What other forums do you browse?


Jul 9, 2003
Reaction score
me? gamefaqs and hl2grounds.com .... u should go to hl2grounds.com's forums, they are nice. and hl2ground's irc server... not that i'm pluggin' HL2Grounds.com at all ;)
Far cry, Allakazam and Warplanet.

And Hl2gounds suxs compared to HL2.net
heheh, hl2 related sites you mean then?

Nothing but this. Well not on the forums anyway. I brouse the sites but I havn't signed up to anything.

None HL2. Very little to be honest. I think I am on the NS forums but I can't remember my login details and frankly don't care anymore. I am having to much fun playing :p
Erm.... Nothing else on the same scale as these forums.
There is no other site than halflife2.net, anyone who says otherwise will be....treated, to a meeting with the middle management! dum dum dum

PS this is the only site i come to nowadays.
just this, and the occaisonal trip to the far cry beta forum.
used to be phl..... /me is ahamed
Anandtech forums
nvnews.net forums
unreal2 forums
megagames forums
sharkyextreams forums

And some i dont remember there names.
MoD (My clan)
A bunch of reveiw sites, but /me forgets :)
Is this - http://www.sweclockers.com/ - Swedish overclockers site ???

Well, HL2.net is the only international site I really joined in....

And of course the mod I'm writing to - Neoshock But our forums aren't very busy if you know what I mean...
errr I'm a mod at www.allnightgamers.com although there's nothing to moderate the only spam on there is from me. the owner thinks that it will become more popular in a month or two but I'm not that optimistic.

I'v been on lots of forums but this is the only one i post on these days.


www.flashpoint2***/forums - moderator
This one,
Emporium.us (Don't click on it if you are under 18-21) :)
thenerdguy said:
Anandtech forums
nvnews.net forums
unreal2 forums
megagames forums
sharkyextreams forums

And some i dont remember there names.
Its good to see your living up to your name :)

Anyways ATM I just read these forums, but am checking out others as I go :) ur forums seem interesting :)