What should i update on my comp?



I have an HP pentium 4 1700mhz 1.7 gigz 512mb of sdram a geforce 4 mx 440

I was thinking should I buy a radeon 9600 for 154 or 9600 se for 129? also whats the diffrence between the SE and regular?


should i get a Pentium 4, 2.40GHz, 533MHz Bus, Socket 478 Processor for 200$

Or the Pentium 4, 2.40cGHz, 800MHz Bus, Socket 478 Processor with Hyper-Threading for 195$

by the way come Xmas im looking to buy a top of the line Alienware with the latest amd 64 bit cpu PCI-X and top of the line vid card.

i just need something now to hold me over until then lol Thanks.
well, if you're jsut lookign for soemthing to hold you over, a 9600pro should be fine.

you'e motherboard almost certianly doesn't support 533mhz or 800mhz fsb, and changing the mobo in an HP is prett ymuch impossible (custom stuff)
so im pretty buch screwed with the processor eh? will the 9600 be able to run hitman contracts and maybe a few other games nicely?

(i know i wont be able to get Far Cry or ut2k4 on full settings lol)
kidrock450 said:
I have an HP pentium 4 1700mhz 1.7 gigz 512mb of sdram a geforce 4 mx 440

I was thinking should I buy a radeon 9600 for 154 or 9600 se for 129? also whats the diffrence between the SE and regular?


should i get a Pentium 4, 2.40GHz, 533MHz Bus, Socket 478 Processor for 200$

Or the Pentium 4, 2.40cGHz, 800MHz Bus, Socket 478 Processor with Hyper-Threading for 195$

by the way come Xmas im looking to buy a top of the line Alienware with the latest amd 64 bit cpu PCI-X and top of the line vid card.

i just need something now to hold me over until then lol Thanks.
scrap the whole thing and just make for the next 3 years...

dual 4 EE 4.75 ghz
Nvidia 6800 Ultra
dual 40 GB high speed west tech or somethin hardd drives
52X 24X 52X cd-burna
flat screen display 1600X
audigy 2.0
a sexy case...
3.25 inch flop
good cooling setup ect...

but if your on a gay buget then i say just get Nvidia FX 5200 its what i use and i dont have any problems.. all my games run great ... Uru farcry ect... or if your a Nvidia hater then id much rather say blow me but a radeon 9800 128 pro would work... thares about 200$

Sidewinder is right.

For someone who actually might have the decision between those two processors though, definitely and without question get the 2.4C.
You'd get better use out of the 9600 though than the processor on most of the newer games that lean on DX effects. Go with the 9600 Regular over the SE though, it's better. Unless you know how to soft mod stuff, then go with the 9600 SE.

I think you can find a 9800 SE though for about the same price as a regular 9600, which is definately a better choice, because the core chip is simply better, and if you wanted to deal with soft modding you could get it up to 9800 regular, or maybe even 9800 Pro, depending on how cool the heat sink keeps the processor, which can be different from card to card.
Pick up the 9600 regular. If I remember, the 9600SE has some of its manhood taken away from it, so I would stay away.
I,d also say a new mobo as well as a gfx card you can get a good asus for about £50 and this will inprove you performance a good bit.
he can't get a new mobo. he has an HP, which uses non-standard power setup and non-standard form factor.
OKay, now in the other thread I said wait out for PCIE, but here I would say get the 9600 Pro.

To me a 9800 doesnt make much sense now, the new cards are quite a lot faster. But it will be a while before you start getting budget versions of the new cards, so a 9600 is sensible. The SE version is a sort-of reject which has limited clock speed. From what I hear they aint great, but dont quote me on that :).

P.S. hes plainly on a budget as hes discussing the £30 difference between the 2 cards :)
I think theres a new GF cardn (5900 Ultra????) that budget and very fast, but I cant seem to find it (I was in PCZone current Issue methinks).
SidewinderX143 said:
he can't get a new mobo. he has an HP, which uses non-standard power setup and non-standard form factor.

Not to mention, the hdd's have shit on there thats a pain in the arse to get rid of. :angry:
why do companies like HP and Dell do stuff like that? its just pathetic ( in my opinion )
Yeah, but they just want to make as much mula as possible. And I don't blame them. If I was a multi-billion dollar company i'd perhaps do the same.
i think im just gonna pop out my gforce4 MX 440 buy me a radeon 9600 regular and come november or so (once PCI-X is out) im going all out top of the line computer.
kidrock450 said:
i think im just gonna pop out my gforce4 MX 440 buy me a radeon 9600 regular and come november or so (once PCI-X is out) im going all out top of the line computer.

We later it will be out of date :-P
kidrock450 said:
i think im just gonna pop out my gforce4 MX 440 buy me a radeon 9600 regular and come november or so (once PCI-X is out) im going all out top of the line computer.

It's a plan -- if you have the money... I personally would be pleased if you maybe could provide some photos of the GF4 MX meeting its end...gruesomely... :D

Oh, btw, PCI-X has been out for a long time and is not the same thing as PCI-Express. In fact PCI-Express is barely related to PCI/AGP or PCI-X. Probably clearest if your don't abbreviate it or abbreviate it with an 'e' instead of an 'X' i.e. PCIe. Not to be picky or anything.
