What scares you?

What is scary

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Theres nothing as scary as things jumpin out at you, I found this out when playing FarCry, bloody trigens lunging at you then swiping their big claws across your face (usually dead with two swipes of their claws)
yeah that never fails to freak me out,probably why i hate them so much,the monkey 1s anyway,the others dont scare me
Anticipation, I am my own worst enemy when it comes to being scared.
The whole Doom thing scares the shit out of me.. the darkness, things jumping out. you knw its going to happen, and im ok in films, but with the sounds and stuff in doom3, i just get scared and give up :o
Usually a combination of gore/and monster sounds (like you know something is there and it just tore that guy to pieces)
the atmosphere is what makes the game. it determines if it's scary, or adventerous or something else.
SimonomiS said:
Yea, but that could be true, or you might be trying to be all "tough and manly" to enlarge your e-penis. :P

I do not do tough and manly.

I can get unerved but I never can say I'm scared by a game or a film.
Venmoch said:
I do not do tough and manly.

I can get unerved but I never can say I'm scared by a game or a film.
really?i know that i vary rarely get scared from films but with games its different,probably as the immersion factor is so big
Atmoshere kills me, not music, but the abscence of sound and strange things happening, one of my worst nightmares was an empty white room, no sound, and each time I turned around, something random popped up (a huge eye, a dead guy, a doll) and it was really f**kin' freaky,
jimbo118 said:


Yeah, I'm actually afraid of that... Especially when you are alone and it chases you in a dark hallway... next second... you are in its stomach, melting you slowly...
Nah, I just swear over voicecomm.

Thing is, I tend to go "That was cool" rather than get scared. Case in point, last scene in "Ring" (The Japanese version) when Sadako does her thing.

I thought "Man thats cool!" not OMG I R SCARED!
Venmoch said:
Uh not much really.

DOOM 3 was a walk in the park, Resident Evil was just fun, Silent Hill was not scary.

In fact, neither was System Shock 2.

(Also worth noting, I took the oppertunity to watch the Japanese versions of "Ring and Ring 2", totally not scary.)
Eh, one of the army types who walks around saying "I'm too strong to be scared!!!" Meh. Or you're just lying.

Atmosphere for me.
2 things do it for me: bioheadcrabs and
mutants from far cry
:D:D so for me it has to be surprises. I dunno why the bioheadcrabs... guess they just come as a big surprise. :D
The mutants from FarCry were rather silly IMO. If you try hard enough, you can figure out where they within a few seconds. Also I try to follow their walking Mp5's lol.
Being in the open in Operation Flashpoint
Terrifying like no other experience
except the real thing of course ; )
Sounds, mainly. I stood around in the sewer/cargo area place during Follow Freeman, or whatever the other one was with the city combat, for a long time not daring to go forward because I heard a poisen zombie but couldn't see it. Turned out it was behind a fence in a little alcove below me. I'm such a pussy.

Oh, and in that FEAR video when he enters that really gory room and behind the metal grating the light flickers and that girl runs at it then disapears. Or when he enters the office and it crawls out the darkness and, again, disapears. Had me that did.
Venmoch said:
Uh not much really.

DOOM 3 was a walk in the park, Resident Evil was just fun, Silent Hill was not scary.

In fact, neither was System Shock 2.

(Also worth noting, I took the oppertunity to watch the Japanese versions of "Ring and Ring 2", totally not scary.)

Well doom 3 was not scary, silent hill/re/ss2 on the other hand... :o
The monkeys in TimeSplitters3.Oh the horror of feces throwing simians!!!!!!!!Plus the creatures in The Suffering.
Yeh the things in The Suffering were jus weird O_o