what this guy says about halflife2 may be true...

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Shuzer: When i compared Half Life to FC in AI terms was talking about the Marines, how can Zombies flank you exactly? Anyway i played Far Cry on Hard and they behave the exact same way they do on Medium, they just shoot more frequently, in my opinion. I didn't see them flank me but i saw one throw a grenade at a palm tree. The AI in Halo was just as good on Easy as Far Cry's is on Medium or Hard. (As for the Serious Sam thing, the comparison with the AI was wrong but i still think Far Cry reminds me of Serious Sam)
As for the radio for backup thing i've never seen that happen in any game. No back up rocked up when i was gunning down 4/5 marines at the entrance to that Fort. I just used the sameold strategy i use in most shooters..***n and Gun. Works in everything but Half Life and Halo (Damn Elites and Special Ops/Assasins) I didn't need to use stealth in Far Cry, it just felt mindless to me. The only time i had trouble was with the 3 helicopters and the Boat that were shooting at me.
Sparta said:
Shuzer: When i compared Half Life to FC in AI terms was talking about the Marines, how can Zombies flank you exactly? Anyway i played Far Cry on Hard and they behave the exact same way they do on Medium, they just shoot more frequently, in my opinion. I didn't see them flank me but i saw one throw a grenade at a palm tree. The AI in Halo was just as good on Easy as Far Cry's is on Medium or Hard. (As for the Serious Sam thing, the comparison with the AI was wrong but i still think Far Cry reminds me of Serious Sam)
As for the radio for backup thing i've never seen that happen in any game. No back up rocked up when i was gunning down 4/5 marines at the entrance to that Fort. I just used the sameold strategy i use in most shooters..***n and Gun. Works in everything but Half Life and Halo (Damn Elites and Special Ops/Assasins) I didn't need to use stealth in Far Cry, it just felt mindless to me. The only time i had trouble was with the 3 helicopters and the Boat that were shooting at me.

Weird, I have no problem running and gunning in HL, couldn't do it in FC, though.
Ah well, to each his own
All this talking Far Cry makes me want to play it now. So now im off to play it
Mountain Man said:
Far Cry is good (the demo is entertaining enough anyway), but it's no Half-Life.

far cry was a DEMO!!! halflife is a full game.....can't compare...wait till the full blown and tweaked Far cry...thank you.....

and for all you far cry supporters...thank you!!!!!

and for all of you who I have insulted...I appoligize....I like to get a rise out of people :)...

lets admit it....both games are going to rock...we are all gamers here and we will enjoy both in there own special way...

oh by the way whoever said you cant get around the island, your wrong....someone already modded the demo so the chopper does not attack you....and this mod also adds the jeep on the beach so you can cruise the island...the demo I got did not have this jeep there
i only really agree with one aspect of this piece:
"For starters, screw Valve and their Half-Life 2, and screw Id for their Doom 3. All they seem to care about is hype and marketing."
doesn't make me want the game any less though
I am looking more forward to the release of Far Cry than I am HL2. Hype killed HL2 for me. Atleast Crytek isn't relying on "hype" for their sales. Right now all Valve is selling is Hype. I played the Far Cry demo and I really enjoyed it. I can't say the same for HL2 because Valve is too busy pussy farting around with magical midgets while collecting lollipops from Candy Cane mountain.

Uh oh, I think I stepped on a fan boy!!
valve and id have barely hyped their games. they've said "okay here's what we're trying to do, here are some screen shots and videos." the hype has been entirely media based. whether or not the author of the far cry demo review wants to admit it, his inclusion of discussion of halflife2 and doom3 add to the hype. why? because people not knowing anything about the 2 respective games will say "hmm what are these? let's learn." then they proceed to find information. many of these people will get excited. there, unintentional hype but still hype none the less.

edit: one very applicable example is all the media sources labelling halflife2 as the "most anticipated game of 2004." it's the media and the fans that have to choose to anticipate a game. the companies can do nothing for hyping beyond releasing media/information. sure they can try to build or create it, but it doesn't actually exist unless the fanbase/media latch onto it. once that happens, their job is done, leave it to the communities to keep the hype going, that's ALL they need.

okay on far cry. the combat and all that in the game... eh whatever, the ai did come try to look for me and get around me, but i changed position and they stayed in the area i was last at... makes for easy knifing, actually. nothing all that difficult in the way of the ai. yes, it was impressive and neat to see the ai react that way, they they're still insanely easy. hopefully it'll be fixed/tweaked in the full version of the game. what i thought was the best thing about the game was in the level design. sure you can't really go ALL over the island, like you'd want to, but you still WANT to. it's the level designers ability to instill that want in you that is really great. all in all i had fun with the demo, possibly the best demo i've played, but eh, i really didn't see anything ground breaking OR next-gen except for the graphics, which are really great and cool if a little cartoony(cartoony, i'd imagine because ... tropical setting, bright vibrant colors... DOES work quite well).
Far Cry is a good game with good technology and that can't be denied. I don't think there has been a game released so far that can match it. However telling me to screw 2 games I'm eagerly looking forward to doesn't sit with me. First it seems that neither of them 'hyped' their game as much as they claim. At least not moreso than FarCry has. FarCry has had its share of previews, screenshots, videos, interviews, etc as Doom3 or HL2. D3 and HL2 just created more of a stir than FarCry did. It seems more like this guy just doesn't like how popular these games are and how long they are taking to develop. The other thing I don't like is the 'settle for less' attitude; the wait is too long for great games so why not just take good ones? Sure we should all play FarCry because it will be a good game but we shouldn't 'screw' games that aim further than ragdoll, dynamic lights, large environments (how about an interesting, well-told story?) but take longer.
Then again HL2 and D3 could really suck and then... yeah FarCry might be on top...
far cry was a DEMO!!! halflife is a full game.....can't compare...wait till the full blown and tweaked Far cry...thank you....
Sure I can compare them, but since you seem to disagree with that, try this on for size:

Half-Life: Uplink was a hell of a lot better than Far Cry's demo. Like I said, Far Cry is good, but it's no Half-Life (or Half-Life 2 for that matter).
agree all this propaganda of hl2 is making me sick. heard so much speculation about the game, and in most of the cases theyre all wrong, from what ive seen of this game is not even near peoples believes. after playing fps so long i never heard so much crazyness for a game that none really know how its gona be like...tbh enjoy games available...and when hl2 comes out will see if it was worth all the propaganda
Uh oh! Watch out for the falling PROPOGANDA!!!!!!!!

Haha... propoganda... :rolling:
[TBUK]apo said:
agree all this propaganda of hl2 is making me sick. heard so much speculation about the game, and in most of the cases theyre all wrong, from what ive seen of this game is not even near peoples believes. after playing fps so long i never heard so much crazyness for a game that none really know how its gona be like...tbh enjoy games available...and when hl2 comes out will see if it was worth all the propaganda

Nothing quite like one of the "1337" people have played the stolen build. OMG HL2 IS GONNA SUCK! [/sarcasm]

Seriously though, what got stolen isn't all VALVe had, what they say is what we'll get. More or less.
lmao, propaganda.

People need to realize that all this hype or 'propaganda' is created by the people themselves. It's not like Valve has an electrode in all our brains that forces it to release adrenaline whenever we hear the name Half-Life. Valve did what any game developer would do: Show off thier game and say "we expect our game to be groundbreaking, it will have blah and blah, with realistic blah for every blah". If you think that sounds cool, you get excited. Simple as that. And yes, Crytek, id, those Russian(?) guys who make Stalker and every game developer you can think of does the same thing. I think someone from Crytek said they expected Far Cry to be THE game to mod. OMG HYPE!!11!!!1!!1!
I see a lot of bitter people here.

Far Cry is a fantastic game.

I have a 9800xt and the graphics are excellent when cranked all the way up. Water looks very nice too... there is no reason to say otherwise. And it must have been very hard to make a jungle outdoor game but they pulled it off and did well.

I think they did great things with this game and I hope it is a big success.

My only beef is they AI talk too much and say the same things too much. Like "Hey are you hiding from me?" Hearing that more then once gets old.

It is a step in the right direction for games.

Many of you fanboys need to realise that hl2 will not change your life. I think 99% of you only give a damn about hl2 because of all the mods that were made for hl1... not because it was the best game you ever played.

ffs better water wont make a game better, just look better. I would play a 2d game if the gameplay was better.

Anyways I want to have many cool games not just one... personally I dont give a damn about hl2's possible success since its not out yet. I would hope they make a good game but I wont be a fanboy for them. ^^ is what I think about farcry (ill buy it) they did good.
10 bucks says all these Far Cry guys change their mind when a HL2/Doom3/STALKER Demo come out

Oh and 3 new screenshots in the last 5 months is not Hype. If anything its lack of it. Valve isnt creating hype, the hacking created hype, news of the hacking created hype, therefore blame word of mouth and the media for hype. Not Valve. Blame Valve for being lazy and not giving us anything to be excited about.
the HL2 Beta isnt even a beta, its just a 2 year old build of HL2. You can't compare a 2 year old build to a brand new demo properly. For a starter, that hl2 build isn't nearly finished or polished properly, unlike the Far Cry demo, Demo's usually represent between 85 and 90 percent of the quality of the full game. The Hl2 build is nowhere near that.

Come HL2 you're opinion of both games are bound to change in some form, good or bad. Lets see what happens

Besides the story alone will make me buy HalfLife 2 because i wanna find out what happens. Half Life, Max Payne 2, Grim Fandango and Deus Ex have the best plots of any games i've ever played. Hopefully Half Life 2 wont become a Matrix Reloaded kinda game
I know it's unfair to be comparing those two games, but hey, i just did! I did find the Far Cry demo a lot more fun than HL2 very unfinished beta!

From playing both it seems like there is really nothing seperating them technology/gameplay wise. Except you can shoot dead corpses and they move in Far Cry but you can't in HL2! Never underestimate the amount of fun you can have with ragdoll physics and dead corpses. I think i spent an hour screwing around with dead bodies in Max Payne 2. Living out all my real life fantasies through a game. How very disturbing.

At this stage the story and the way it's told is the only advantage HL2 will have over it's competitors. And that is a huge advantage.

But HL2 will never be released, so that is a huge disadvantage. !!
Oh come on its gotta be released sometime. Like Duke Nukem Forever. Thats gonna be released any day now............just you wait and see............anyday.....................yup..............
And who was it that said Far Cry is the best game released to date? Its not even released. And there are tons of better games in different genres(RPG,Adventure Puzzle games) and the same genre(FPS)
I think we should all stop arguing about which game will be better. All four of the big FPS's that are coming out this year (Stalker, Far Cry, Doom 3, HL2) will be great and have some aspects that are better than others. I am looking forward to the release of all of these games and will most likely by them all as well, as I'm sure many of you on this forum will. So everybody just simmer down now.
A question to all you fanboys: Do you actually suffer if a game is way better than your original favourite? I mean, what's better than one great game.. An even better game! Right now it looks like HL2 is better than the other main games up and coming, but if Doom III or Far Cry is way better I'll just cheer. More good games for me.
chu said:
I am looking more forward to the release of Far Cry than I am HL2. Hype killed HL2 for me. Atleast Crytek isn't relying on "hype" for their sales. Right now all Valve is selling is Hype. I played the Far Cry demo and I really enjoyed it. I can't say the same for HL2 because Valve is too busy pussy farting around with magical midgets while collecting lollipops from Candy Cane mountain.

Uh oh, I think I stepped on a fan boy!!

LOL :LOL:. Good point there but behind Far Cry's cool graphics I don't believe its multiplayer and single player will surpass HL2's. I will prob buy the game though cause of its cool water effects. THEY'RE SO GOOD!
Anwar said:
Many of you fanboys need to realise that hl2 will not change your life. I think 99% of you only give a damn about hl2 because of all the mods that were made for hl1... not because it was the best game you ever played.

I actually don't give a flying f*ck about the mods, I don't even know which mods are in devlopement right now. I just want HL2 for the game, not even multiplayer, we'll see about the mods about 1 year after it's released.

Except you can shoot dead corpses and they move in Far Cry but you can't in HL2!

Sigh. What makes you think bodies don't react to shooting after dying? I've got a few leak movies here that says otherwise. And then you have the manipulator, which allows you to do much more complex interactions with bodies than Far Cry allows you to.
And the reactions to bullets on objects are not good in Far Cry, the objects barely react to bullets fired at them with over 300 m/s. A small wooden box just flew 3 meters after a rocket hit it!
And stuff like the shark are just solid objects without bones, in HL2, all monsters will have ragdoll capabilities.
What I can't understand at all is how some people just choose a product or something, like a game in this case, and then stick to it no matter what happens. They go on saying that this game of theirs is the best thing in the world and nothing else could ever beat it in any way (even if someone manages to prove otherwise). In other words, I just don't understand this fan-boyism or whatever.

I loved HL, it's still the best game I've ever played. I'm expecting *A LOT* from HL2, but I'm still open to all the other games coming out soon. I might not be so excited about STALKER, Doom 3 or Far Cry right now, but I still *HOPE* that they will be good. If it means that HL2 will be inferior to them, then so be it, I don't mind. I have no urge to have "my game" crowned the king of the FPS genre nor do I feel it necessary to be telling others how they should love this game. Sometimes I get the feeling that people come here only to try to force the fans of HL2 to sort of abandon HL2 and start "worshipping" another game, which in my opinion is total bullsh**. It's incredibly stupid to care about one game only and ignore all the others (this naturally goes for a lot of HL2 guys, too). If there are other great (and even better) games available, it's only better for us all, more good games to play. Right? RIGHT?

EDIT: Argh I wrote a billion line edit to this post, but then it gave me a 404 or smomething like that and now I'm really annoyed. Grr.
blahblahblah said:
It sounds cool, but it doesn't give me the impression that it will be revolutionary. It sounds like FarCry just has some refined graphics, AI, and physics, nothing phenomenal or revolutionary.

LoL, that fits mor for HL2.
Build on top of technologie from 1996, adding a bought physics engine and some windows only DX9 shader crap - wohooo ! :rolleyes: Everything on HL2 is just refined or bought in. Wheres here the revolutionary ? Maybe in the gameplay but technologie wise HL2 is yet outdated imo.
What do you mean "built on top of technology from 1996"?

Are you still saying that it's just the Quake 1 engine?
LOL It's been confirmed that it is a COMPLETELY new engine, about a million times in fact... It just shows what a good job of capturing the essence of the original HL. Play the Far Cry Demo.. then *cough* imagine *cough* the HL pre-alpha...

If a pre-alpha, incomplete version of HL2 looks (maybe plays) better than the Far Cry demo, I don't see how there is even a discussion to be had about which is the bigger event in gaming.
To quote Gabe when questioned how hard the bugs in HL2 are to fix: "Bugs are easy. Fun is hard"

It gives me confidence that they have their prioritys straight. Sure Far Cry demo was fun, but I think HL2 will blow me away.

The one least hyped features of HL2 are what I think the most important; the facial animations, it's gonna help me emerge into the HL2 world like nothing else. No f*****g leaked hacked alpha is going to prepare you for that. :)
The thing with Far Cry, it seems to bank on that design concept known as "emergent gameplay". In other words, the developers create an environment, populate it with entities that respond to the gamer, then let the gameplay happen as a result of the player's actions. While this sort of design can lead to some great gameplay, the experience can be inconsistent. For instance, I've had the AI mercs in the Far Cry demo cleverly hunt me down and flush me out of hiding, and then later stand rooted to the ground while I casually walk up and shoot them at point blank range. And this is the biggest problem with basing an entire game around the emergent design philosophy. When it works, it can work better than you'd imagine, and when it doesn't, it can be pretty stupid.

This is why I'm looking forward to Half-Life 2, because Valve really understands gameplay design and how to let emergent and scripted sequences work together to create a consistently compelling and entertaining experience.
I was shooting at this merc in far cry, we were both ducking behind a post and taking pot shots (this is the same post for each of us) and then all of a sudden, i hide behind it and he goes "where did you go?" and looks out to sea!
The FarCry demo certainly isn't anything special - as a sandbox/techdemo it's great fun. As a game it's very average .. but hey, I think most ppl here are happy seeing how their new hardware performs rather than worry about gameplay - which is fine :)
burzum said:
LoL, that fits mor for HL2.
Build on top of technologie from 1996, adding a bought physics engine and some windows only DX9 shader crap - wohooo ! :rolleyes: Everything on HL2 is just refined or bought in. Wheres here the revolutionary ? Maybe in the gameplay but technologie wise HL2 is yet outdated imo.

..wow. Just wow. It's a new engine, completely new. I'd imagine you're basing this statement on the stolen source code.. which is *OLD*.

Anyhow, I STILL don't see why people say "FarCry is nothing special, it's average. Just has a few technological improvements, past that it's a standard FPS." Well, what do you think HL2 is gonna be over HL1 or any other FPS? It'll be the same (more or less), with a few "gimmicks" on top. It's not going to be horribly different than other games, it's just newer technology (true, technology can change the games we play, but, past physics interaction and thelike, there's not ALOT new). All games are pushing for (for now) are graphical improvements. Making it seem more realistic. I personally find the argument that FC is average because it plays like other games stupid.

Doom 3 will probably play like other games, will that make it average? No. I'm getting pretty tired of hearing that over and over and over again..
Perrkele I 100% completely agree with you. You said what I was thinking perfectly.

Sometimes I think people enjoy the wait the most. The period of building up a game in one's mind to the point it is impossible to deliver. Then after release and some dissapointment the game didn't match their expectations people start "we waiting so long for this?" Then the flames come, "how can someone possibly enjoy this game?" Then the people that do like it fire back "if you don't like it, why post here?"

Every single game I've ever played has been like this. Some of the most ardent supporters at first turn into some of the most vocal oppenents later. I mean just about every one of us will try out every new FPS that comes along this year. We'll play the ones we like best. But to judge two games that aren't out yet and blindly support the one you've followed longest is assanine.

Maybe HL2 will be, as some put it, revolutionary. What is revolutionary? Good story, good physics, good gameplay, good graphics, something we've never seen before?

Well there have been some games that have had good stories over time.

Good physics is the trendy thing to do now, everyone is doing it. Maybe HL2 will be better at this, but that is not revolutionary. When HL2 was first announced it would have been. Not now.

Good gameplay? I'm sure HL2 will have good gameplay, but other games run and play well also. This is still an FPS so gameplay will be good I'm sure, but revolutionary? Doubt it.

The graphics look amazing in HL2. A few other games now out or coming out have great graphics also. Maybe not quite as good as HL2, but is that revolutionary? Everyone spouts off about graphics not meaning everything.

Hopefully they have a few tricks up their sleeves because I don't really see how this game will be revolutionary. I can't wait to play it, I'm sure I'll enjoy it, but I'm keeping my expectations in check simply because I just don't know.

Oh and FarCry was fun. In a time with nothing exciting to play I appreciated it.
I think FarCry is average because I don't find it very enjoyable - it pails in comparison to older games like Half Life or Golden Eye .... even without the rose tinted glasses :)

There's nothing wrong with it - it just adds nothing new but a few shiny effects.
Warbie said:
I think FarCry is average because I don't find it very enjoyable - it pails in comparison to older games like Half Life or Golden Eye .... even without the rose tinted glasses :)

There's nothing wrong with it - it just adds nothing new but a few shiny effects.

That's my argument, what else are the upcoming games offering other than "a few shiny effects?" I'm not saying HL2 and whatever else won't be great, but, what will it ADD to games that we haven't seen before, other than, as you put it, "a few shiny effects?"
HL2? Errr... awesome AI and properly utilised physics? Excellent facial animation?


The Manipulator?

I hope so, anyway...
Possibly nothing (although I'm hoping some physics will effect the gameplay)

But that's not my point - Half Life with shiny new effects should still be fantastic (assuming the immersion is still there) anything the new engine can add will be a bonus.

Take Soldier of Fortune, give it a new engine and you've got FarCry. It's just an average game regardless of the engine and visuals - imo of course.
Brian Damage said:
HL2? Errr... awesome AI and properly utilised physics? Excellent facial animation?


The Manipulator?

I hope so, anyway...

Yeah, I know, but, according to most, that's just a "few extra features" that don't make a game good.

I'm just tired of the same old "Game x has features a, b, c, d and e, as does game y, but game x is a first person shooter like we've played, so it's average. Look at game y though, it has the same features as game x, only it's a sequel to a previous game that was good!"

Warbie said:
Take Soldier of Fortune, give it a new engine and you've got FarCry. It's just an average game regardless of the engine and visuals - imo of course.

That's a better explanation. I can see what you're saying, but personally I find FC alot of fun. To each his own, I suppose :cheers:
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