What the heck is it?

:eek: Now I've seen everything.

The cockpit has the pilot seats removed and all the avionics and instruments removed

Aww... that's no fun.
Wraith the photos are fake. But the thing itself is real.
We have such planes on poles along the highway someplace (cant remember exact, its along the E4 here in the middle of Sweden). They dont rotate though or are homes, just big fancy models :)
This is probably fake, it sure as hell sound like it.
I actually know for a fact that certain individuals have done this. I've never heard of them being sold though...
I'm so buying one of these:

"Inflatable Church brings whole new meaning to mobile weddings"

genius... I actually want to get one of these :D

so cool...
my friend sold an empty coke can on ebay for 25$. He said it was britney spiers' can that she drank after shooting the first of her pepsi commercials. He had like 70 bids on it.
Originally posted by SidewinderX143
my friend sold an empty coke can on ebay for 25$. He said it was britney spiers' can that she drank after shooting the first of her pepsi commercials. He had like 70 bids on it.


"Peice of toilet paper used by 50 cent, BUY NOW!"
Kelsey Gramar is the mastermind behind this, wow

The chick on the hardwood floor is hot, if she comes with it I'll buy one