What Vehicles should be added to BF2142?


Jul 26, 2005
Reaction score
Feels like theres a little shortage on the Vehicles.....I'm also greedy too.

What do you want added? What do you wanna see?

More Mechs - 4 legged, bigger, smaller (something from Mechwarrior)
2 Man vehicles - Motorcycle like vehicle
Some type of new Air Vehicle - Tranformer? Land/Air vehicle?
Optimus Prime
Driveable robot Hitler

I'd agree with you, except for the part, of NO!

Hitler should NEVER be driven. He is a master, and controls himself. You are allowed to sit inside, and feel special our master has chosen you to touch him, but you can't drive him..he's far too great for any mortal to use.
motorcycle would be cool
A proper hover vehicle that goes over water and slides around
Motorcycles are a given for transport purposes.
Add more maps first. They get rather repetative.
A flying delorean with twin barrels its sides that hold 200 swarm missiles each.


ATAT, or just a giant walker in the likeness of it.
If we get more vehicles I'd like a rocket launcher as secondary fire in my pistol. ;)
Smaller 1 man mechs
Smaller 1 man ships
Mech armed with different weapons, maybe something more effective against armor and less effective against infantry? Vice Versa?
Howitzer vehicle
It would be nice to have something really fast, like some kind of one-man flying sphere (I think the aliens had something like that in "Independence Day"?). Then again, DICE reached some kind of balance in the game and adding new stuff would probably cause more frustration than enjoyment.
vehicles that i think would be really good

New varieties of titan battleship types, carrier types, missle frigate types, etc. The ones right now seem like destroyers or cruisers.

exosuits- Resistant to small arms fire, can move faster than a man if it picks up enough momentum, but overall less maneuverable. Has its own weapons.

Larger personel vehicle. Something akin to a humvee. These little dune buggy things are nice, but i'd like soemthing with more meat to it.

more tank/mech variants. Like slower less armored armor destroyers, that do a lot more damage, Perhaps Long range railgun support mechs with relatively crappy close up weaponry.

Some sort of aircraft that carries heavy missles that can damage titans. So that it can suppliment in their destruction and give the titan gunners something to shoot at.
How about a train? Plenty of space to advertise - make things easier for EA, right?
I saw "last post by: Samon" [in a thread that has something to do with EA] and instantly knew it will be nasty. I think I won't play 2142 anymore now, I'm dispirited.
