What really pisses you off?

1) Religion playing a major role in politics

2) Old people that are "Hip"

3) Ganst0rz that are "Hip"

4) CptStern when he's "Hip"! :D

5) whn vry vwl is tkn t f wrds n n ttmpt 2 b cl!
When people make a thread about what pisses me off!
Im really pist off now
*Falls asleep*
Not neccesarily in this order:

1. People who play the race card every time someone has an opposing opinion to theirs, calling you a racist because you do not agree with some of their views.

2. People who are sick with a cold or other contaigious disease, that come to school anyway and talk right in your face.

3. People who are so strongly against whites being a part of gangsta street culture, but any other race is fine, leaving no explination as to why.

4. Ultra-flamboyant gays...say what you want about tolerance, I dont mind gay rights but when they're so .... umm.. different that they have to act and think, walk and talk exactly like a girl it starts getting annoying...by this point its like..jeez kid, get a sex change already..lol. non-prissy/non-flamboyant gays are fine, as long as they leave me alone...

5. People who won't stop talking about doom and gloom stories about how avian flu is going to get us (lol) ... or how the oil crisis will lead to an ice age (??? lol ???)

6. Punks who start trouble for no reason

7. And like Danimal said religion playing a role in politics... and I'm a catholic but I dont think that religion should play any role in politics..
Danimal said:
1) Religion playing a major role in politics

2) Old people that are "Hip"

3) Ganst0rz that are "Hip"

4) CptStern when he's "Hip"! :D

5) whn vry vwl is tkn t f wrds n n ttmpt 2 b cl!
2 and 4 are repetitive of one another.
Bullies. Mean people. Seeing videos or reading stories of these bullies or mean people. Someone beating up someone else, for example. It get's me very pissed very fast.
People who ask me "Why I read."
People who cannot respect others' religious views (including my lack thereof).

Actually, I think most things I hate have to do with people and their various failings. On the other hand, most of the things I enjoy have to do with the wondrous things that people do. Oh, the dichotomy!
People who go outta their way to make sure they're different. Because when you do that, you're not different, you're like everyone else being different.

That and Wiggers..... and Hicks
Uriel said:
People who go outta their way to make sure they're different. Because when you do that, you're not different, you're like everyone else being different.

That and Wiggers..... and Hicks

Hyuck Hyuck, what'chu lookin' at homey? Hyuck, hyuck.
Jack Thompson
girls that overuse "like"
and people who TK because they think they're 1337

edit: and all the 10 year olds on xbox live
people insulting america when they've never been here
thank you for directing me to websites in a foreign language that i only know how to say i love you in.
lol.....its basicly how the goverment staged 9/11, and you can buy Machine guns at Walmart etc how stupid we are and so on -_-
Ignorance -- if you do not know about the subject at hand, do not speak about it. You can have no opinion about something you've never heard/saw/etc. it before. Stfu.
Wiggers -- if you were in Detroit, you'd be getting gangbanged right now, knock the act off.
People who can't type correctly -- ppl who typ liek dis annoy the hell out of me. At least make an effort. This doesn't apply to non-english people.
Emo's -- your life's not that bad, stop cutting, dumbass.
Dumbasses -- if you cannot count to 10, get off the internet.
People who correct you over dumbass things -- oh well, I mispronouced it, but you still knew what I meant. Screw off.
People who stop in the middle of a story trying to remember a name/place/etc. -- it doesn't matter, keep telling the story. This absolutly bugs the **** out of me. I don't care who/where/what it was, most likely, it's not relevent to the story enough to matter. Uhg.
Spicy Tuna said:
lol.....its basicly how the goverment staged 9/11, and you can buy Machine guns at Walmart etc how stupid we are and so on -_-
Never shop at Wal-Mart for firearms or related equipment. Not necessarily because of their supplies, but because of the idiot always at the counter.

Could I have those 12 gauge shells right there? *guy reaches on the wrong shelf and grabs for a box of 20 gauge* these? No. *Guy grabs 30.06* No, that's not even shotgun shells* Just put them all on the counter and I'll point out what I need. >:O

Qonfused said:
People who correct you over dumbass things -- oh well, I missed pronouced it, but you still knew what I meant. Screw off.
It's not missed pronounced... it's one word. LOL
the banning of tr0n(no idea why he got banned)
any team that beating mine in hockey
and everything said before me
Revisedsoul said:
the banning of tr0n(no idea why he got banned)
any team that beating mine in hockey
and everything said before me

What about that said after you? We all know the last word is the best word, and I have the last word!

Except for him. He got the last word.

Immigrants in the UK.

bvasgm said:
People who smoke annoy me, just not enough to publically berate them. If they want to poison themselves, that's fine with me.

If they annoy uou, why are you fine with them smoking?. If no one smoked (in the UK at least - at £5 a 20 deck) this country would be alot worse off than it already is, and petrol would be twice the price it already is (~90p or $1.50 a litre), so be thankful people smoke because i'm pretty sure it brings in alot of this country's Tax.
Alig said:
Immigrants in the UK.

What, any immigrant, illegal ones or what?

How do you feel about British people emmigrating (sometimes illegally to Australia)?
Alig said:
Immigrants in the UK.

People who say that.

Immigrants contrivute 2.2billion to the national economy (Yes with benifits taken into account), the average woman in England has 1.2 children, take immigrants out of the equation you have an average of 0.8.

Thats the population declining. So immigrants are good for the country irrelavant of what your racist sources say.