What the f*ck is wrong with the British music buying public?

el Chi

Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
Damn the proles, damn them all to Hell.
I'm not a particularly big Coldplay fan, but I am a music lover and a human being, so surely this ought to be inherently repellent to EVERYONE IN THE WORLD!? It's not funny, it's retarded. Everyone who even considers buying this or has, in the past, bought that crazy frog ringtone deserves to be tortured.
"...students and even office workers seem to be drawn to its rather kitsch, ironic appeal."
I beg to differ. I have met no-one who thinks it is good, not even in an ironic way. If I ever did, I'd probably strike them to teach them a lesson. It's not "kitsch" it's "shit".
"The only real issue is whether the record label can press enough copies to keep up with the huge demand that we're seeing right now."

It's THAT popular? This makes me even more ashamed of the British public than those three slutty sisters who got up the duff before being legal. Ugh.

And perhaps this ought to be in the music section, but I felt it necessary to voice my outrage to more people. Blergh.
Granted the new coldplay single isn't that great, but still....

To think that I thought America was the only screwed up country in the world :)
join the club, i just dont get the whole jamster thing.
But i dont particurly care either way, who buys singles anyway?
Agreed. The majority of singles-buyers are pre-teens. I only buy albums, these days.

-Angry Lawyer
I'm not sure I can control my rage about this any longer. Who the F**K would buy this kind of SHITE? Everytime that stupid bastard advert comes on the TV I have to mute it or change the channel, it's quite literally aural violation. Someone should just do us all a favour and nuke Jamster HQ.
is jamster that weird purple frog thing that makes that retarded sound?
I've said this in another thread:
Society is stupid.

I've never met a person who liked crazy frog. How the hell does something like this happen?

Oh well, as long as idiots are satisfied.
I suppose it shouldn't be surprising...who buys singles now anway. You can get a number one with 30,000 sales easily.

Jamster ruined the racing car for me :( I don't laugh when I see it anymore...
Farrowlesparrow said:
I suppose it shouldn't be surprising...who buys singles now anway. You can get a number one with 30,000 sales easily.

Jamster ruined the racing car for me :( I don't laugh when I see it anymore...

Putting the sound of that racing car onto the sound of the frog is the equivilent of dubbing Mother Teresa with Hitler's voice.

Unacceptable and wrong in so many ways.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Actually, it'd be more like dubbing her voice over Hitler's. You know...

Whoops screwed my analogy up there.
Axyon said:
I'm not sure I can control my rage about this any longer. Who the F**K would buy this kind of SHITE? Everytime that stupid bastard advert comes on the TV I have to mute it or change the channel, it's quite literally aural violation. Someone should just do us all a favour and nuke Jamster HQ.
I feel exactly the same about it, I also turn the channel over whenever this advert (or any other jamster ad) comes on. On the music channels like box/kiss/mtv it's on like twice in every advert break, it's f***ing pathetic.

If ever we needed to cleanse our society from stupidity, a jamster tone formulated to cause mobile handsets to explode like C4 would get the job done in a jiffy.
FictiousWill said:
Come to the US, nobody I know has even heard of Jamster.

Jamster is advertised on TV to death here in the states. There's TV commercials all the freakin time for ring tones and wallpapers.
Feath said:
My flatmate thinks it's good.
Your flatmate can go to Hell.

Chav said:
the axel F remix isn't thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat bad
You WOULD say that, CHAV. ;)

Axyon put it very well: "Aural violation"
el Chi said:
It's THAT popular? This makes me even more ashamed of the British public than those three slutty sisters who got up the duff before being legal. Ugh.

hehe saw that on GMTV this morning. Their mother blamed the government :(
Jangle said:
hehe saw that on GMTV this morning. Their mother blamed the government :(

The government raped my daughters, so I'm taking them down the dole office to claim child benefits.

I'm going to stand outside HMV with a big plank, with a rusty ol' nail sticking out of it and beat these people as they leave.

lePobz said:
If ever we needed to cleanse our society from stupidity, a jamster tone formulated to cause mobile handsets to explode like C4 would get the job done in a jiffy.
Heh, great idea. I have a feeling there'd be an unusual amount of singed burberry around if that plan was carried out.
Ha Ha!

My sister bought this and I threw it away like a frisby!

Simon 1

Jamster -10535235

But students and even office workers seem to be drawn to its rather kitsch, ironic appeal.

LIES! its a load of crap, office workers that are sad 30 year olds, that live with their parents, and sit in the office playing it all day, giggling like the retards that they are!
lePobz said:
I feel exactly the same about it, I also turn the channel over whenever this advert (or any other jamster ad) comes on. On the music channels like box/kiss/mtv it's on like twice in every advert break, it's f***ing pathetic.

If ever we needed to cleanse our society from stupidity, a jamster tone formulated to cause mobile handsets to explode like C4 would get the job done in a jiffy.
agree with both of you, they must be making a packet as its on all the time, @ peaktime too, usually you wouldnt see ads for ringtones etc until after midnight.
This is nothing compared to that William Hung, American Idol reject that was all over the US last year. When I saw that William Hung - Hung for the Holidays CD at Best Buy I seriously thought society had just fallen backwords about 100 years.
oh fs, i hate that frog... the people responsible for that should be hung. nuff said

btw i bet all the people who buy that ringtone are chavs.
Jangle said:
hehe saw that on GMTV this morning. Their mother blamed the government :(
Heaven forfend one should take responsibility for one's own failings as a parent.
I'd say make a contribution to society before critising the government for this.

Rather than sitting there saying "the government did it" take some action.

Actually that woman is almost as funny as the Russian woman who said "The Americans stole the lake"
The americans did steal the lake, I saw them do it.
Shodan said:
The americans did steal the lake, I saw them do it.

Get a hold of yourself man!



It was Bulgarian folk singers, not the Americans!
think the music scene is bad in the U.K.? come over to this side of the pond and youll go crazy.
Obviously, it is a addictive subliminal message designed to be spread satanic messages through its super penis of doom. Do you really think a bunch of "a ding ding ding" really just is a crap ringtone? No, ringtones are meant to be shown or should I say heard throughout the public. With the large amount of exposure to the ringtone, all you Brits shall become Jamster's mindless crap ringtone buying slaves.

Chav said:
No, it's just compared to the normal song this one is less bad.
Fair point. On a related note: Rape is better than torturing babies.

Shodan said:
The americans did steal the lake, I saw them do it.
Some one go on a killing rampage and blame it on Jamster. Lawsuits ahoy!