What make of card will you play HL2 on?

What Card you gonna use for HL2

  • ATI - newer card (XT)

    Votes: 46 41.1%
  • ATI - older card

    Votes: 36 32.1%
  • NVIDIA - newer card (FX)

    Votes: 9 8.0%
  • NVIDIA - older card

    Votes: 19 17.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 1.8%

  • Total voters


Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
What card do you plan to be playing the game on? Just outta curiosity.

The 9600XT I am buying just after Christmas.

The price tag is what originally interested me (here in Australia, the approximate price I am hearing is around $300 AUD.

The bundled Half Life 2 is what sold the deal. The game would cost me $100 regardless, so that means the card is only like $200.

I was originally planning to get a GeForce 4 Ti, but I'm doing better value for money with ATI.

Until now I have always been loyal to NVIDIA. I have owned a TNT2, a GeForce 2 MX400, and a Geforce 4 MX440. I am now converted.

I only fear that 12 months down the line, the exact opposite will be happening....that ATI will suck and NVIDIA will rule.

Anyone else been converted this way?

(wasn't sure if this belonged in the tech section or here... sorry if I got it wrong)
converted... lol... video cards aren't religions, unless you REALLY DO worship them, LOL

"Dear 5900FX, i thank you for your graphics you brought to me from your grace, and i pray that you will guide me in playing Half-life 2 with full settings at high, Amen"
saying everything under the XT is abit dumb, really... sorry but the 9000's are not old.

Im useing a 128 radeon 9600, might get an XT, though I doubt it
Well, i'm not buying a card for Half Life 2 since I don't think its really that graphically intense, i'm buying a card for gaming in general and it will be one of the future NV cards.
Hopefully i'll have a Gigacube Radeon 9600 Pro 256mb by the time HL2 comes out
I didn't mean by "newer card" only the FX's and XT's. I was listing them as examples.... sorry for misunderstandings.
I chose older card because I thought you meant just XT but I'll be playing HL2 with a ATI Radeon 9800. That's the card I have right now. But if HL2 is delayed till 2004 and a better card comes out and I have the money, I'll buy that. Until then, 9800.
I voted ATI - newer card (XT).
Although it's a 9800 PRO.. is that old?
Originally posted by Lifthz
Well, i'm not buying a card for Half Life 2 since I don't think its really that graphically intense, i'm buying a card for gaming in general and it will be one of the future NV cards.

its one of the most graphically intense games ive seen to date.........what the hell are you smoking.....
HL2 has very high polly models, a lot of shaders and large detailed textures...
Add all of the DX9 elements in as well. That is graphicly intense.
Because it has normal brick walls and wood planks doesnt mean it isnt graphicly intense.
HL2 is heavy on the DX9 side though. That's why GF4 cards are able to perform like they can (DX8!) while poor FX slides (even with 52s).
The bink videos were in DX8 correct? (besides source_hdr02)
<-ATI 9800Pro 128MB
GF4 Ti4200 64MB here, I don't even need all the eye candy, DirectX 8 can provide enough.
Hehe the today's "I think this game is very high-poly!11" trend forgets the Fenric's Normal maps which can make a very low poly model to look like very high-poly model.
Stalker doesn't look all that graphically advanced to me, it may have a huge amount of geometric detail or whatever but Stalker won't be anything compared to Half-Life 2's gameplay and story. Not to mention in the physics department (I know im stating the obvious).
I picked up an AIW 9800 pro mostly for half-life. But i'm enjoying the hell out of it with all the special features, and cool toys that came with it, even without a game that really pushes the card.

And GTA:VC looks awesome on it.
Well in my case I can not vote. The reason is, The game will be released Apr04, and in that peroid R420 and NV40 will be released and I ve been told that these cards are three times the power of current cards. we still need to see that off course. :cool: :bounce:
For when ever HL2 comes out i will be getting the best card on the market prolly 9800 xt
I will be waiting until I am almost certain the game is soon to be released, like when it goes gold. At that point my computer is into the shop, and I will be buying the best card on the market within my budget. This is the only good thing about a delay......more time to expand my budget =)
Originally posted by EvilEwok
hl2 isnt graphically intense at all, infact its rather average looking. Average for todays games, but not tomarrows. It cant compare graphically to Stalker, for example(and then there is the King of them all).

Yea, hl2 has a few neat looking graphical gimmicks, such as the water, but so does every other game.

Well....its nothing but a matter of opinion then.......becuase to me doom3 looks like crap.

I dont know why people think it looks better than hl2.......

Your comparing to games that dont really look that great......have you even seen the movies and screenshots from HL2?

stalker?! .....yeah....doom3 mabey....thats a matter of taste....but saying stalker looks better pretty much screws your credibility
For now a GF4Ti4400, in the new year whatever the best card is at the time.

Stalker does look great, but imho a little cartoony (just a little). And the physics look crap. The ragdoll effects look poo and so does the driving model.

Half life 2 (beta) looks a litle bland (compared to what i think the final release will look like) at the moment, but in the areas that do genuinely look finished its beautiful. Just the rest of the world needs fleshing out a bit.
crabcakes66, noooooo.

DOOM3 ain't crap!!

Have you ever made a comparison between the two /rank.
I give HL2 graphics comparing to d3 9* out of 10* whereas d3 is exactly 10*.

there are many technology to talk about that d3 has while hl2 don't. :cheers:
Originally posted by bamdth47
For now a GF4Ti4400, in the new year whatever the best card is at the time.

Stalker does look great, but imho a little cartoony (just a little). And the physics look crap. The ragdoll effects look poo and so does the driving model.

Half life 2 (beta) looks a litle bland (compared to what i think the final release will look like) at the moment, but in the areas that do genuinely look finished its beautiful. Just the rest of the world needs fleshing out a bit.

Its not a even a beta..... anyone who judges the final look of the game on that is an idiot. I dont mean you bamdth, but alot people seem to think that pile of crap represents the final game.

Originally posted by G0rgon
crabcakes66, noooooo.

DOOM3 ain't crap!!

Have you ever made a comparison between the two /rank.
I give HL2 graphics comparing to d3 9* out of 10* whereas d3 is exactly 10*.

there are many technology to talk about that d3 has while hl2 don't. :cheers:

I dont give a damn about what technologys they use gorgon....thats my whole point......HL2 just looks better.
And they're back!! In the blue trunks it is HL2 and in the red trunks it's DOOM III. Now I want a clean fight. Shake hands, GO
I know too many judge the WHOLE game on the 'beta'.

But from what i.ve seen the set pieces are awsome, the graphics are great, atmospheric and seamless between indoor and outdoor environments.

Dunno if anyone has mentiond this, you KNOW youre playing a descendant of half life just by the 'look' of the game, its weird.

No point squabbling about what looks best, as gamers we are in for a real treat and are going to be spoilt for chioce in the next few months, both gamewise and hardware wise.

Originally posted by DeusEx2
And they're back!! In the blue trunks it is HL2 and in the red trunks it's DOOM III. Now I want a clean fight. Shake hands, GO

I think HL2 would have orange trunks actaully.........
I bought a Hercules 9800 Pro 128MB about three months ago or so. I'm going to stick with that.
Yeah, I can't afford to spend $450 all the time now.. plus, I get into things and go all out. If I get into consoles like I did a last year, I buy them all. I got into computers this year and bought one and built another, shit I'm still paying off my first pc! I'm just saying I'm sure this whole, "I'm going to get the best" is going to fade for meh. [starts obsessing about something else]
Originally posted by EvilEwok
hl2 isnt graphically intense at all, infact its rather average looking. Average for todays games, but not tomarrows. It cant compare graphically to Stalker, for example(and then there is the King of them all).

Yea, hl2 has a few neat looking graphical gimmicks, such as the water, but so does every other game.



sapphire 9600 pro btw
Originally posted by G0rgon
Well in my case I can not vote. The reason is, The game will be released Apr04, and in that peroid R420 and NV40 will be released and I ve been told that these cards are three times the power of current cards. we still need to see that off course. :cool: :bounce:
Three times the power of current cards... that sounds too good to be true. Way too good. Even so, I'll definitly keep an eye on the R420 and NV40.
But for now I'll stick with the FX5600. April 2004 is still some time away.
Originally posted by WARLORD
i voted nvidia older card
TNT2 32mb

sweet mother of our holy lord and saviour, please stop torturing me and upgrade!