What really grinds my gears


Nov 1, 2004
Reaction score
What is the one thing that really pisses you off?


For me, the number one thing that annoys the shit out of me is when im listening to a mix or the radio, and those god damn broadcasters (whatever they are called) start TALKING while the music is playing. IT MAKES NO SENSE WHATSOEVER. They always say some bullshit like "heeeey you are listening to *insert mix/radio station name here*" BITCH I KNOW WHAT IM LISTENING TO HOW THE **** CAN I NOT KNOW WHAT IM LISTENING TO I CLICKED THE GOD DAMN LINK MYSELF! And then they bring this bullshit "The time right now is *inser time here*" BITCH WHY DO YOU HAVE THE URGE TO TELL ME THE GOD DAMN TIME IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GOD DAMN SONG? I HAVE THE TIME ON THE LOWER RIGHT PART OF MY SCREEN I DONT NEED YOU TO TELL ME!

And the worst...the absolute WORST thing is when they start talking during the buildup and climax of a song. Oh jesus christ it makes me so mad im getting a stroke just thinking about it. Here i am getting all into the music and im ready to rock at the peak of the buildup and all of the sudden i hear some voice "heeey you are still listening to us liiiivee at blalbalbal" MOTHER**** SHUT THE **** UP IF I EVER SEE YOU IN REAL LIFE IM GOING TO SCULL**** YOU.

And who the HELL thought it was a good idea to insert audio clips during the ****ing music?? You know those weird ass wind sounds with an explosion and then it says the DJs or Radio stations name in some cool heavy voice. Do these ****ing people graduate University of How To **** Up Music So Bad People Kill Themselves?

I seriously can not even fathom the logic or reason these people have...what the **** are they thinking? Cant they just let the music play and stfu? WHY DO THEY THINK THEY HAVE TO TALK???


What grinds your gears?
I only read the first two lines.

The sooner you throw your radio out the window, the better.
I dont have a radio, its all on my computer (internet radio).
Jack Fm. No people, just a computer.

But you don't haves it =p.

EDIT: stupid internet.
Our radio dial rarely deviates from NPR for that very reason: commercial radio is insane like that. I think Casey Kasem started it (the first real offender I remember) - he'd chat through the first quarter of a song, and pick back up three quarters of the way through. Our local oldies station isn't too bad about it though.
Soooo buy a CD or something. They do it because everyone is still paying attention during the song, hence you pay attention to the ad as well.
^^ I agree, its like, STFU and stop destroying my damn song you ****ing ho bag!

Maybe hunt around and find a better radio station... what music you listening too??
They do this particularly on songs that are yet to be released so that people can't just record the track off the radio and have it for free.
Radio? They still make those things? Heh.

it makes me more angry when they play the same song 9 times in one hour...that certainly grinds my gears...

another thing that grinds my gears: people who pronounce words wrong on purpose.
Ubisoft porting grinds my gears.

What a cocktease.

We better get some "your dad's dead" sex in ep. 3 cause goddamn I don't think the HEV suit is equipped for blue balls of this magnitude.
oops, the forums took a dump and posted twice. DAMN YOU MUNRO!!!!!!
Ravioli said:
For me, the number one thing that annoys the shit out of me is when im listening to a mix or the radio, and those god damn broadcasters (whatever they are called) start TALKING while the music is playing. IT MAKES NO SENSE WHATSOEVER.

it makes perfect sene: they do it so that people dont record music off the radio. the theory is that if the dj is talking through the first few seconds of a song people wont record it ands then sell it. all radio stations do this for just that reason. although it's much more noticeable in the few european stations I've listened to
That was true years ago, Stern, but I doubt that holds much weight anymore.
You're getting the live streaming music for free. Deal with it.

People who grind my gears: people who say "deal with it" instead of helping their fellow man.
I really hate it when yeah they talk during the song, but then at the end of the song they don't even mention what song it was or who played it. theres a really nice radio station i like, which is in Toronto of all places. 102.1 The Edge, and they have music history done during different programing but their music is uninterrupted and they play a lot less commercials.
Customer Support for electronics that don't actually let you talk to people. Oh and outsourcing, so you have to talk to people you can't even understand.

I'm looking at you, Microsoft.
The two local radio stations I listen to will only ever have DJ's talking during the intro to a song if at all. They both also have a text line you can text to find out what the last few songs they played were if you really want to know. :P

I still have to listen to CD's most of the time...
I really ****ing hate earwigs
I swear to god I'll smash their little pincers into the ****ing ground asdjk;sdfjgbxgg

also, evangelists
People that drive less than 1 mph. I will get out and punch you.

Actually - people that stop and wait to turn for about 30 seconds when there are no cars coming. YOU'VE GOT A HUGE OPENING GRANDPA; ****ING TURN! GO!

EDIT - also DUCKFACE. You look so ****ing stupid that I actually dislike you.
Two things:
People talking in the cinema. In my mind I'm breaking off their fingers and poking their own eyes in with them.
People sitting on the fold-down seats in the bike store area of the train I take to work, when there's plenty of regular seats. And then not moving when I get on the train with my bike. Why would you even sit there in the first place, those seats are far less comfortable.