What really happened???

what are you on about... its all interconnected i was just explaining to cooper the reasons behind why oil is so important to us, it was momentarily off topic..

do I look like the CIA? those are the questions others are asking to a body that has the undisclosed 28 pages of the commission report, that has the confiscated video footage of the pentagon.. those questions arnt for me or anyone else they are for the bush administration, the CIA , the FBI, NIST, FEMA.. etc.

Its not indictment, its how the economy of a country functions!. You cant possibly tell me you would be sitting there warm in your house with working lights , hot water, typing on your computer right now without being dependant on reasonably priced fossil fuels or other type of electrical energy generation. How about.. learn about the economy and how it functions, the recycling process using other countries currencies.. the hudge demand for easy oil right now.. etc, or just go play an RTS game like civ, or age of empires which is a much simpler way for you to understand it.
I was interested until it said "a missile was launched from the plane."
Of course you was, and there I was assuming that the real agenda was to not only show to us all that US Government planned and executed 9/11 but to actually put some political substance behind it.

Laughable isn't it? I mean who in their right mind would ever think that the US Government would sanction, plan and execute such a dastardly act?

I can only apologies for my lack of understanding of the economy, it’s function and heaven forded the very process of it, after all it's undeniable and unbelievable it would have played any part in 9/11..........is it ?

P.S............Again off topic but any idea where those WTC7 audio tapes are?
P.S............Again off topic but any idea where those WTC7 audio tapes are?
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The audio for WTC 7 is in the link I posted on the other page.. continuation of the first video taken from across the rine.

me said:
The next part of that video has recorded sound of WTC 7, and the most easy to follow address of some of the key unanswered question's.

The other "explosions" were large pieces of the building falling and hitting the street below. It makes a big noise when something that large hits the street below. All of this is such BS it hurts my head to think anyone could possibly be so stupid to believe any of this. I am going to stay out of this thread because I can't believe anyone would visit HL2.net that could be so moronic as to buy into this garbage.
Glirk Dient said:
The other "explosions" were large pieces of the building falling and hitting the street below. It makes a big noise when something that large hits the street below. All of this is such BS it hurts my head to think anyone could possibly be so stupid to believe any of this. I am going to stay out of this thread because I can't believe anyone would visit HL2.net that could be so moronic as to buy into this garbage.

there is no debris falling off the building when the sounds are recorded, WTC 2 has long since collapsed.. they are clearly heard upto 9 full senconds before any collapse of WTC1 starts.. the first explosion registers on the ricter scale.. its explosive.. smaller explosions are then heard as white smoke rises from the base of the tower, unless you can point out a piece of debris falling before the collapse large enough to cause a detectable earthquake.
Dear, dear me was I hammered last night or what? and as I cast a bleary eye over my ill prepared and inane rambling, thinking to myself "what on earth was I on about ?", I must say with some degree of certainty that I haven’t got a clue.

as I sink my second cup of coffee and try to fathom out whether or not I really was rambling a load of shite, not just here but elsewhere the realisation is yes I probably was but hey why not.

this thread like the ones before and no doubt the ones to come will never make any progress because at the end of it all it simply boils down to whether you believe a conspiracy exists or not. I don’t, apparently some do.

Each is entitled to their opinion, each is entitled to talk horseshit but at the end of the day unless some new and damming evidence that is totally beyond question, totally undeniable is presented, that's all that will ever happen. Talking around and around in circles and achieve totally the opposite of what you try to set out doing, that being convincing others that your point of view is valid.

Clarky I will admit you have stuck doggedly to your believes and despite some often scolding and cynical posting not just from myself but others. It is clear you genuinely believe what you say and as such I will no longer try to persuade you differently.

Each to their own.
God im tired of these conspiracy theorys. Theres no real motive for the government to do this,and the CIA and FBI etc. cant get away with sneaking out of work 5 minutes early without the media seeing everything they do,do you really think the govt. could keep this a secret,do you think everyone would keep quiet? 9/11 conspiracy's are not only stupid,there anti american!
clarky003 said:
there is no debris falling off the building when the sounds are recorded, WTC 2 has long since collapsed.. they are clearly heard upto 9 full senconds before any collapse of WTC1 starts.. the first explosion registers on the ricter scale.. its explosive.. smaller explosions are then heard as white smoke rises from the base of the tower, unless you can point out a piece of debris falling before the collapse large enough to cause a detectable earthquake.

I watched the videos...complete BS. When they set charges and blow them they whole floors windows blow out because they blow all the support beams or the building just topples over and doesn't collapse.

Besides...if they blew the charges a whole 9 seconds before it collapsed...then they suck at collapsing building.
How can Flight 93 that they say crashed in Shankesvill Pensilvania, When Actually landed On sept 11 at 10:45 a.m. in Cleavland due to a bomb theat.
200 or so passengers from flight 93 were evacuated into a empty NASA biulding in 30 minutes. Where did they all go??? I thought they died in Pennsilvania.
Glirk Dient said:
I watched the videos...complete BS. When they set charges and blow them they whole floors windows blow out because they blow all the support beams or the building just topples over and doesn't collapse.

Besides...if they blew the charges a whole 9 seconds before it collapsed...then they suck at collapsing building.
I believe that the biuldings were taken down by explosives ! Why? Because The biuldings were hit at the top of the towers not a the bottom . So if there wasnt any explosives, ONLY!! the top of the biulding should have just completly burned THATS IT!! NOT COLLAPSE!!.

Further more before the big collapse there were many explosions(C4) heard at he bottom of the towers That FBI say it was just the gas tanks from the kitchen exploding that blew out all the lobby windows and marble .

Plus I dont get how the FBI claim they have found the passport of the guy that flew the plane into the biulding . How does a passport fall out of a mans pocket, out of a burning plane then out of a burning building onto the ground untouched???? Hmmmmm

Just like the guy says" We Might never know what happened to flight 93 But we do know what DIDN't Happen"
P43.2/1Gig/X800P said:
How can Flight 93 that they say crashed in Shankesvill Pensilvania, When Actually landed On sept 11 at 10:45 a.m. in Cleavland due to a bomb theat.
200 or so passengers from flight 93 were evacuated into a empty NASA biulding in 30 minutes. Where did they all go??? I thought they died in Pennsilvania.
Oh really? Thats amazing. Well you better go find the families of those who were taken off of that plane. I'm sure they would like to know that their husbands, wives, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, other relatives and friends are still alive and ok. Make sure you tell them the address of that empty NASA building so they can go pick them up.
i watched the first 2 minutes then shut it off.
How can this guy claim 4 pixels is a missile....
You see 4 white pixels in 1 or 2 frames, and thats suppost to be a missile.
Incredible. Lets all watch the muppet show again and find us some 4 pixel missiles...

*on second thought im going to watch the entire thing, just because i have nothing else to do atm and i could use a good laugh..
I couldn't watch more than 5 minutes, the guy's voice annoyed me too much.
Ome_Vince said:
i watched the first 2 minutes then shut it off.
How can this guy claim 4 pixels is a missile....
You see 4 white pixels in 1 or 2 frames, and thats suppost to be a missile.
Incredible. Lets all watch the muppet show again and find us some 4 pixel missiles...

*on second thought im going to watch the entire thing, just because i have nothing else to do atm and i could use a good laugh..
Then why doesnt the FBI release the servaliance camers that were in a near by gas station and hotel and some other place i cant recall and show us what really happened to the pentagon. I wonder WHY.

OOps nevermind i CLEARLY saw a 757 hit the petagon on that tape . NOT!!!
hehe, P43.2/1Gig/X800P, why doesnt Kermit give me his secret bedroom tapes so i can prove he's screwing miss piggy taking 4 vague pixels? :P
I meen cmon, i just finished watching the documentary, listening an hour to this irritating guy.
Sure there are things that seem impossible. But they have been conveniantly cutting and pasting eye-witness reports to "strenghen their conspiracy theory" and leaving out other stuff.
A conspiracy theory becomes more "valid" to me when there are official investigations by credible groups, countries or whatever.
Not some documentary maker and a few guys so called "Experts"..

Look, even if the "fire didnt cause the building to collapse", which might be true, this sounds more logical than Bush planting bombs:

Nearly every large building has a redundant design that allows for loss of one primary structural member, such as a column. However, when multiple members fail, the shifting loads eventually overstress the adjacent members and the collapse occurs like a row of dominoes falling down.

The perimeter tube design of the WTC was highly redundant. It survived the loss of several exterior columns due to aircraft impact, but the ensuing fire led to other steel failures. Many structural engineers believe that the weak points—the limiting factors on design allowables—were the angle clips that held the floor joists between the columns on the perimeter wall and the core structure (see Figure 5). With a 700 Pa floor design allowable, each floor should have been able to support approximately 1,300 t beyond its own weight. The total weight of each tower was about 500,000 t.

As the joists on one or two of the most heavily burned floors gave way and the outer box columns began to bow outward, the floors above them also fell. The floor below (with its 1,300 t design capacity) could not support the roughly 45,000 t of ten floors (or more) above crashing down on these angle clips. This started the domino effect that caused the buildings to collapse within ten seconds, hitting bottom with an estimated speed of 200 km per hour. If it had been free fall, with no restraint, the collapse would have only taken eight seconds and would have impacted at 300 km/h.1 It has been suggested that it was fortunate that the WTC did not tip over onto other buildings surrounding the area. There are several points that should be made. First, the building is not solid; it is 95 percent air and, hence, can implode onto itself. Second, there is no lateral load, even the impact of a speeding aircraft, which is sufficient to move the center of gravity one hundred feet to the side such that it is not within the base footprint of the structure. Third, given the near free-fall collapse, there was insufficient time for portions to attain significant lateral velocity. To summarize all of these points, a 500,000 t structure has too much inertia to fall in any direction other than nearly straight down.


This i found googling for 1 minute.
There are plenty of other explanations which sound more credible to me than Bush the bomber.
What i find hilarious is how these documentary makers take 3-4 pixels and say:
"hey look a missile"
"and there demolishens go off"

Also, when high buildings collapse, and they have those concrete layers with steel they collapse like a house of cards.
I've been watching documentaries of that "sampong collapse of the department store".
Seems like that structure collapse straight down too....

If i google some more i'd find more credible stories and examples.
I like this story though, its good inspiration, only i hope people take it with a little bit of "salt" (what we say in dutch :P)

Nice movie though btw :) (wish they replaced the narrator though)
*off to bed.
P43.2/1Gig/X800P said:
Then why doesnt the FBI release the servaliance camers that were in a near by gas station and hotel and some other place i cant recall and show us what really happened to the pentagon. I wonder WHY.

OOps nevermind i CLEARLY saw a 757 hit the petagon on that tape . NOT!!!
Wow. You'll believe anything buddy.

I believe there was an article on topsecret.com or something to that extent, that said how the Pentagon was actually hit by a 747 and not another aircraft/jet/missile/whatever.
I doesnt matter anyways now , it happened we cant change it. I'm happy as long as Oblivion comes to the 360.
I wish this thread would just get closed, these conspiracy theory's are insulting to the government and the people killed in 9/11.Not to mention totally obsurd.
Obviously this proves everything that Tom Cruise has been saying, and Xenu is going to destroy all of us.

That doesnt debunk Richards footage or any claims it just creates further questions it doesnt anaylise the study on debris trajectory.. possible energy or anything. Yes its put on popularmechanics, but that article is the poorest attempt at counter analysis and debunk ive ever seen, it merely stives to support the intial FEMA, and NIST report along with the released commission report. As is said pancaking is unlikely because the building is sealed off in 3 sections, pancaking would infer gravity freefall watch the 3rd video '911 Eyewitness' on google video's it supplies stong evidence to the extraordinarly unlikely event of pancaking.. fall time shows resistance that can only be characteristic vacuum freefall.

I dont buy into the official explaination, theres too many unanswered questions when extra evidence exist's. like richards video footage.

if they blew the charges a whole 9 seconds before it collapsed...then they suck at collapsing building.

You dont seem to have clue or any inclination to find out for yourself apparently.. watch a demolishion.. pre emtive explosions are needed to weaken the structure before primary explosions begin the collapse sequence. compare the fluidic flow and sheer volume of concrete dust created to a previous large building demolishion and the characteristic's are identical, that is visually undeniable, no one has to wholly believe in this, I dont myself .. but the observation of collapse characteristic's alone give major reason's to ask the questions that havnt been answered.
Direwolf said:
And wouldn't it have just been easier for the government to hire a bunch of guys to hijack the jets?
This is the part of this conspiracy (well, one of the parts) I really can't get my head 'round.
Were the planes manned or unmanned?
If they were un-manned, how are the deaths of the passengers accounted for? If they were manned - well, who the f*ck's gonna fly a plane into a building to help their government get oil and ring in tougher impositions on civil liberties?

Oh, and the people who say that the Pentagon was hit by a missile - it doesn't make sense. Why would they need to attack the Pentagon AS WELL as the Twin Towers? The attack on the latter would have given them all the "justification" they needed to start the "War on Terror" (terrorism being something that had not existed prior to 2001).
I’m sure right now the conspirators are quaking in their boots as their dastardly and unspeakable plot for world domination is slowly but surely unravelled.

My how they must be casting their dodgy, somewhat shady eyes towards this thread and are thinking “My, My how did we leave so much evidence behind? How did we manage to plan the perfect act of mass murder only to be exposed by a bunch of half life 2 fans?”

As the missiles slammed into the WTC and the Pentagon and the team of demotion experts planted their bombs in the world trade centre I’m sure they would never have imaged, in their wildest dreams they would have been so easily exposed.

As the undercover agents of world anarchy ensured that the US air force was stood down and the and the worlds best intelligence agency not only turned a blind eye but actually helped in this hideous act, the shadow like agents of world domination must have felt so smug. Believing their actions would always go unnoticed, believing that we would never question it all, how naïve was they?

As the full magnitude of this massive conspiracy is exposed it’s so frightening to know that the same crazy capitalistic, megalomaniac powerful figures will actually be looking at us, at us all, after all we now the truth.

Of course it is beyond comprehension to take 9/11 at face value, to simply view it as the most dreadful act of terrorism to date, to simply view it as an act of unbelievable horror, whereby thousands of innocent people died.

Of course not, it can’t be that simple, there must be more…………..enter the conspiracy theorist
Well said? Well I wouldnt say that.. blowing it all way out propaution is more accurate. The video's dont even go into any drawn out conspiracey theories, they just point out the glaring unanswered questions, and good argument on all the similarities with physical characteristic's of demolishion... something any credible scientist does is anaylise all possible occurances that cause collapses of that nature, but the fact that alternates where not even properly explored shows the bias towards soley attempting to prove it within the bush administrations foretold story, If anyone bother's to read NIST's, or FEMA's report they make it clear there is no such definitive proof and it would require further investigation, there is only one great big assumption of the unlikely symmetrical pancaking caused by evenly spread abnormal heat, .

It's you people who are pronouncing it all adds up to a 'conspiracey'.
clarky003 said:
Well said? Well I wouldnt say that.. blowing it all way out propaution is more accurate. The video's dont even go into any drawn out conspiracey theories, they just point out the glaring unanswered questions, and good argument on all the similarities with physical characteristic's of demolishion... something any credible scientist does is anaylise all possible occurances that cause collapses of that nature, but the fact that alternates where not even properly explored shows the bias towards soley attempting to prove it within the bush administrations foretold story, If anyone bother's to read NIST's, or FEMA's report they make it clear there is no such definitive proof and it would require further investigation, there is only one great big assumption of the unlikely symmetrical pancaking caused by evenly spread abnormal heat, .

It's you people who are pronouncing it all adds up to a 'conspiracey'.

Wow...just give it up already.

They don't point out un answered things. They point out things that the answer isn't blaringly obvious and then they use rhetorics to make it sounds like there is no answer and/or turn it into evidence that supports their crazy conspiracy theory. By using these tactics they are hoping to lure in enough people that can't think for themselves...the kind of morons that believe anything they are told if it sounds like it could be true in some way. Just google this if your confused or can't figure out what happened on 9/11.
I think the problem with 9/11 is the fact that the american people just flat our refuse to believe that the US govt. is even capable of commiting such heinous acts to their own financial gain (even though they've done unspeakable things in the past *cough* nagasaki *cough* agent orange *cough* napalm *cough* extermination of native americans *cough*) and they deem anyone who looks at the facts with their eyes open as some loony conspiracy theorist.

Clarky I have to say I've read all your posts in this thread and I agree with pretty much everything you say 100%.

Baxter is quite irritating in the way that he sort of tries to make anyone who thinks the events of 9/11 were a bit shifty as an idiot "ooooooooooooh, it's the US govt... how could they have been so stuuuuuuuuupid as to leave evidence, etc..." give it up already man.

The fact is the US govornment did confiscate quite a lot of video evidence after 9/11 (including a video showing the attack on The Pentagon), so I guess the only ones who really know what happened is them.
If they wanted to destroy the building for a reason to attack Afghanastan and it's oil, why not just have some sort of thing going on that day where the building would be empty? (I know this would raise the public with suspision, but still.)
craig said:
I think the problem with 9/11 is the fact that the american people just flat our refuse to believe that the US govt. is even capable of commiting such heinous acts to their own financial gain (even though they've done unspeakable things in the past *cough* nagasaki *cough* agent orange *cough* napalm *cough* extermination of native americans *cough*) and they deem anyone who looks at the facts with their eyes open as some loony conspiracy theorist.

Clarky I have to say I've read all your posts in this thread and I agree with pretty much everything you say 100%.

Baxter is quite irritating in the way that he sort of tries to make anyone who thinks the events of 9/11 were a bit shifty as an idiot "ooooooooooooh, it's the US govt... how could they have been so stuuuuuuuuupid as to leave evidence, etc..." give it up already man.

The fact is the US govornment did confiscate quite a lot of video evidence after 9/11 (including a video showing the attack on The Pentagon), so I guess the only ones who really know what happened is them.

agreed, at least somewhat, but too lazy to actually post something with actually incite.. I just lurk around now-a-days anywho
mhm....I think the US Goverment didnt have their hands in this but they may have knew about it,funny how its ok to say the "US Goverment did it"!!!
but when it comes to the pseudo religion of the west (the Holecaust) you cant talk about without being called a Nazi.so much for freedom of speech.
The documentary does imply alot of things. "missiles fired" (i saw 3 white pixels in that shot), "no hijackers onboard" (one daddy claimed to have a phone call), "was a military plane not a commercial one" (that engine doesnt look like a boeing engine) etc.
If i remember correctly it even throws the "could our government actually kill 3000 blabla"...

I see these kind of stories just as the "Elvis Lives!" and "Tupac Lives!" stories.
Its people's obsession to hide from the truth, and or "this is so terrible, there must be something more behind it"..
I've read a big-ass magazine article with loads of facts on how Elvis and Tupac were suppost to still be alive...
Basically every celebrity, tragedy etc in the States has spawned a group of conspiracy theorists and so called "experts" claiming it was a grande plan!
Marylin Monroe was poisoned by the CIA because she was screwing JFK!! lol

When something of this scale happens its hard to believe, people panic, and its even more hard to believe the government couldnt stop it..
And conspiracy theorists jump into this mass feeling of "fear" and "disbelief" people have.

I remained sceptical throughout the movie. The hole in the ground to small? No large chunks of debris?
Yeah, you convinced me, but thats because i know jack shit about plane crashes and building collapses...
All i know is what i've seen on Discovery and National Geographic.
Why dont they just visit some construction companies, experts, architects etc? They handpick several so-called experts who tell a "not possible" kind of story..
They real experts will tell you that once a few support pillars give away the whole thing comes tumbling down like a card-house-> the plane crash had allready destroyed alot of support pillars....(so the whole "does fire destroy steel" is just cutting out other events and facts)..
When support pillars break, they dont just crumble they "snap"/"explode" -> hence the "i heard explosions" and the "earthquake reading".
When support pillars for such a huge structure finally snap because of the weight, they go "boom"!

Also, Bush might have been stupid to go into Afghanistan and Iraq, he probably had other plans than "lets kick Saddam's butt", but i doublt its oil-> see the costs of the war? Any idea how much oil they need to sell/steal from iraq to compinsate that cost? Somebody have a better explanation?
craig said:
I think the problem with 9/11 is the fact that the american people just flat our refuse to believe that the US govt. is even capable of commiting such heinous acts to their own financial gain (even though they've done unspeakable things in the past *cough* nagasaki *cough* agent orange *cough* napalm *cough* extermination of native americans *cough*) and they deem anyone who looks at the facts with their eyes open as some loony conspiracy theorist.

Clarky I have to say I've read all your posts in this thread and I agree with pretty much everything you say 100%.

Baxter is quite irritating in the way that he sort of tries to make anyone who thinks the events of 9/11 were a bit shifty as an idiot "ooooooooooooh, it's the US govt... how could they have been so stuuuuuuuuupid as to leave evidence, etc..." give it up already man.

The fact is the US govornment did confiscate quite a lot of video evidence after 9/11 (including a video showing the attack on The Pentagon), so I guess the only ones who really know what happened is them.

I think your problem is that you're blatently anti-American.

Fact is, there will always be people who find it so difficult to believe that something shocking happened (moon landings, jfk, pearl habour, etc) that they'd rather believe that its all part of some grand conspiracy. They point to the stunning silence from the powers that be as some form of vindication - whereas the rest of us understand that nobody grants a fool an audience.
Also, in that google video they talk about 'exposions while the building is collapsing' and show explosiions of air through the windows as the building is coming down.

Complete ignorance of basic physics.

As for 'melting steel', the stell doesn't have to melt - it just has to weaken.

And Clarky, all this talk about the metal frame conducting the heat away is basically very silly, as anybody who has ever used a welding torch will tell you. If you don't believe me, watch a blacksmith shape a piece of metal rod - while still holding the cold end.

Also lets do some research on the Sampoong department store collapse. This is just one of the links.
You'll see that they weakened 4 main columns which caused the entire building to collapse like a chain reaction.
So if a huge boeing crashes into a skycraper and messes up alot of main columns...
Again the problems of soley focusing on trying to explain the symmetrical pancaking from a theoretical conclusion of fire weakening enough steel in the entire core for it to crumble.. lots of 'if's' and 'these conditions need to be created, but we have no proof statements'.. you would need all columns to fail simultaniously throughout the entire structure for it to fall vertically within its own footprint.

Its not ignorance of basic physic's its quite the opposite, watch the trajectory of the debris ejection, it is ejected in an upward arc hundreds of feet outward all around the circumference at all points all the way down, Newton's laws of motion are disobeyed within the current theory of collapse.. and infact many of the basic physic's principals like debris ejection arnt even covered in the NIST and FEMA report's.

As the top of one of the towers tilts and falls its directional inertia suddenly stops, and it disintigrates when Newtons 1st law of inertia states an object in motion tends to stay in motion in the same speed and same direction 'unless' acted upon by another force.

The pancake collapse theory falls down mainly on the second law of motion, conservation of momentum, the momentum of the top section would not be conserved according to this law, yet the building falls at near the speed of freefall in vacuum meeting little to no resistance from the much stronger intact lower section's.

In context of the third law.. for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, the footage of high speed ejected steel and pulverised dust needs an explosive equal and opposite reaction to create that upward trajectory, this isnt addressed properly no overlay's or energy prediction or measurement's are done with the footage in the NIST and FEMA report's..

The pancake theory does not satisfy Newton's laws from the physical behaviour observed, which is why its reasonable to be skeptical, The external characteristic's are far more objective and physically measurable.. than the reliance of unknown values of heat and internal damage used to try and verify the unlikelyhood of symmetrical pancaking of floors... for that reason it is a weak theory and the commission report, NIST's and FEMA's report are strongly biased towards it yet the theory has next to no physical evidence that co-oberate's totally with external physical behaviour.


Watch this outline of the basic physic's analysis in comparison to the physical footage from 17:10 to the end... None of the articles that have been posted to 'debunk' actually even bother to attempt any kind of overlay/direct comparison to the real time footage.
I believe this source + explanation above what the documentary workers say...

If the collapse really was against the laws of physics, why isnt the physics world screaming it out?
There are enough video's in which the world's physics professors could say "hey thats not possible"...
Man practically the whole world saw the Twin Towers collapse!

btw, @ your comment on all support collums needing to burst at the same time to be able to cause it to collapse like that?
If you look at other collapses like that Department store, only 4 failed and it collapsed like the WTC..
Even if so, who says they didnt snap at the same time due to the immense extra-weight?