What monsters from Half-Life...

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What about the OP4 alien grunts (the new ones with 6 arms)??

I loved those mother****ers....
Creatures we know will feature again from the original:
Vortigons (alien slaves): they will be allies

Can you name anymore?

I would like to see the Gargantua (Big Armor Plated Fire Dude) again. It was really cool when his eye started to glow when he caught sight of you. I wonder if it will be on your side like the vortigons. It would be a laugh to see the Big Bad Gargantua face the Skinnier, yet Bigga Badder strider. The gargantua would just kick the strider in its leg, and it would just fall to the ground in a messy pile. Or a massive, gaping hole in the gargantua from the striders warp-cannon. Its like those memoral battles between Godzilla Vs. Rohan.
A garg on your side would be cool...

Heheh, I can just imagine an encounter between some combine soldiers and a garg:

"What's that red light?"

"It's coming clos... SHIT! GARG!"


Do you ever wonder what the administrator looks like. valve said that the Gman and the administrator are two different people. The person might be a he or a she (No,No,the admin is Alyx). The administrator might be so illusive that you get to see the back of the admins head and thats it. Or when you have a conversation with the admin, your in a dark room or have a bound around your face so that you can't see the admin
I just realised something. There were roughly only 16 enemies in the original, and valve stated there will be 50 enemies in HL2, old and new
I don't mind what ever the enemies are in the game, as long as they DON'T have "Zoid","Noid",or"Boid" anywhere in their name ;( , thats just asking for trouble by the critics.
has valve said anything about if the race-x aliens would be returning?
I haven't heard anything about race-x?

I will however point out that in the HalfLife manual, there is an early concept of the gargantua where its on all fours, and hell does it look similiar to the Ant-Lion guard, but just changed the face a bit.
I want all the enemys of all HL versions
the xenonians,race X,even the ct aliens that we just can see in the model viewer(for example a aliens-bats that look really cool)
and valve say that will be 50 enemyes,and say all the enemies we know will back
but I will like see the same enemyes but whit diferences(the enemyes are good I dont mean they must be changed)
for example making news atacks
and how HL2 is in a city.....
I will love the aliens around all the city
fighting against the humans,the combines,even thenself,all a masive war

the gargs is one of my favorites enemyes in a videogame
is like the t-rex of jurrasic park,I mean a monster not so big but deadly
runs very fast to you and you run much fast escaping from he
he can kill you in seconds whit fire
and when you enter to a place he cant enter,he shots you a extrange red laser,but is easy to dodge
one thing that I really will love to see in HL1 (and I hope see in HL2) is......

freeman(we) find all a lot of soldiers in a exterior place and when we are fighting against then
we heard the sounds of the gargs(sounds like a whale)
fron a big gate
smashing the door
apear a angry garg
and star to kill
all the soldiers
when we are
escaping looking the soldiers die

(first thing to go to you mind when you see a garg)
(garg look you)
(garg chasing you)
(garg closin to you)
(garg very close to you)
Nice poem. I think.

I've always wondered what the Garg's secondary attack was supposed to be. I settled on thinking that it was some sort of seismic wave...
Primary: Flame Thrower thingy
Secondary: Garg stamps on floor, sending fire in your direction
Tertiary: Garg batters you to death with its armour plated arms

This is from experiance
I know what it did/looked like. I was just wondering what it was supposed to represent.

The fire-wave idea doesn't seem as realistic as a seismic attack...
Good point. I hope they do replace its attack. If the garg does return, they'll probably replace its attack with the seimics wave. Its stamps, any nearby windows break, It deafens the player, the player is flung back and takes small amount of damage
With all the effects that Source can do, they'd be silly not to put a Garg in, wouldn't they?
Damn Yes, That was the one enemy that was able to get my heart pumping, all others sucked. Mainly because it was Big, Bad, and ugly, and the fact it could keep up with you just made it worse
Gah, i hated the garg. I killed the garg in that level with the air strike grid and you were suppose to kill it there but i killed him when the level first satarted.

It was wierd walking down that large hallway alone with no worries of a garg :-p.

So anyways, i bet they made the bullsquid a redish color and tweeked the model a bit in HL2... But... of course i didn't look at the HL2's models....... *cough*
Oh ya... just a wild guess... they prolly made the ichysaur shorter and much more scarier and awesomer. JUST A GUESS. I don't have the HL2 Beta or anything...
The alien slaves in HL2 are gonna be awesome. They will like befriend you i bet because they were rejected by the aliens on xen, and they will like speak english like they did in HL1 when they said "die". That'd be awesome!
Qwiggalo, two things:

1. There is such a thing as an edit button.

2. Don't post spoilers, especially thinly-disguised ones.
Qwiggalo said:
Oh ya... just a wild guess... they prolly made the ichysaur shorter and much more scarier and awesomer. JUST A GUESS. I don't have the HL2 Beta or anything...

I've seen a screenshot of a carved model of the ichysaur. It has better boggly eyes, Woo Who. I just realise that velve don't have to have the animated eyes for the Bullsquid, because the eyes were just white in the original, but they look better like that
I've seen a screenshot of a carved model of the ichysaur. It has better boggly eyes, Woo Who. I just realise that velve don't have to have the animated eyes for the Bullsquid, because the eyes were just white in the original, but they look better like that

I never noticed the eyes in HL1 when ever I saw those things I'd shit my pants and scream and try to get out of the water. Then, I'd clean up my pants.
Brian Damage said:
Qwiggalo, two things:

1. There is such a thing as an edit button.

2. Don't post spoilers, especially thinly-disguised ones.

Ok, ok I'll edit them!EDIT:5 seconds later... nevermind some reason I can't edit them anymore maybe because they are a day old? I'm not being an ass im serious.
You can only edit them for about 15 minutes after you've posted them. My point was, if you think of something else you want to say immediately after posting, just use the edit button to tack it onto the end of your last post. Just a little advice.
My opinion

those tentacle lookin things which i heard was called hydra or something seems cool to me .. especially when dat combine dude got pierced from the hydra.
And yet we don't know if they're working on your side yet.

In the vid, Alyx goes "Ought Oh"

But we didn't know if she was looking at the hydra or the combine coming down the ladder when she said that
I think that they are:P, but can also turn on you. Meh.
You need to stay by their dietry needs, give them dead combine to eat (shoot the dead bodies into the hydra with the manipulator)
Ok, here is a list of hl1 creatures I have actually seen in hl2 screenshots:


...and here are a few more you can probably find with google (better not post any direct links :upstare: ). Highlight the space below if you don't mind a few spoilers:

baby headcrab

Ah yes, the garg. I never figured out what the 'stomp' attack was supposed to be. However, the damage type is labelled as 'Sonic' in the Half-Life source code, and the HEV voice says "Internal bleeding detected!" when you receive this type of damage. I guess internal bleeding could be likely outcome of being subjected to ultra high intensity sound waves :D

If I redesigned the garg though, I'd change the stomp attack a bit. Maybe have it form a blast which throws you (and any other objects) around the place. And any flames from the garg's other attack would be caught up in the blast, creating a huge fiery shockwave!

the gargs never die by anything in yer inventory so that is a -

The gluon gun is your friend.
Explosives also work.


I'd like to see every monster from hl1 return in some way. But the headcrabs, houndeyes and bullsquids should all stay hostile. I always imagined them to be Xen 'wildlife', ie not really intelligent enough to form alliances (unlike say the vortigaunts).
thund said:
I'd like to see every monster from hl1 return in some way. But the headcrabs, houndeyes and bullsquids should all stay hostile. I always imagined them to be Xen 'wildlife', ie not really intelligent enough to form alliances (unlike say the vortigaunts).

Houndeyes were probably the smartest HL aliens, and they did form groups and did co-ordinated group attacks. But they were harmless by themselves.
So I think they could form an alliance with humans.
Bullsquids on the other hand were hostile to anything, so no they wouldn't form alliances.
I reckon houndeyes were the "dog" of the Xenian ecosystem. I'd like to see a tame one. They were cute :E.

I still reckon the Garg's stomp attack was a seismic shockwave. Like a really badass version of what elephants can do, perhaps. A sort of blast of infrasound.
I make the assumption that since the "evolved zombies" were in OP FC that we will not be seeing them in HL2. THat in my opinion is a shame, they were a formidable opponent to a certian degree. I would also like to see pit drones and maybe the middle stages between a gonarch and headcrab.
Valve already said we get to see the next stage of Zombies.
Also, Valve originally planed on the houndeyes being non-hostile units but players in play tests likes to shoot them so they made them enemies.
Foxtrot said:
Valve already said we get to see the next stage of Zombies.
Well if they are showing the next zombie stage then that means they are taking the events of OP FC and applying them. So it may still be a possibility to see Adrian. Wonder if the Gonarch will show up probly not.......shame.
I'm sure I read somewhere that they're taking the expansions into account in HL2. After all, they have Barney Calhoun, and he was an expansion character...
That's good, because the expansions were very well done. They were practically extensions of the original.

Plus, that means we may get the squid gun, and all the Op4 bugs were great.
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