What the Hell?

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Or: "Do you know who I am?!"

So, let me start by saying that I don't drive. I have bad muscles in my eyes, and it's not to say that I legally can't drive, but I don't feel very comfortable doing so and would prefer not to, you know, kill someone. As such, I've always had a State ID, rather than a Driver's License.

The way this works - for those of you not in the US - is this. If you have a Driver's License, you're all set. For everything. Now. If you have a State ID like I do, you will occasionally have a problem in some bars and liquor stores, where they claim it's not a valid ID.

This has been more of a problem since I shaved my beard.

The solution that they present to you is to get a Liquor License, in addition to your State ID. And as I understand it, having a Liquor License actually makes it illegal for you to drive. From my understanding, if you have a Liquor License you cannot have a Permit to drive a car.

So, I have a State ID and a Learner's Permit. I know how to operate a car, but I've never taken the road test to get a full license. With me so far? Here's where things get convoluted.

My State ID expired in June of last year. I've had it since before I was 21 (I'm 23 now), and it has really become necessary for me to get a new one, because I want to get a Passport, since I'm planning on invading London sometime soon.

I should note here that the DMV will not let me use my expired ID for anything - even though it is a perfectly good ID with my date of birth, picture, signature, and address - simply because it is expired.

So this morning I'm getting things together so I can get my new State ID tomorrow. The requirements are: Birth Certificate, Social Security Card, Proof of Address, Proof of Signature.

Annnd I can't find my Social Security Card. Because, really, I never use it. I have the number memorised, and really, the only times I've ever actually needed the card itself was for getting a State ID, or for the two times I went to Canada before 9/11, when you could get in with just the Social Security Card and a Birth Certificate. That's it. It has no purpose aside from that.

I check both my wallets, I check my collection of important documents, where my Birth Certificate was. I check my unimportant documents (guitar tabs, college stuff). I even checked the pockets of old jackets. Nothing.

So, I'm thinking, okay, I can just get a new one of those. But. You can't get a new Social Security Card without a valid Picture ID. This puts me in the very awkward position of, "I can't get a new State ID without my Social Security Card, and I can't get a new Social Security Card without my State ID".

My aunt points out that you can renew your State ID online - but because I was under 21 when the picture was taken, they won't let me do that either.

So I asked my father what he thought the best course of action was, and his response was quite helpful: "You're ****ed, they're gonna think you're a terrorist".

I went and looked up the requirements for a Passport, and found that that too takes a Birth Certificate and Picture ID. Of course. But. You can wave the Picture ID if you have a character witness and so many other things (Social Security Card, Work ID, Library Card, Credit Card).

My plan as of now is to take my Expired ID, Work ID, Credit Cards, Library Card Tax Forms, College Transcripts, Birth Certificate, and Father to the Post Office to try and get a damn Passport, and then backtrack to a Social Security Card and State ID from there. Total overkill.

TL;DR - America is stupid.
Clearly your only option is to actually become a terrorist.
Anarchy is the only system worth trusting.
1) Become terrorist
2) Reduced paperwork
3) Virgins in heaven
4) ???
Man, people would kill to be in your situation. You're essentially off the grid. Just use a phony name, get a fake ID and swipe someones social security card, then you're totally free to do whatever you want! The Man will never be able to track you down!
Holy crap that sounds like a huge ridiculous pain in the butt.

I once worked in Colorado and for some stupid reason that I still don't know, they wouldn't accept a Texas driver's license (or Massachusetts for that matter). Luckily all I had to do was go to the DMV and give them the address where I was living in Colorado. They didn't even check it or anything. It was pretty sketchy :P.

Oh btw lots of places also require your Social Security card when you work to get paid. So definitely make sure you get that.
if you were here in utopialand you could have just showed them your health card. silly americans.
You cannot possibly be the first person in this situation. There's gotta be a way out of this Catch-22.
Look at the bright side, you can name your self McLovin and say your a blood doner from Hawai :).
Read Notes from a Big Country by Bill Bryson. It's a book of short articles about America that he wrote for an English newspaper. There's a few articles about this sort of thing in it, including a story about a man whose application for US citizenship kept being rejected because he hadn't provided a full set of fingerprints. He only had seven fingers. He told them this. They still rejected it.
Ah, the wonders of bureacracy. Catch-22.
Call the president to see if he can sort it out.
You should take this all to the press and news and make a really huge deal out of it then you'll be famous and the gov will have to fix it.
just get your license and don't drive
You should take this all to the press and news and make a really huge deal out of it then you'll be famous and the gov will have to fix it.

Despite how retarded it sounds, taking it to the press is a great way to get what you want.
Clearly your only option is to actually become a terrorist.

I've heard worse ideas. I've already got the whole "sociopath" thing down.

Oh btw lots of places also require your Social Security card when you work to get paid. So definitely make sure you get that.

I've had to use the number before, when getting hired, because they run background checks. But as I said, I have that memorised. I've never needed the actual card for a job before.

You cannot possibly be the first person in this situation. There's gotta be a way out of this Catch-22.

I'm sure there are probably ways to get the Social Security guard by way of having the government research my entire goddamn life history, but it just seems like a hassle. My plan is to use a character reference instead of the card, and just get my passport, and then use that to backtrack to getting a new social security card, and state ID. Very backwards, but it ought to work. We'll find out tomorrow.

Look at the bright side, you can name your self McLovin and say your a blood doner from Hawai :).

God how I hate that movie.

****s sakes, I did too. I don't think I laughed once.

Call the president to see if he can sort it out.

I'm not of African descent. :(

just get your license and don't drive

I really don't think it's worth the hassle of scheduling the road test and paying all the fees just to have a different little picture card. If I had stayed on top of renewing my ID in the first place, this wouldn't have been an issue. But I only even have an ID for travel and getting into bars - which I didn't even need it when I was sporting a full beard.
Superbad sucks ass. I laughed once at the middle, becouse that's when I turned it off.
I've had to use the number before, when getting hired, because they run background checks. But as I said, I have that memorised. I've never needed the actual card for a job before.

Dang, lucky. I usually have to bring in the actual physical card. They wouldn't even accept a fax or photocopy of it.