What. Wait. No hard-core gore?


Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
OK, I am sad now. I am totally bummed out.

Remember in HL1 where you shot the grenade and people were no longer there? Just a couple of body parts lying around? Well, it seems it's not that way in HL2. :(

I mean, sure, physics are great, but gore...man...gore is one of the best parts of HL1! Having the scientist get pulled up into the vent and various body parts coming out...


If Greg, or Cliffe, or whoever reads this, please consider adding dismemberment! I'll have to rate it 9.8 instead of 10 :(

PS. I am totally being serious here, I want an HL experience, and without bodies splitting apart from explosions I will die. Yes, chopping zombies in half is cool, but NO ONE stays intact where they get a grenade in their face.
We have already seen evidence of this. Zombies do it, and I think we've had confirmation that humans will too. You sick bastard ;)
Watch the traptown video. Zombies are getting cut in half like no tomorrow.
Jeez.... bodies don't gib in real life either, besides, it looks stupid in virtually every game (although the body explosion from Bloodlines look rather sweet) it makes the game cartoony.
And this doesn't mean there won't be scripted sequences like the vents where gibs fly out.

Seeing a body ragdoll is much more satisfying than seeing some skull fly around.

For the record: I'm talking about the HL1 style gibbing, not about the way zombies get cut up, which IS cool.
Chris_D said:
We have already seen evidence of this. Zombies do it, and I think we've had confirmation that humans will too. You sick bastard ;)

But I didn't see any exploding bodies in the videos? Only the fan part where he chops it in half. And the saw blades.
They did gibing in HL because if they didnt the annimations would look plain silly. However now they have physics for dead body's..... and that looks alot cooler than gibs in my opinion.

Thats my guess on why they dont have them as much anymore.

However, I dont know what your complaining about. We have seen zombies being choped in half by motor blade thingies AND by saw blades shot from the manipulator.

There are probably more as well. :)
Personally, I'm about due for a revival of the Scientist Killing Club, and I think the new physics more than compensate for lack of cartoonish one-eyed skull gibs. To each his own.
I'll live with it, but it's my personal opinion that the gore in HL1 was the best part ;)
Well, I hope the bodies at least get bloodied up quite a bit if they don't fall apart... :)
One thing though, ragdolls are awesome, but do you seriously think launching a grenade at someone's face will send them flying? I think the top half of their body wouldn't be there! :D That's all I'm saying.
While I will miss the classic old gibbing, I think the rag-doll are a welcome improvement. They're just cooler to watch, and less cartoony. Besides, I've already seen zombies get cut in half.

There probably will be some more gibbings in brief cut-scenes for dramatic effect (Like the scientists being pulled into the vent), but I'm happy with the way things are looking right now.
Absinthe said:
While I will miss the classic old gibbing, I think the rag-doll are a welcome improvement. They're just cooler to watch, and less cartoony. Besides, I've already seen zombies get cut in half.

There probably will be some more gibbings in brief cut-scenes for dramatic effect (Like the scientists being pulled into the vent), but I'm happy with the way things are looking right now.

Yah, it will kick no matter what, but everyone wants realism. I'm under the impression that a grenade will make the guy fly AND blow off half his body...is that real? If it isn't than I suppose it's fine. :D
If gore is that important to you then go play soldier of fortune. Maybe it is just me but I havent seen a rocket fired at a human or zombie in any movies of hl2. If they fly apart like leaves when hit thats all fine and dandy but I dont think its that important that I would like the game any less. (assuming hl2 is good)
DjBourgeoisie said:
If gore is that important to you then go play soldier of fortune. Maybe it is just me but I havent seen a rocket fired at a human or zombie in any movies of hl2. If they fly apart like leaves when hit thats all fine and dandy but I dont think its that important that I would like the game any less. (assuming hl2 is good)

In the E32K4 video, they launch a rocket at a combine. It hits him, and he goes flying about 500 feet.. no gibbing
The zombie is ultra-hard coded to split like that. I want to blow people's arms off, etc. Would be gratifying every now and then.
blahblahblah said:
I love ragdolling more than gibbing.

If it works properly then yeah I'll agree with that.

What I'm hoping I won't see if legs disappearing in floors and walls ala Farcry and Thief3...
DjBourgeoisie said:
If gore is that important to you then go play soldier of fortune. Maybe it is just me but I havent seen a rocket fired at a human or zombie in any movies of hl2. If they fly apart like leaves when hit thats all fine and dandy but I dont think its that important that I would like the game any less. (assuming hl2 is good)

The most important part of the game isn't gore or ragdolls imho. Story and gameplay are.
Shuzer said:
In the E32K4 video, they launch a rocket at a combine. It hits him, and he goes flying about 500 feet.. no gibbing

Actually, it didn't hit him, it missed him by a few feet. Which WOULD have sent him flying
Dsty2001 said:
Actually, it didn't hit him, it missed him by a few feet. Which WOULD have sent him flying

It didn't hit him DIRECTLY, but the explosion hit him.
SubKamran said:
Yah, it will kick no matter what, but everyone wants realism. I'm under the impression that a grenade will make the guy fly AND blow off half his body...is that real? If it isn't than I suppose it's fine. :D

no it is not real.

Landmines which are even more powerful than grenades do not even blow a full leg of, most of the time its the foot and maybe half the leg.

these weapons are not designed to kill, they are designed to maim, if a guy gets injured then you need another 2 guys to carry him back to safety, if he just dies then youve removed 1 man from the fight as apposed to 3.
Shuzer said:
It didn't hit him DIRECTLY, but the explosion hit him.

Of course the explosion hit him, otherwise he wouldn't have went flying. There is more to an explosion than just fire, there is a shockwave, a heat blast, the flames, the concussive force and everything.
Play UT2004 with full gore on! It's like HL1 gibs version 2.0! :O
Dsty2001 said:
Of course the explosion hit him, otherwise he wouldn't have went flying. There is more to an explosion than just fire, there is a shockwave, a heat blast, the flames, the concussive force and everything.

Yeah. My original point was (I guess, anyway), a grenade would call to land near the target, not on the target. The grenade equivalent to a rocket hitting a guy in the chest would be someone holding a live grenade in their hands. Not likely to happen
Dougy said:
no it is not real.

Landmines which are even more powerful than grenades do not even blow a full leg of, most of the time its the foot and maybe half the leg.

these weapons are not designed to kill, they are designed to maim, if a guy gets injured then you need another 2 guys to carry him back to safety, if he just dies then youve removed 1 man from the fight as apposed to 3.

Well that is not always true, most landmines are made to kill. In fact China makes one that completely vaporizes whoever steps on it. Also, if you was to have a grenade go off in a belt or something, there is a possibility it would cut you in half, but most likely you'd just have a huge chunck of body missing from where it went off. Just depends on what type of grenade really.
Some of you seem to have no idea how explosions work. Setting off something like a hand gernade or and RPG rocket near a person will not vaporize them. In fact, it would only dismember them if they were hit by a lot of shrapnel (or very large pieces of it). Explosions always travel in the path of least resistance. For example, if you place an M80 in your open hand and set it off, it will not blow off your hand. It will give you 3rd degree burns and the casing may severly wound you. But your hand will still be there. However, if you clench that same M80 in your fist and set it off. Then you will be lucky to have anything resembling a hand still attached to your stub. The same thing happens to people who are near larger explosions. If you were standing on top of the gernade, or laying on top of it. You would definately be blown to pieces. If it just goes off near you, you'll take seveer wounds from shrapnel, the shockwave will cause your ear drums to burst and your brain to hemerage, and then your body will be launched by the force of the explosion. Your body will fly through the air before your joints will come apart.

Most of the physical damage done by an explosion is done by the heat generated and the pieces of shrapnel that hit you. Even a grain of sand traveling at several times the speed of sound has enough energy to kill you.
Realistic dismembering of bodies??

Hmmm Suppose so........ Half Life 2 IS a true story - Based on fact!! :upstare:
Cyanide said:
Some of you seem to have no idea how explosions work. Setting off something like a hand gernade or and RPG rocket near a person will not vaporize them. In fact, it would only dismember them if they were hit by a lot of shrapnel (or very large pieces of it). Explosions always travel in the path of least resistance. For example, if you place an M80 in your open hand and set it off, it will not blow off your hand. It will give you 3rd degree burns and the casing may severly wound you. But your hand will still be there. However, if you clench that same M80 in your fist and set it off. Then you will be lucky to have anything resembling a hand still attached to your stub. The same thing happens to people who are near larger explosions. If you were standing on top of the gernade, or laying on top of it. You would definately be blown to pieces. If it just goes off near you, you'll take seveer wounds from shrapnel, the shockwave will cause your ear drums to burst and your brain to hemerage, and then your body will be launched by the force of the explosion. Your body will fly through the air before your joints will come apart.

Most of the physical damage done by an explosion is done by the heat generated and the pieces of shrapnel that hit you. Even a grain of sand traveling at several times the speed of sound has enough energy to kill you.

Couldn't have said it better myself

And that is exactly the reason why over 60% of the deaths in World War 2 was from Artillery.
Shuzer said:
In the E32K4 video, they launch a rocket at a combine. It hits him, and he goes flying about 500 feet.. no gibbing
Oh cause from what I could see it hit the pole next to him :rolling:
DjBourgeoisie said:
Oh cause from what I could see it hit the pole next to him :rolling:

Right, I explained it on the page before this :)
Dsty2001 said:
Well that is not always true, most landmines are made to kill. In fact China makes one that completely vaporizes whoever steps on it. Also, if you was to have a grenade go off in a belt or something, there is a possibility it would cut you in half, but most likely you'd just have a huge chunck of body missing from where it went off. Just depends on what type of grenade really.

Youve seen way too many rambo films.

No grenade nor anti personel mine has EVER vaporised a man.


Grenades and mines kill by shrapnel not some wierd type of star wars energy lazer.
There's other "blood"

Like when in the 2004 demo gordon went into that house and use the manipulator to push the dresser into that guy and he fell down (i think he gibbed) and you saw blood fly up behind it
im going to miss halflife gibbings. and most of all, that bloody chunk of skull with an eye in it. :borg:
blahblahblah said:
I love ragdolling more than gibbing.

how about a combination of both? ;)

poseyjmac said:
im going to miss halflife gibbings. and most of all, that bloody chunk of skull with an eye in it. :borg:

how could u forget to mention the pink piece of flesh (appendage??) :p

i hope the type of gibbing we saw in HL1 returns in HL2 :)
Keiko said:
The most important part of the game isn't gore or ragdolls imho. Story and gameplay are.

Well... without the gore, I will be less immeresed into the story and gameplay. I vote for gore.