What pisses you off?

People who are ignorant and not only know it, but are proud of it. Get out of the gene pool, PLEASE. >_<
BlackDahlia said:
People who are ignorant and not only know it, but are proud of it. Get out of the gene pool, PLEASE. >_<

The gene pool is stagnant ....
BlackDahlia said:
People who are ignorant and not only know it, but are proud of it. Get out of the gene pool, PLEASE. >_<
Well...ignorance really has nothing to do with genetics. Stupidity does...but...um...school is for fools!

I thought of another one. People who continue to gripe at you and tell you what you've done wrong even after you've already realized, stated, admitted, and apologized for a mistake.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
I thought of another one. People who continue to gripe at you and tell you what you've done wrong even after you've already realized, stated, admitted, and apologized for a mistake.
Those people can go to hell...
- Being betrayed (like a friend/family member/gf not being loyal).

- Repeating what I said over and over....If I say NO that means NO damn't!

- People who act like badasses but don't have anything to back it up.

- People doubting me

- People who act like somethin they are not...wiggers/chavs (sorry el chi had to use it :P)

- Putting my time and effort in something and getting nothing out of it (putting time and effort in a relationship and giving up a new life/freedom/family only to be lied to or betrayed).

- People who don't answer my questions and then having to keep on asking till they finally answer. Just answer the damn question and get it over with because I'm gonna get the answer out of you sooner or later!

- Back stabbing.

Theres so much more...but I'm to lazy finish.
Heh, twice it took for you to say betrayal :P
Just like Gman... He never does his work... Lazy bastard.
burnzie said:
ohhh atleast i didnt forget you!!!!

I couldn't put everyone single person!

You didn't forget me or remember me... ;) I haven't seen you say I make you happy!SO HA!
bliink said:
withhold all the '<3' you like.. I can make a killing with my "<3 in a can"
I'm the <3 machine. :naughty:

Can't beat me when it comes to love...awwww yea.

Danimal said:
You make me happy...

Whats that face for huh?Better turn it into a smiley or no love for you.
What pisses me off is when dumb arses with no skill change there model to a damn headcrab or health kit in HL2DM. I hope Valve stop them from doing it soon!
People repeating things. Sometimes someone will tell you something, then someone else will tell you with same thing. As if i didnt hear the first time. Its sends me through the roof in an angry rage.
-People that are fake
-People that lie to make themselves look cool
-Dumb people that impose their will on the masses (ban this, complain about that, ruin things for everybody else)
-Computers that don't work like they should
-When it's really cold outside (I'm in North Dakota) - by cold I mean -50 ish windchill.
-Racist retards
-Ashlee Simpson's lack of talent - yet she still manages to sell records.
*Forced Religion
*Arrogant/ignorant people
*Show offs
*Advertisement on tv =o
*Those who can't take a hint
*Animal harmers (You burn or shoot a cat.. you're just messed up =/)
*People who yell/talk loud
*The Goverment
*Administrators =o
Hollywood movie trailers. They make me want to punch things.
I'm really pissed off,since the first day of this semister started,I haven't gotten to school in the morning on time once!
The teacher is going to kill me,sooner or later.
That Chis_D just closed my thread ;(

Glad he didn't give me warning points/banned me, though
I knew you would post here after I saw the guy closed your thread.Poor you.
Knew that monkey was gonna post in this thread after a mod closed his.

Ah well, it was fun while it lasted. Don't know why they let the other thread last for 1300 posts, though.
I knew it would happen...
My chances of becoming a mod have been ruined.

The_Monkey said:
Ah well, it was fun while it lasted. Don't know why they let the other thread last for 1300 posts, though.
Well it wasn't as strict back then ether.

Danimal said:
I knew it would happen...
My chances of becoming a mod have been ruined.

Oh well...what can you do? :laugh:
Soory to hear guys.
There is a counterpart of my thread ^_*.
Danimal said:
I knew it would happen...
My chances of becoming a mod have been ruined.

was it really that importaint to you...

I'm surprised you didn't get your postcounts reset and each of you warned. People who do less get more than that, and atleast one of you bragged about upping your post count.
The Dark Elf said:
I'm surprised you didn't get your postcounts reset and each of you warned. People who do less get more than that, and atleast one of you bragged about upping your post count.
Well we don't really do it on a daily basis and usually when we do spam...it's at night.Also we don't really flame or start shit like the new people in hl2 general.It's all in good fun.

Oh well whatever happens.
The Dark Elf said:
I'm surprised you didn't get your postcounts reset and each of you warned. People who do less get more than that, and atleast one of you bragged about upping your post count.
The thread was pretty fun though......
Tr0n said:
Well we don't really do it on a daily basis and usually when we do spam...it's at night.Also we don't really flame or start shit like the new people in hl2 general.It's all in good fun.

Oh well whatever happens.
So you actively pick a time you know there are few to no mods around to do it?

Wouldn't that come under deliberate attack...