what this guy says about halflife2 may be true...

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Farcry is gonna be based on one or two islands. I fear it will be another 8-12 hour game and then i finish single player and from what the guy above says about Beta multiplayer im not encouraged.

Its already stated Halflife 2 will have something like 30-40 hours of gameplay. Add to that a meriad of mods in production and well you see where I'm going.

Far Cry could be a beautiful one night stand that will be forgotten in a week.
Half-life 2 could be your loving wife who you will enjoy for years to come until version 3 comes :p

I hope im wrong but all is pointing that way at the moment and if I am wrong I'll have to good games on my hands to play.

As for the demo after the first go and the "nice" "cool" were over with it felt a bit stale. And whats the point of trying to stack bodies when they puff in a few mins! I did like the blood marks tho but for some wierd reason my single shot headshots never left a mark.
Maximus if you prefer farcry over half-life 2 more why dont you go on the farcry board your arguing that farcry is better on a hl2 board, how dumb is that?
As for the demo after the first go and the "nice" "cool" were over with it felt a bit stale.
I agree completely. Rather than leaving me wanting more, as a good game should, it left me asking, "Is that it?" While the emergent gameplay is nice and all, I just can't picture playing an entire game full of random encounters.
Stop being so silly, its silly argueing about the word silly and i think that farcry is silly. I think your silly. I am silly!
Silly silly silly!!!!

(Thats oversuse of the word silly. Silly isnt it)

Anyway. By saying the game felt silly, I meant that it just felt airy and without substance. There isnt really a word for it. It just didnt feel like I was inside the game. All the time I felt like I was controlling a game character. But in HL1 and many other games I feel like I AM the game character. When they get this imersion factor right you don't play the game. You are part of the game.

I don't get that with farcry at all. Both in the single player demo and particulaly the muliplayer beta.

They are bringing out a patch for the beta in a little while. If it feels any beter I will be sure to tell you. (Unless it breaks the NDA of cause :p)
All you guys do is compare everything to Halflife 2... nothing is good enough for most of you. Maximus is saying that Farcry is a great game to play until you guys get what you want in Halflife2. Instead all you guys can say is "How does this compare to hl2? things float in hl2... yea things float in hl2.... yea this happens in half life 2 too!" who cares.
FarCry, to me, felt clunky and cartoony. Sure, it ran smooth, but that still doesn't change the fact that the gameplay felt like a, well, game. From my experience with HL, and the videos of HL2, HL2 seems more realistic. I mean, when ur on an island fighting to get to a satellite dish it doesn't give you a feeling of urgency to finish the mission. In HL (and HL2 I would imagine), it feels like you could actually be there. The settings are realistic, and I personally like the block-like level design of HL and HL2 (not as in bad graphics, as in everything is not purposely rounded for graphical effect). I like the gritty feel of HL, which again makes it feel more realistic. FarCry is too bright and colorful for me. Plus the story of HL is the best i've ever seen in a videogame. I have to admit that I just finished HL for the first time last night, after all these years of playing HL MP. Now I actually get what people are talking about when they speculate about the story of HL2. The mystery through the entire game keeps you guessing, because you have no idea whats really going on.

Plus, after watching the HL2-BugBait video, the ragdoll effects seem more realistic. The bodies don't go completely limp and turn into goo :p. Plus when gordon shoots the sentry guns, the physics shown are very believable. I don't know about all of you, but I am getting more excited about this game all the time. This could partially be because I have only seen a few videos, and just saw the full-length E3 video last weekend (I'm on 56k and haven't bothered with them). I really can't wait, and hopefully they will come out and surprise up out of the middle of nowhere and say that "HL2 has gone gold today."
SilentKilla said:
All you guys do is compare everything to Halflife 2... nothing is good enough for most of you. Maximus is saying that Farcry is a great game to play until you guys get what you want in Halflife2. Instead all you guys can say is "How does this compare to hl2? things float in hl2... yea things float in hl2.... yea this happens in half life 2 too!" who cares.
I can understand why this behavior perplexes you, this being a Half-Life 2 fansite and all. :rolleyes:
Killerlagger said:
Farcry is gonna be based on one or two islands. I fear it will be another 8-12 hour game and then i finish single player and from what the guy above says about Beta multiplayer im not encouraged.

Its already stated Halflife 2 will have something like 30-40 hours of gameplay. Add to that a meriad of mods in production and well you see where I'm going.

Far Cry could be a beautiful one night stand that will be forgotten in a week.
Half-life 2 could be your loving wife who you will enjoy for years to come until version 3 comes

You make a very good point here that probably could end up being a seperate thread, but the whole short, yet awesome game vs long game does offer alot to talk about..... Generally I want game to go on forever, as long as possible for gameplay hours (a good game of course). But there are some short and sweet games that I love playing over and over again like Max Payne 2. Its short, but it is potent with goodies :).....and on the other side of the prespective, I loved halflife 1 and how long that game is, I never wanted it to end, however, there are a few sections and areas in halflife where I just want to get through them to the next section because its kind of tedius in some areas and some areas were kind of boring after the 3rd and 4th time playing. But overall the game rocks. So the question is: would you prefer a awesome sweet fun filled fest of a game that just is awesome all the way through, but only 10 hours of gameplay?? or would you prefer a long 30-40 hour gameplay with several dull parts, but most of it is awesome?? Which game would you play more of?? Listening to developers, they seem to be going the short and sweet route mostly rather then the long games...this may be because of budget and stuff like that. What I would want and I think everyone is in agreement here is that a 30-40 hour game be awesome fro beginning to finish....but that is a VERY hard thing near impossible to accomplish, especially with everyones personality and differences on what they like about a game or not.....anyways.....good analogy of the 1 night stand and the wife for many years to come.
SilentKilla said:
All you guys do is compare everything to Halflife 2... nothing is good enough for most of you. Maximus is saying that Farcry is a great game to play until you guys get what you want in Halflife2. Instead all you guys can say is "How does this compare to hl2? things float in hl2... yea things float in hl2.... yea this happens in half life 2 too!" who cares.

THANK YOU SilentKilla!!!!! Finally someone understands me and actually listens......THANK YOU...THANK YOU ...THANK YOU...I will have to look you up for multiplayer of far cry and halflife 2...oh and did I say THANK YOU :)
Point is, if you guys want to cream all over yourselves about Far Cry then a Half-Life 2 fansite is probably not the best place to do it. I imagine you'd be much happier at the official Far Cry website.
The reason behind why HL2 and doom 3 is so hyped up is because there originals brought something new to the plate,Doom revolutionized FPS gaming,HL2 revolutionized AI and In-depth gameplay(great story,etc).You gotta have more than huge fancy outdoor maps to make a good game.To me graphics don't mean that much to me,i would play HL2 with the original engine,and if the low fps issues aren't fixed by time farcry releases i won't buy it, i mean i was getting 25 fps on my 9600xt with all settings to medium and 1024x760 resolution.
Mountain Man said:
I agree completely. Rather than leaving me wanting more, as a good game should, it left me asking, "Is that it?" While the emergent gameplay is nice and all, I just can't picture playing an entire game full of random encounters.

True. The first time I played the demo, I thought 'wow this is great, the AI is awesome! Can't wait what I'll see next!' and I quit after a while for a break, and when I continued I paid more attention to the previous awesome stuff and with everything I had the feeling 'Sure, great for a few times but boring after' and I never found that 'Can't wait till I see what's next!' feeling again. Even when I finished it, I had no feeling of satisfaction. I never did see the thing that HL had 'I want to finish this part and I really wanna know what challenge Valve sends me into now' and I felt good after I just killed only a few grunts.
To me, I have the feeling that Far Cry has enormous potential, but just misses that extra bit of detail and finetuning to be what it could be, eventough it's a good game.
Im not saying I like Farcry more, because I dont, I was just saying that all you guys do is find ways to argue with people, rather they are right or wrong. He made a post that to me was worth reading, and I downloaded the game and played it, and that did exactly what it was supposed to do, waste time until HL2. GJ Max :E
PvtRyan said:
True. The first time I played the demo, I thought 'wow this is great, the AI is awesome! Can't wait what I'll see next!' and I quit after a while for a break, and when I continued I paid more attention to the previous awesome stuff and with everything I had the feeling 'Sure, great for a few times but boring after' and I never found that 'Can't wait till I see what's next!' feeling again. Even when I finished it, I had no feeling of satisfaction. I never did see the thing that HL had 'I want to finish this part and I really wanna know what challenge Valve sends me into now' and I felt good after I just killed only a few grunts.
To me, I have the feeling that Far Cry has enormous potential, but just misses that extra bit of detail and finetuning to be what it could be, eventough it's a good game.

Thats exactly how i feel. My friend was sitting next to me the first time i played the FarCry demo and we were both like "this is freakin awesome" and now when i play the demo again it just doesnt feel the same ya know? Like When i play the HL:Uplink demo. I used to play that over and over again because it was just so intense and well done, like it felt like i really was supposed to do the task it sent me to do, but in Far Cry it just lacks the feeling that Half Life had. Far Cry may have better graphics then Half Life 2 or whatever but the HL:Uplink demo stills seems more of an experience to me, ya get me? The uplink demo doesnt have a whole island or helicopters or buggy's or anything, but it just through me into this whole different atmosphere from any other game i'd played. With Far Cry....it just feels the same as every other game. I really like Far Cry but whilst i think it has a ton of potential, it doesnt have as much potential as Half Life 2 has (based on everything we've seen in Half Life, and the movies)
No this was not about defending and attacking FarCry. It was about some guy who posted, what I think to be, a pretty ridiculous comment that we should screw Valve and Id because they take longer to make games and we should settle for whatever else we can get.
Far Cry will be excellent, it uses next generation DX9 graphics, it won't be nearly as good as doom3 or half 2 though IMO, albeit it it will be still be given an average rating of about 91%-94% and be an excellent game.
I might play counter-strike or dod more than Farcry(when it comes out). And hey, those are just mods. Obviously, replayability and "addictingness" make a game last Longerrrr.
Farcry is very VERY good and it may very well be more popular than HL2 or D3, its certainly very playable, one of the only SP demos I can play for hours on end, gotta love the wound decals combined with ragdoll physics and the dissapating blood in the water, simply splendid
I personally don't see what all the hype is about. I downloaded the FC demo too and wasn't too impressed. The graphics were great but it had other problems. The 'revolutionary ai' didn't live up to its job for me. More than once enemies would run behind crates that didn't cover them nearly enough like when a guy ran behind 2 crates stacked on top of each other but his head still stuck out. The guy stood there doing nothing until I capped him in the head enough times. Also the claim that 'the bushes hide you' goes beond its duty. In the jungle you could shoot a couple guys, run into some bushes and after not finding you in 10 seconds they would seemingly forget you. I don't know about you but that isn't 'revolutionary ai' to me. I rather save my money for HL 2 than spend it on FC. Good thing I played the demo.
Farcry sucked. Beat it in one weekend on the hardest difficulty. Close to no multiplayer. The Halflife 2 leak was better than that game.
daaaaamn this is ooooold..
farcry sucks cause well you can be pointblank to a dude and he won't see you. you can be in the bushes and can't shoot with a machine gun thru LEAVES wtf with that.
AI isn't that great it just likes to surround you thats all unless you take out the captain first then the AI is horrible. Indoors sucked. FArcrys engine and mod tools will outlast the game but the game is no good interms of story action and gameplay.. plus yes very easy and lame to finish..

damn this thread its ooooold..
make more new exciting ones instead of digging up fossils.
How do these people even FIND these old posts? What the hell: if you want to discuss Far Cry, there's a whole forum for "other games."
Sorry, I missed this one.

There's actually a very similar discussion just starting in the General Gaming forum right now about Far Cry and if it was deserving of the hype. You can see that here.

Even though we're here a lot of the time it is easy for us to miss threads that probably should be locked. It's always more helpful to use the reported posts button than to actually post an idle comment in the thread like "will this be closed soon". The reported post button is the ! symbol in the top right corner.

Just so you know how it works, it generates a message that spams all of the moderators e-mail addresses and also creates a thread in a secret forum so all of them get dealt with immediately. It's very helpful for us and we thank the people that currently use it to give us a heads up :)

Anyway, rant over, closed.
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