What made you say "cool" in HL2

I was pretty impressed when coming out of the train station, right at the start. It seemed like a city scene anywhere!

Then that girl in the pipe... I love her! I stayed looking at her for ages... and she didn't seem to mind either. I think her and Freeman might have something going there! - I mean, most women would say:
"What are YOU looking at!? Go! Get out of here!"
... or something. Not her.
I bet she was secretly enjoying it! It was in her eyes!

o, and on the coast, where the guy is up on the magnet crane, shooting down at you. I was hiding behind a garbage can and he was aiming at the garbage can. An antlion popped out of the ground, and he turned around and unloaded on it from his perch. I sprinted under the magnet and up the ladder, and when i got back to the top, he had killed the antlion and was watching the garbage can again. Since he hadn't seen me run he thought I was still there. I snuck up behind him, shottied him in the back, and he flipped over the railing but his had got stuck so he just hung there. I helped him out of course :naughty:
All those moments are awesome, but the one that really made me bar up like a champ was when I put on the hazard suit - and that twin peaks like music starts....and you see Gordon's hand clenching his fist...I just sat back and thought 'This is just too cool'.
Dog, every part that dog was in I was like... "WOW".... Especially during Anti-Citizen when dog just went nuts and killed everything.... The Citadel was amazing too.
Ok just playing through again.

When you first see the childrens play equipment you can hear the echoes of children laughing and playing.

Eery and cool. Valve rock.
How about this. You probably never saw this before. Barnacle eating a zombie. I waited for them so they would walk into that one. :D
m00b said:
How about this. You probably never saw this before. Barnacle eating a zombie. I waited for them so they would walk into that one. :D

Nice :E
dont you just love when they suck the bones, and just spit it out :)
Kaboomenstein said:
Helicopter dual
Hundreds upon hundreds of mines detonating simultaneously* all around you
z-680's w/ sound/bass cranked up
nuff said

OMFG I have Z-680 too!!! isn't this game makes you say "thank you me!!" for buying them?! :D
About three minutes ago was the most recent one. Going through my screenshots, out of the corner of one I just noticed that the door you originally see being guarded in City 17 by two metrocops [the building that's being raided] is later walled off when you go back there again. That made me think 'wow, cool', that the combine would wall off the building after they've raided it and found it to be filled with rebels. They've obviously been doing some cleansing. :eek: Poor freedom fighters..
Ok this wasnt the first time I thought "that was so cool" but it was one of many, alot of which have been covered already in this thread, but anyway It was on ravenholme, I had just entered a new area, and took a few steps forward(I was kinda high at the time so my concentration wasnt the best :rolling: ) but I remember jumping as 4 or 5 zombies came shuffling towards me, so I backed off and was in the process of choosing which weapon to let rip with when I noticed a lever to my left, instinctively and also in a slight panic I pulled it whilst retreating....BAM!! a car dropped down and squashed 3 or 4 of them...awesome. The sounds when it squished them made it all the more sweet and realistic. :E That was one of the many! times I paused the game sat back and thought to myself..holy sh*t this game is amazing it totally lives up to my expectation, with a big grin of satisfaction on my face. The little touches of realism is what make this game so damn good and sets HL2 apart from the other FPS' on the market, valve truly are the masters of their craft. :thumbs:
The bioweapon headcrabs was smart, and pretty awesome.

I liked the way the RPG follows your target. This was in HL1, but now, even if it passes behind your target, if you manage to get the laser back on your target, it'll go back to that spot. Pretty realistic, AND helpful against the gunships.

The secondary fire on the combine rifle was amazing.

And the simple, yet effective controls for the antlions and the civilians was great. Tap C/alt fire on the spore to recall your group, point to an area and press C/Primary fire on the spore to call your troop to another location, and using that on a person to attack. Really simple, easy, and effective.
The 'in-game' main menu.

Walking through Ravenholm with a giant sawblade clutched in my gravity gun. And using it over and over and over...

Alyx. Especially when you first meet her and she vaults over the railing.

Dog. Playing catch was fun.
When you wake up in Point Insertion with Alyx above you. What a sight to wake up to!
In the level where you get the buggie, I disabled the A.I. filled the beach with combines and zombies (I mean filled, no free space left.) And watch the antlions, combine, and zombies duke it out. :afro: Seeing the combine soldiers fly is so funny, I can't help but watch it again and again. Making them hood ordaments with the buggy is amusing as well.
The whole game made me go: "cool", but the coolest by far was the citadel level. That blue grav gun, those scenes where you could see everything from your little coffin thingy. Really cool.

The strider was cool too, and some stuff in ravenholme, and the beggining of the game.
The end of Entanglement. It felt like a scene straight out of Star Wars.
Figuring out that I actually had to jump into one of the pods in Our Benefactors made me literally flip out. I thought it was the coolest thing in the world. And just when I thought I got enough of it, I got the super gravity gun, and I started flipping out again. I felt like a god.
The part when you're walking under the bridge. Every time I cross the Mississippi River Bridge, I wonder what it would be like to walk on the struts under it. Now I know.
Seeing the resistance member get blown off the small board bridge by a rocket in City17.

The thing dropped down, the lady ran across then WHAM--landed right in front of me.

When the guards kicked down the door to the apartment that sounded so real.
"If you see Dr. Breen, tell him I say f--k you!" :LOL:
That was great, I've never thought Barney is capable of swearing.

And, also the Striders battle at the courtyard. Boy.. that is so cool and sooo fun.

But, as some people said, the place where I literally stop in awe was the Citadel Cliff. It was awesome, Doom3 engine can dream of making such an awesome scene :afro:
There is a way to get the blue gravity gun on anyother levels, which made me say whee!
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
The part when you're walking under the bridge. Every time I cross the Mississippi River Bridge, I wonder what it would be like to walk on the struts under it. Now I know.

That was my favorite part too!! When you first step out on the strut the music starts and I was thinking, "Wow, this is a really cool game!!" Then I fell off :)
ya I agree, DOG had some seriously good animation. When I first saw him come running up to Alyx, I noticed how detailed his movement was and I definatly appreciate the work someone put in to do that.

Generally I can't wait to get that part of the game overwith but I always pay attention to the way DOG moves.

P.S. I never made a post about animation in a video game :cheers:
when i was playing the part after ravenholm, how there is still a few zombies around, i was at the part where there was cars sinking into the toxic water, and you had to climb cars to cars and zombies would come out of the toxic water, one zombie came up, and a barrel was near him, and he threw it at me, and luckly i was playing with slowmo, so i saw it comming at me, so i got my shotgun, then i shot it back at him, then it hit the zombie, and he fell back into the toxic water, and made the splash sound, looking at the moniter for a few secs, then realizing what i just did, i was like, cool...... and everytime dog came out, i was like, cool! also, when father greg is surrounded, i felt so bad, and the sad song was on.
When Alyx said "be careful" softly, (i wont say which part) then this rocking techno-bass music played. It actually got my adrenaline up.
the ride through the citadel, awesome and some of the best eye-candy in the game
The part when Dr. Breen makes a futile attempt at persuading you to join his side.

Actually, the whole ending sequence was cool.

Strike that, make it the whole game!

The water also made me gasp when I first saw it. :cheers:
every scripted part of the game made me say cool. all the animations, sequences, everything was perfect.
The thing that made me go wow at first was, G-man at the start. And then the Boat chase (i havnt got that far as i play cs all the time)
It wasn't the first time I said cool aloud, but when you see the resistance fighters pulling down the tv screen. It made everything seem more believable.
In the trainstation... when I was throwing rubbish at the police and they chased me! That was just so cool. My inane giggling kinda ruined the start of the game tho :D

And when you meet Alyx for the first time.. and Lamarr... and get the Hazard Suit. I loved that :E oooh, oooh, and when Barney gives you the crowbar... the whole running through trains part was amazing... eh, I loved it all
During Waterhazard, sound up, headphones on, the running battle in your gun rigged boat, against the bomb cascading helicoptor, and witnessing the gunner fall dead from the chopper right in front of my boat. Perfect music for that sequence also. . . . "cool"
I think the bit that just made me smile and realise what an awesome game I was playing was the part when you go into the appartment building and see the Combine entering out the window.

The bit that made me say cool was the part when I pulled the stocks out from under the APC powering the gate and seeing it slowly roll off the cliff.

The bit that made me laugh out loud for about 10 minutes was the bungie mine-car. I think most people forget about that bit.
Hmm... in the chapter were you will return to City 17 and you fight combines 20 to 5. It feels like WW2 and the battles are awesome with the striders!!! cool!
The first thing to make me say cool was when i noticed my PC actually had do do something to play a game (graphics). but the first game play thing as the mini-teleporter in "A Red Letter Day."