What mods should be ported to HL2?



If you ask me, Desert Combat would be amazing. The vehicles are fun, gameplay is decent if it werent for the ground combat, which we all know Halflife excels in. If the vehicle physics are good, I think this would make the next CS. Hopefully without the cheaters / l33t t4lk3r5 :-/
sabre89 seems drunk atm, some moderator should make a temp ban on him. :|

[EDIT]: Oops, the post got deleted, never mind me... :dork:
...CS2 is coming out, why would you want a CS clone when you could have one done by VALVe? :|
As for cheaters and "1337 5p34k3r5," that's blown out of proportion to a ridiculous level
Well for one - Desert Combat is a completely different style of play compared to Counterstrike, and either way, I got a feeling CS2 isn't coming out any time soon. Besides - just another great free mod that we could play. :)
well i hope CS2 comes with hl2. doubt it tho :/ i'm lookin forward to CS2 much more :/
Yeah, well, I wouldn't mind a free mod like that actually :)
As for CS2, I have too many visions of grandeur in my head for it
Natural Selection would be cool, they could do some very nice stuff in hl2, but personally i'll be crossing my fingers for Science & Industry :)
Nothing will make the next CS, except of course the next CS[2]. That is, only if they can get blindly lucky and have it be as great as CS1. Although, considering it is in good hands, my bets[with myself =p] are on it being great. In my opinion, they should simply port CS1 on source[bla bla >>], update the graphics, throw in ragdolls, larger levels with vehicle support, include all of the script and entity elements from HL2, and call it a game. Keep the same maps, keep the same guns, keep the same models. Just make them brand new, with very resolution and polygon counts. Update the maps, with new techniques from the engine, and throw in new larger maps. The rest is up to the community. That is what I would do anyway, and I think the fans would highly appreciate this. It would please the new gamers, with inclusion of physics and ragdolls, and would please the old gamers, keeping the same gameplay elements that makes CS1 so great.
Hmmm heres an interesting thought: If you could only have one, CS2 or HL2, one or the other tommorow, which would it be?
ahhh I cant friggin decide :-(
Sven Coop... hopefully alot more realistic with better level design. Right now its justa group fo 12 guys "See monster, rape monster with rocket launcher point blank".
A pirate game.

Any pirate game.

I know I'd be mighty satisfied.
As for what I would love to see ported.

Here is my list.

The Specialists
Rocket Crowbar 2 [So many ideas for this there could be]
Sven Coop with better AI would be very cool. Something that makes people actually try to stick together rather than running, getting killed then repeating the process.
Aye, Natural Selection in the Source engine would be sweet. :D
Ports? I want something new! A hybrid of pure gaming perfection!

A complicated future-urban FPS/RTS which draws from the style of the Specialists, the atmosphere of DoD, the realistic damage system of both, but also borrows heavily from things like Natural Selection and Science and Industry! WITH VEHICLES, NPC's AND PLENTY OF CAPTURABLE FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT AND BREAKABLES AND...


Uh, failing that, let's just have DoD appearing and using vehicles to give BF:1942 a run for its money. CS2 would only appeal to me if they ditched the pseudo-realistic idiocy and gave me realistically modelled kevlar, helmets and bullet velocities. And yeah, Sven Co-op could do with an upgrade in style and appearance.
I wouldn't mind a really twitchy game along the lines of Rocket Arena for the quake series. Those were fun :)
I say Moves Institute should migrate America's Army to the Source engine.
Well excuuuuse me for saying what was on my mind... :|
Note to self: Never mention anything about people posting stupid posts that doesn't do anything but annoy other people, because, then they will take what you said and put it as a quote in their signature. :hmph:

[EDIT]: Note to moderators:
It's not very meningful to have my posts being here if the ones I were reffering to are deleted, right? Why are my posts still here?
The team has already said they wouldnt do it, but I would like to see ESF on source.
They Hunger, or some other type of zombie mod.

I want it.

I need it.
Natural Selection would be awesome on source engine, and also my favorite mod, The Specialists
As boring as it sounds Desert Combat SS is actually a good idea. The infantry physics of Dice’s BF1942 engine are atrocious, they have an inefficient renderer which takes ages to load maps, the net code is very sub-par, and vehicle physics are only passable. I think the only reason we put up with it is because it is the only thing available in that specific genre – ie. massive visceral action/arcade vehicular warfare romp. :p

Can you imagine how cool it would be to play that kind of game in Source with the advantages of its ‘feel’, responsiveness, net-code, voice-comm, superior vehicles and general Havok mayhem. Not to mention an SDK so no more inefficient sloppy hacks… The only problem is that all this might just be TF2 - though that is anyone's guess.
How do you know how Source "feels"? RAMPANT SPECULATION, SIR!!!!!
The Specialists, NS would be scarry as HELL with the Source, damn, that would OWN!!!!
heh, i did a pirate mod for hl1, may be tempted to knock one up on hl2 later on :)
Natural Selection would be cool, they could do some very nice stuff in hl2, but personally i'll be crossing my fingers for Science & Industry

Damn right. NS already looks good on the HL1 engine. They did say they are making natural selection 2. Its going to be sooooo sweet.
Whoever mentioned the BF engine's horrible netcoding is exactly right. I just cannot get into that game no matter how hard I try, and no matter how cool the features sound. The infantry combat in the original BF SUCKED. Battlefield Vietnam has improved on that a bit but the netcode is still so shoddy that I just can't bring myself to play it anymore when there are so many smoother running FPS out there.

And now EA is saying the Battlefield sequel will support up to 100 players on a server...perhaps they should get it running perfect with 64 before attempting that.
Quixote said:
How do you know how Source "feels"? RAMPANT SPECULATION, SIR!!!!!
How do I know? Well I don't - I'm assuming. The HL engine has a good feel to it, Source would hardly be worse. Nothing I've seen from the footage contradicts my optimism.
RabidMeatloaf said:
I could've swarn Valved Ray was banned some time ago................:/
Correct and it was for this very reason.

Valved this is your second warning tonight. I'm afraid if there's one more you'll be getting banned again. Can you please just try to contribute sensibly to a sensible discussion instead of going off topic or talking rubbish?

Please try or you'll be out again tonight.
cs with vehicle support would ruin it.