moment when i saw him rendered, with my graphics card, in real time, up close on my monitor. Just wow.

When Barney takes his mask off and says "So how about that beer i owe you?"... that was a great moment, such a relief and i was so happy to see ol' Barney again. I knew i was safe :D

Killing the first combine and hearing the flatlining... another great feeling moment, and all the headshots.
When G-Man first appears full screen in the beginning I knew I was in for a real treat. He looked so real.
when the combine police dude asked me to pick up the can, and throw it in the trash can, and then started laughing at me ... I was like COOL, TEH BEST GAME EVER!
When I met the first resistance girl (after DOG throws the cars and stuff) and she said, "Sometimes, I dream about cheese." :LOL:

And the rides in the Stalker carriers in the Citadel.
lamarr jumping up and eating a bird when u are stuck in the temporary harmonic replux :stare:
I thought it was cool when Hl2 actually worked on my PC then it was uncool when it crashed about a minute after.
Anyways, your looking out from the elevator and she comes over to the glass, and says something along the lines of "Do your worst Gordon, but... *she puts her hands on the glass* be careful.. *Que badass music and elevator immediately starts descending*" (I'm pretty sure this isn't exactly what was said but you get the idea)
Yes! YES!
I think that was the coolest part of the game right there.
the scene on the building where you have to save barney from snipers
they'll take out your allies, shoot any crows you rile up, and if you take cover they'll knock over filing cabinets and stuff
so awesome :D
MiccyNarc said:
Yes! YES!
I think that was the coolest part of the game right there.

Yea, that whole sequence with Alyx near the end of the game just made me realize how awesome the voice acting and facial animations actually are.

Simply amazing.
Helicopter dual
Hundreds upon hundreds of mines detonating simultaneously* all around you
z-680's w/ sound/bass cranked up
nuff said