what the **** am I doing


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
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Sup HL2.net. I haven't made an E-Crybaby thread in a while, but here I am with another.

My problem is that I have no ****ing clue where to go with my life. I'm currently going to school and living in San Francisco with an obsessive compulsive neurotic aunt that I barely even know, with about 20 dollars to my name, and no job. My mom sends me a little bit of money every month, about 5 dollars a day, and I do some rly basic cleaning shits at this apartment my other aunt owns for about 80 bucks a month. I have no car, and ride my little BMX bike everywhere. Riding my bike has to be my most favorite thing in the world, and is probably the only thing that's kept me sane for the past year or two.

When I first moved here, I felt like I had made the biggest mistake of my ****ing life. I cried so hard, and for the longest time the only thing I could think about was my life back home in Hawaii. I missed my friends, I missed my family members, I missed my mom, I ****ing missed everything so much. I remember sitting on the plane, looking out the window, watching the islands fade into the distance, just thinking to myself "god dammit kidzo. You've ****ed up a lot, but never this much..."

My mom told me to give it a semester, and see how I felt then. The plan was to go to SF Community College for two years, make up for my academic shortcomings in high school, then move on to another college. Of course, I could have done the exact same thing back home, but I kept on telling everybody, myself included, that none of the schools on the islands captured my interest. Looking back on it though, I think it was just an excuse for a naive and immature emo **** to feel like he had found an escape from an island culture he had grown bored of.

So I gave it that one semester, and I actually did have a change of heart. I found a GIGANTIC BMX community in not only the city, but the entire Bay Area, and started to make some friends. I started spending a lot of my time at the Ferry Building on the embarcadero, which is a hub for BMX, skateboarding, and track biking in the region, and finally found something to do with my time out here. If it weren't for bike riding, i'm pretty sure I would have moved back by now.

At first I tried really hard to do my best in school, as I was extremely amped to have a second chance at academia after ****ing up so hard in high school. But since I have absolutely no clue what I want to do with my life, I stopped really giving a **** about school. Eventually, school came to mean nothing more to me than a means for me to continue my existence here in the bay, considering that the family i'm staying with is supportive of my efforts ONLY as long as i'm going to school. Don't get me wrong, i'd love to want to go to school, but I feel way too aimless right now to really care. I feel so guilty too, to be spending money that isn't mine on an education I don't care to get, but my mom keeps on pushing me to at least get my AA before I give up on school.

Throughout this whole experience, the underlying theme of my life has been an an extremely dark depression. Living out here, my self esteem is way down in the pits, and I have basically no motivation to actually foster an at least slightly established life. The only thing I care about is riding my bike. My room is a total mess, I have 0 friends that I DON'T know through bike riding, I know a grand total of 1 female in the city (big surprise: she rides bike too), my bike is in the shittiest condition it's ever been in, I survive on one meal a day, two if i'm lucky to have some extra spending money, I smoke almost a pack a day, and I procrastinate on everything till the absolute last minute. I mean, I guess it's not like these circumstances were any different back home in Hawaii, but at least in Hawaii I felt like I was a person worth knowing, and I at least had the desire to continue to meet new people and live my life. Out here though, all I do is ride my bike and smoke a shit tonne of weed, while the rest of the world speeds on by, just not giving a **** about anything.

I have the worst anxiety now too. I constantly chew on my fingernails, and when I can't, i'm always pressing my tongue in the spaces between my teeth, and trying to chew at the skin on my cheeks. Back home, I was a loud stupid ass kid, that irritating **** in your circle of friends that would not shut up about buttsex and cocks. Now I hardly ever open my mouth. Even when i'm out riding with friends, I usually just space out and ride in the background by myself, and I’m always off in the back by myself when we peddle around the city. It feels like every conversation they have that doesn't include me, is about me. It's like when they laugh, they're laughing at my expense, even if the conversation has absolutely nothing to do with me. It doesn't matter if I KNOW they aren't talking about me, it will still FEEL like they are. And when I do tricks on my bike, i'm mostly panging for approval and respect. Tricks never really feel all that great unless I can muster a congratulatory comment in the process.

I eventually stopped feeling so sorry for myself, went out and grabbed a bunch of job applications, started talking to the homies about places where I could for sure get work, and I felt better than I had ever felt since moving here. Some shit happened though, and it looked almost positively like I would HAVE to move back to Hawaii, regardless of my desires. At first, I felt like shit. Partly because I didn't want to give up on trying to make something of myself out here, but even moreso because I didn't want to have the decision torn from my own hands. If I was going to go back, I wanted it to be because I wanted to, not because I HAD to.

Yet less than a week after, I actually got stoked on it. I felt like a failure for screwing up so hard and HAVING to move back, but I was so happy that I would finally get to go home. Then, maybe a day or two after I got stoked, my school counciler told me "oh, don't worry, you can take care of all that stuff when you enroll next semester. I usually don't tell kids that cause then they get lazy, but don't worry, it'll be fine".

Which leaves me here, pouring my life story out to the internet. I have no idea what to do HL2.net. Half of me wants to go back home, take a semester off to work and try to find a goal, THEN go to a community college back home. But the other half doesn't want to give up just yet on shit out here, it's just that every time that half starts to speak, the other reminds me of how hellacious it's been to be so aimless so far from home. It's like, i've been granted this amazing opportunity, but I don’t feel like I’m ready to take it. At the same time though, i'm worried that this part of me that's trying to justify going home, is just an excuse for me to be a giant vagina and give up.

So, what would HL2.net do in my shoes?

TL;DR : Sinkoman is going to school far away from home, and doesn't really care about school anymore, so now what?
Half of me wants to go back home, take a semester off to work and try to find a goal, THEN go to a community college back home.

I'd do this. Take some time to think about what you really want to do, goals create motivation. You're young, you aren't supposed to have it all figured out, relax! :)
3 things.

1. Get a girlfriend. (May seem harsh, but you have no idea how much this can help depression.)

2. Get a job. Fast food, slow food, warehouse, walmart, SuperValue, just make some damn spare dough so you can buy some shit.

3. Quit sulking in depression. It's easy as hell to get sucked into it. I know. Stop feeling guilty for all that shit you did. If that's how you are then that's how you are, but you have to make a decision. For who you want to be, will that work for you? Will this lifestyle work for you? If so, then great. If not, then are you willing to **** your whole life up because you're a little homesick? How about in 10 years when you're living in a trailer working full-time at McDonalds as a manger. You think you'll be as happy as you are now, then?

Just my two cents. I'm guilty of the same shit, man, but you have to keep moving. The world won't stop, and if you do, it will leave you behind.

Also, quit smoking. You're just wasting money. Everything's expensive enough now as it is, you might as well spend your money on something that won't kill you. And with the money you save you'll be able to eat that third meal, if you budget. Don't give yourself an excuse. Everybody knows what the right thing is.
Take a day off and go for a nice hike.
might want to try quitting the weed. Especially if you're the type to get high, do nothing/procrastinate, then feel guilty about it.
I dunno man. With respect to your school, I've been kind of in the same boat. Even though I didn't do badly in high school and am about to finish community college with good grades and everything, for me a goal couldn't be less defined at the moment. And the passion towards the interest I had to study some science discipline (biochemistry, neurology) when I transferred to university seems to have become much less intensified, leading from a well-defined career orientation to basically... nothing much. In other words, I have no reason to go to university without a clear-cut purpose. I'm with you on the wasting someone else's money - if I'm not going to be enjoying and learning from something, why waste time and money on it? It sucks to realize this, but it sucks even more to realize it late.

If you're unsure about your career, don't sweat it. I think eventually you find out what you want to do. That's what my college professors say - the ones i'm well acquainted with - that if you find something you enjoy and that you're good at, the rest of the things seem to fall in to place and the rest (hobbies, free time etc) can compensated. That's the common denominat-ing thing they all come down to.

You know what calms me though? I've only two weeks of college and work till this semester ends. I'm looking forward to it because I'm finally gonna get a chance to lay back and do stuff I've been putting off, and more seriously, to think. So I think it'll be a good thing for me - and I think you could do something like it too. You suggested it yourself - taking off time to seriously think what to do would do us both good. And I used to be anxious that if I thought and kept thinking then that's all I would do and then one day life would pass me by - but the anxiety passed with the realization that at the _very least_ you've ruled out what you DON'T want to do at the moment; e.g. in your case, stay in SF and be around a place that makes you uncomfortable - and you think about things that ARE pleasant, like bike riding, meeting your old friends and becoming extroverted again, etc.

I envy kids who weren't as good in school and suddenly they're about to get their bachelors degrees and seem to have it all worked out... but somehow, I think they've got their own challenges. So do you and I, and it makes you no less a person to deal with these much more important issues than to shut them off and go on lifelessly. In fact, it's very important that you have the clarity to acknowledge the issues - and should you (and you will) get them sorted, you'll become quite happy and successful.

As to your other problems e.g. smoking, weed, no lunch money etc. I think you've let the more important issues exacerbate your aggravated emotional state so that you don't pay attention to the minor issues, which do take a considerable toll. All I can say (and i hope you don't hate me for it) is that they're manageable and you can definitely and more responsibly administer your habits by eliminating the bad ones and creating better habits. That just sounded like the cheapest advice ever, but when you are more emotionally stable you begin to realize that it's worth the effort to get rid of the bad habits.
sounds like a typical early life issue concerning direction. I thought everyone had this, I know I do

EDIT: Don't get too fussed over it, everyone goes through this at some point I am sure. But don't try to forget it, because you might just fail.
Go home, relax a little, be with your family and friends, and take some time to think. I got absolutely fed up with school for a while, too. I took the fall semester off to gather my thoughts, and came back this semester motivated and with new goals. Don't feel like you're running out of time or like you're the only one in this situation. A lot of people get to college/university and get completely lost in everything. It's normal.
What Moto says is right, time is NOT RUNNING OUT.

You've lived less than three decades at most, you have double that time at least
Join the military.

Honestly, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life until my last semester of college. It's a pretty common issue for kids your age, and even if you end up changing your mind several times, it's perfectly normal.
I don't have much to add since everyone else said pretty good stuff. If you need to take some time off to figure things out, I think that makes sense. One of my friends graduated with something like a C average and couldn't get a job for over a year. Ended up taking time off hanging out with his jiu jitsu buddies, working at a warehouse for a while, biking pizza deliveries, etc. One day on the phone he was just like, "Honestly I feel like a total failure sometimes." But he just stuck with it and now he's finally got a better job, so I think he's doing pretty well.

As for the school stuff, you might need to go find some jerk who will force you to get motivated. Another of my friends was trying to switch majors, but was the kind of guy who wouldn't do homework, missed exams, and got high or drunk every weekend. His temporary advisor was a huge twerp who gave him this random ultimatum that if he didn't get all A's and B's one semester (with some difficult classes thrown in), he'd be kicked out. Pretty harsh, but he probably needed it and it seemed to work.
Dude, the joy of life comes from new experiences. The way I see it, you can either grow as a person (and learn to succeed in your new city) or regress (and return home to your mother and what is comfortable).

I'm sure I'm not the first to say this, but give up the weed. It's clearly making you paranoid, **** that shit right there. Don't pick it up again (if at all) until you're in a better place. The smokes can probably go too, I can send you the ebook of allen carrs 'The easy way to stop smoking'. It's a great e-book, I read it once, and it made me realise there are very few real nicotine craving, it's all in your head.

Sure when I have the money and I'm drinking I'll smoke a packet, but when I can't afford it I have no problem going without.

Together I think those two courses of action would drastically improve your finances and your psychological well being.

I kind of know how you feel, I'm repeating second year of Uni in a different country than my parents life. I'm ****ing it up and it's only a few months till I get kicked out and my parents realise I've been lying to them that I've being doing well this year.

I need to either get a job, or find a way to make money, or return home. Independence is really hard, I never expected it to be like this, and if I'm ever going to cope as a proper adult, I need to grow too.

Either way, good luck!
I won't read threads talking about school. I finished school and I'm glad, and nothing about it interests me. Knowlege interests me, but not this.

So I didn't read it. But I'll just post anyway because I feel like it.

I generally do not recommend attempting to learn something that does not interest you. Why learn things you don't care about? However, you need to get your license before you can race. So if the ends justify the means, then you will be eager to go through with it. If they don't, then don't do it. Don't go to school.

teach yourself something that interests you through the vast resources of the internet. This is the information age! Learn things that you can use to make money.


Get a job at a bike shop: get a discount on bike parts, learn stuff, meet people, make money.

stop spending a fortune on your bike

quit smoking

save everything you can

wear shitty clothes

brew your own alcohol
The simple fact of the matter is, youre more likely to end up working in some fast food joint if you DONT go through school, which will undoubtedly make you even more depressed.

Get through school. Youre young, so you dont have a clue just like everybody else your age. I finished Uni at 22, and didnt have a bloody clue what to do, then suddenly this job landed in my lap and Im half way around the world, doing something quite interesting.

The job will sort itself out. If you want any form of success, you have to see the big picture, the future. Education, unfortunately, is almost the only way to get that success and some form of a life accepted by society.
Oh gosh, I actually read your post now, and really feel for you man. I'm basically in the exact same situation but:
-still in high school
-moved away from my home of seventeen years
-can't drive
-skipping school and being a ****ing moron when I can't afford to be
-haven't met anyone I can relate to about anything and am basically flying completely solo

With all the time in the world in an empty house I've taken to wasting my time on hl2.net, the internet, video games, books, and tv. I'm typing this right now because I for some reason can't start my week overdue project. That's why I think getting a job or something to focus your time around is the best thing you can do. Also, obviously quitting smoking, but I can't say I know anything about what that takes. Anyway, best of luck man.
The hell are you doing in college if you don't know what you want to do? Get out of there, man. Don't go to college without a goal in mind, that's what you DON'T wanna do. Go work, find out what you want to do with your life. Where you choose to do that is up to you. If you really aren't happy in SF, don't force yourself to live there because you'll feel like you somehow pussed out if you go back home. Sometimes, you just don't click with a place.

If you've got all this anxiety and depression, you probably shouldn't stick around. I don't wanna see you down on Market and 2nd with a gray blanket and a North Face jacket, sitting outside the McDonald's opening doors for people expecting a quarter. That's what happens when you get depressed in San Francisco.
Join the military.

Damn it, you've started stealing my lines! :p

But really, I would do that, mainly because I know that the US military gives good incentives, unlike ours.

EDIT: Actually, I don't have a goal in mind too. I just go to school, without anything to live for. I'm not sure what I'm doing, I'm not even sure if I made the right choice. I keep looking back at last year, and wonder if I made some horrible choices. But in the end, I realize there is nothing I can do, and I'd rather not disappoint my parents. Filial piety and all that. All my life, I wanted to go to the Academy, but I'm in a completely different school, doing something I never imagined I would do. Shit I'm not even a mechatronics major, or other technological majors. The two things I love to get my hands on are machines and guns. And I get neither.

There's nothing much you can do about that, I suppose. We all live on the foundation of broken, shattered dreams.
I'd do this. Take some time to think about what you really want to do, goals create motivation. You're young, you aren't supposed to have it all figured out, relax! :)

Go home, relax a little, be with your family and friends, and take some time to think.

Yeah, after talking to my mom about it for a bit, I think i'm just going to go home for the summer, chill on school, make some money, and see how I feel about things after that. I'm sick of having to figure out the next four years of my life, I just want to go back home for the next few months and chill.

Dude, the joy of life comes from new experiences. The way I see it, you can either grow as a person (and learn to succeed in your new city) or regress (and return home to your mother and what is comfortable).

This is why i'm so damned torn. I feel like if I stay here, i'll somehow emerge as a better person, while back home shit will probably just be the same old same old. But at the same time it doesn't even make sense for me to be here anymore, so why force it?

The hell are you doing in college if you don't know what you want to do? Get out of there, man. Don't go to college without a goal in mind, that's what you DON'T wanna do. Go work, find out what you want to do with your life. Where you choose to do that is up to you. If you really aren't happy in SF, don't force yourself to live there because you'll feel like you somehow pussed out if you go back home. Sometimes, you just don't click with a place.

If you've got all this anxiety and depression, you probably shouldn't stick around. I don't wanna see you down on Market and 2nd with a gray blanket and a North Face jacket, sitting outside the McDonald's opening doors for people expecting a quarter. That's what happens when you get depressed in San Francisco.

Honestly, the only reason I haven't dropped out just yet is because my mom, and pretty much everybody else i've talked to about it, is pushing me so hard to stay in school, and i've just been hoping that i'll somehow stumble upon a goal in the process. Knowing myself anyways, i'll probably never go back if I don't get it done now.

And it's not that i'm unhappy in the city, I love the city, this place is dope as **** (although a lot of the people come across as really pretentious. Umg am so hip and modern unliek YOOO). I've just been feeling unstable because I honestly don't know why the hell i'm here. I came here to go to school, which I no longer care about, so I don't really understand why i'm still here, other than riding bikes, and that can't last forever. I guess in some regards i'm just here to live, but I may as well be "just living" in Hawaii if that's the case.

Besides, i'd probably post up at hubbas and spend all day picking up roaches.
Quit smoking hash and join the ****ing army. Be a goddam man for **** sake.
I don't know. Sometimes I get inspired to do things. Maybe you could get straight 'A's, just to make your mother very very happy.

In a short time, a long time will have past.

And you will be very confident, comfortable, and happy. And you will have a foundation. A straight 'A' student who knows something relevant and useful.

And you will find a sexual interest. And you will fall in love. And one day, you will die.

In the mean time, do you want cool shit to happen, or do you want to dwell on the fact that nothing is quite as amazing as you wished, while you sit on the curb begging for spare change?
the only reason I haven't dropped out just yet is because my mom, and pretty much everybody else i've talked to about it, is pushing me so hard to stay in school
Alright, voice of experience talking, don't let this happen. Don't let other people force you to go to school when you don't have a goal in mind, and you just take your general ed classes and end up picking some major that you don't even like, just because other people wanted you to. You're not going to "stumble upon" a goal. You're likely going to pick some bullshit you don't even want to do with your life just to get through it and get people off your back. Listen to me when I tell you this, because I have a business degree shoved in a drawer that I don't ever wanna friggin' look at again. I got that degree because I was pressured to go to college and I didn't know what the hell I wanted to do with my life. It's just a big waste of time and money.

So forget about everybody else. You're a grownup, you know what's best for you, don't let your family and everyone else you've talked to push you to stay if YOU don't want to stay. You don't care about school anymore? Don't go. Simple as that. It is as simple as that. Just don't go. Go find something else to sink your teeth into, get a job, try out several jobs. Talk to people in fields that you might be interested in, see if that might be something you would want to go to college for. Just don't go if you don't care and you don't have a goal, man. Seriously, fuck what everybody else says about it. If you don't want to go and you're just going for the sake of other people, you WILL regret it.

Also where the heck are you hanging out that the people are pretentious? People be real as shit in SOMA. Is why I like the place so much.
You don't have to know what you're doing before you start college, or even when you finish. It doesn't even matter what you do there as far as I'm concerned. Whatever it is, it probably isn't a waste of time, even if you never use it again. I mean, I'm doing a physics undergrad, but I certainly don't want to be a physicist, or ANYTHING to do with physics. I haven't a clue where my life is going, but to be honest, I wouldn't be bothered thinking too hard about it. What happens will happen. Just ride your bike and enjoy your life. If I was in your shoes, though, I wouldn't quit school. That'll stand to you no matter what you do.
Also where the heck are you hanging out that the people are pretentious? People be real as shit in SOMA. Is why I like the place so much.

I spend most of my time in Downtown, North Beach, and at the City College Campus. The people wreak of caucasian and asshole. In North Beach at least :/
I spend most of my time in Downtown, North Beach, and at the City College Campus. The people wreak of caucasian and asshole. In North Beach at least :/

Are they judging you, or are you judging them? Speak to them, and they will speak to you. You might find they're not so bad.
Are they judging you, or are you judging them? Speak to them, and they will speak to you. You might find they're not so bad.

I get a lot of shady ass looks from the white folk in my neighborhood, like they're scared of me or some shit. Somebody once jokingly told me "haha, they probably see you in your hoody and think 'shouldn't you be in the excelsior, or down on 16th or something?'", and I don't think it's too far from the truth. I definitely don't like the vibe of the neighborhood to begin with, so maybe that has something to do with how I see them.

Ma niggas is pretty chill though.
Become a Swat Kat. Both dreams achieved!

My parents would disown me for it. :p

One time, I told them I was thinking about joining Combat Police, and they didn't give me any food for a week. They want me behind some desk somewhere, pushing pencils for some corporation. Sure, it might pay well, but I don't really see how my existence would benefit society as a whole.

Edit: Sinkoman, do you dress wrong? I mean, perhaps that's the reason assholes see you and think that way. I wouldn't know.
I dont know if this was ever mentioned before, but did you bring your bike on a plane from Hawaii or is it something you got into while in Cali?
Underpants on head

Shoes on hands

Seriously, man. What sort of question is that?

I dunno. I suppose I was referring to the whole "gangster look" or something that I suspect is in fashion of American youth. I don't know. The only source I have on how modern Americans dress is Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
Edit: Sinkoman, do you dress wrong? I mean, perhaps that's the reason assholes see you and think that way. I wouldn't know.

I see people riding through the streets butt naked from time to time. I'd think that in one of the (purportedly) most liberal cities in the world, the way I dress wouldn't matter.

I dont know if this was ever mentioned before, but did you bring your bike on a plane from Hawaii or is it something you got into while in Cali?

Brought it with me.
Sinko is intimidating, wearing gangster clothing and walking with a big pimpin' limp.
I dunno. I suppose I was referring to the whole "gangster look" or something that I suspect is in fashion of American youth. I don't know. The only source I have on how modern Americans dress is Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.

That game is set in the early 90's. Lold.
Sinko is intimidating, wearing gangster clothing and walking with a big pimpin' limp.

Yes, you should be very scared of me. I wear a faded yankees hat and walk like I just took it up the ass. When i'm not walking, i'm cruising around on a tiny little children's bike. Grade A gangsta material right there. :P

how do you know that I limp when I walk?
Man, I never lost my pimp stroll. Shit just reoccurs sometimes in the middle of the grocery store and I instantly get an extra 100 feet of space. You have to walk a certain way if you didn't wear a belt when you should have.
Man, I never lost my pimp stroll. Shit just reoccurs sometimes in the middle of the grocery store and I instantly get an extra 100 feet of space. You have to walk a certain way if you didn't wear a belt when you should have.


I have one of these. It makes for a pretty legit pimp-limp if I do say so myself.

EDIT: But really, by pretentious I meant more that the people in my classes seem like self absorbed idiots who say "like" every other word and won't shut up about themselves.
No education = no decent job.

Everyone is saying 'leave school and go get a job'.

Yeah, Im sure McDonalds are hiring...everyone loves mingling with students, zit-faced teenagers and failed immigrants at a fast food joint.

I'd ***king kill myself if I worked there instead of having an education behind me.

I have one of these. It makes for a pretty legit pimp-limp if I do say so myself.
Oh, that's right I forgot about that. But I didn't know what it was until now.

But anyway, just do some thinking. Re-read the advice in this thread.

I'm allergic to talking about school though, so good luck.

You can take your entire life to decide what you want to do, but that won't be any help then, will it. You really don't have any time to waste. You think you do. Yeah, you can waste time, but you can spend 10 years and still not know what you want to do. You need to focus on it, as if your life depended on it, because it does.

Make a decision and see it through, even during the boring parts. Like in my example, driving a race car would be pretty exciting, no? Well how about taking ass loads of ****ing written tests on driving, or being tested in a 70HP car. Not so fun is it? It gets more interesting, see the end result and endure the challenges before you.

I think most people change careers at least once in their life; so it's not like you are sealing your doom, if it turns out you'd rather do something else. That prior education and experience may even translate towards your new career.