What to do about a crack.


Nov 20, 2004
Reaction score
I have a freind who has cracked his game. I feel cheated as a gamer since he is getting stuff for free. I spent $90 to get the best version from steam, and want to support the game company so that they might produce more wonders and such.

I want to discourage him from playing the game. Ultimately I need a very strong argument against playing a cracked game, a point for point break down of what how it affects us all. (easily enough, in the form of a link to some article)

Contacting valve won't really help since he dosn't use steam or anything like that (I wonder how they cracked it?). He is running a Radeon 7000, and the game works great (if only lacking shaders and pretty-ness).

I tried showing him how pretty the game looks, and all the cool stuff valve is doing. even went as far to show him some theoretical physics demos and how advanced this game is.

Any help is appreaciated.
Slap him with a frying pan

Or just tell him to buy the game so he can play dm and all that
Except for ratting him out (don't be that guy, everyone'll hate you forever), there's not much you can do. Just don't talk to him about the game (ignore the fact that he has it). That's probably the most effective way, though it still won't make him buy it.
how about "i'll send choscura after you if you don't fix this right now".

i'm a somewhat loony gun nut, against cracking, and incidentally i've seen the cracking rate drop among my friends. :)
All very applicable things, but I do want to be his freind after the point.

GJ jesus lincoln.
i vote for peeing in his shampoo bottle. either that or putting about 10 packets of clear gelatin in his toilet and leaving a note on the inside of his bathroom door saying "shoulda bought hl2, bitch!"
Ultimape said:
I have a freind who has cracked his game. I feel cheated as a gamer since he is getting stuff for free. I spent $90 to get the best version from steam, and want to support the game company so that they might produce more wonders and such.

I want to discourage him from playing the game. Ultimately I need a very strong argument against playing a cracked game, a point for point break down of what how it affects us all. (easily enough, in the form of a link to some article)

Contacting valve won't really help since he dosn't use steam or anything like that (I wonder how they cracked it?). He is running a Radeon 7000, and the game works great (if only lacking shaders and pretty-ness).

I tried showing him how pretty the game looks, and all the cool stuff valve is doing. even went as far to show him some theoretical physics demos and how advanced this game is.

Any help is appreaciated.
Convince him online play is worth paying for? That's about all you can do. Don't even bother making an attempt to appeal to ethical/moral sensibilities. You have no ground to really stand on in debating that with him.

However you could potentially convince him that the content he gets by paying is worth the price.
Try and convince him as best as you can by giving him the ol' "think about if you made something really awesome, then someone comes and steals it from you" speech. Be sure to throw in all the obligatory lines like "you should pay for the game because this is how these people make their money. You're taking their product, not paying anything for it, and depriving them of revenue to pay their bills and feed their families." If that fails, and chances are if this person's pirated some games/software in the past that it will fail, try using some reverse psychology like, "fine, if you want to be a dick about it go ahead." If your friend is still obstinate, there's nothing you can do, especially if you want to remain friends. Depending on how good a friendship you have you may get away with slapping him in the face, though.

Jesus Lincoln said:
Buy him superman 64
You are one cruel-ass Kool-Aid man and I want none of your Mad Scientwist hateraid. You do not forgive and that red kool-aid you're full of is really the blood of innocents.

Also, use one post. :p
Well, alot of people here (including moderators) have downloaded the game before it was released and that only made us want to own it even more. If he likes it he'll want to buy it for the years of mods that will be released.
Buy him the real game for Xmas, but only if he promises to immediately stop using 'warez' forever.
It might not be the most desirable solution, but it's the most effective. :p
Just delete some textures, models and a few maps from hl2. Then he will say it not worth playing an uncompleted game and he will buy it :LOL:
Mmmm. Cracking games... hehehe
Well it's free, so you haven't to buy a game.Or spend 60$
Who have this games?
Here is my ratings.
Chronicles of Riddick, Escape from Butcher Bay. 9/10
Half-Life 2 - 10/10
Half-Life 1 - Source - 3/10
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within 9/10
Painkiller : Battle Out of Hell - 10/10

More games coming soon.

Bye people, have your mind's a rest. :D
Firstly, i would recommend getting rid of any illegally obtained mp3s, images, games, movies etc.

Then you can bitch and whine about his cracked copy of a game, with a clear conscience.
Joy_Decoy said:
Firstly, i would recommend getting rid of any illegally obtained mp3s, images, games, movies etc.

Then you can bitch and whine about his cracked copy of a game, with a clear conscience.
Damn, beat me to it.
....or just leave him alone and let him make his own decisions. You might not agree with it and it might be wrong, but it's his choice. You can try to explain why you think it is wrong, but if that doesn't work I'd suggest just dropping it.
Register his email to free porn sites and spam sites.

Register his adress to places known for sending LOTS and LOTS of commercial mail.
Either deal with it, or delete textures and maps like what was already mentioned when he's not in the room.

He won't be getting any patches without Steam either, not to mention any online games such as HL2DM and CS.

I learned a long time ago that pirating games nad most applications is never really worth the hassle. The CDs never work right (for long, anyways), constantly messing with newer versions of cracks, not having ANY support whatsoever from the producer (not that Ive ever needed their help anyways), keeping track of all those freaking codes... I've found it's best to just buy the game, or at least wait for it's price to lower enough to where you may feel it's worth it.
fill the hl2 box with cement [or something] and hit him in the face with it.
hbegg, edit post is there for a reason


wtf? warned. posts deleted.
Like none of you haven't downloaded MP3s/games/videos before. Me, I purchased HL2, because I think Valve deserves my money. Do I care if someone pirates the game? No, it doesn't bother me in the slightest. If you've ever downloaded copyrighted material over the Internet (which I would say is probably 95%+ of the people in this thread) you have no room to lecture anyone on warez.
Why do all warezkiddies use the same tired excuses

"people download mp3's"

"My friend did it so its legal"

"I don't know anyone in my school who's been caught so it must be ok to do it"

"I bet all you have downloaded mpe3's"

"I just downloaded it to try it as a demo and i will buy it"

"the internet is free speech so in my mind that means everything is free"

"97.4% of the people download it because I just plucked the number out of thin air so it must be true"

"my daddy doesn't mind, why should you?"

"I'm just a kid/student/unemployed and can't afford to buy it to play on my $3,500 PC I bought from tax payers money"
Tell him he won't get mods, in this individual case that argument may work. Most cases I don't give two cents short of a nickle if someone dls a game/movie/music, but VALVe do great work and treat their fans with respect, that should be encouraged.