What was left out,


Jul 3, 2004
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Note: I did not download the illegal beta, a friend who did used the model editor and sent screens of the models to me.

That said, I also didn't finish the game. Close enough though.

The following awesome creatures were left out, and i'm really wondering where they went.

6 of those, plus the 5 uploaded.

The stalker is spawnable, but it is in a different form then there. In the game, the stalker looks like what you see in Nova Prospect, I guess what the combine are made of. WTF is it? When I spawned it, it shot a laser at me from it's foot.

Ichthyosaur is there, but lacks ai and just spins around in circles, and it's eyes bobble around.

The fast zombie is there in the undead form, but do fast zombies make their users undead? The ones we saw only latched to dead bodies, these are on live ones.

The strider, my friend told me, is never fought. Only seen in the beginning. I spawned it and it only uses the machine gun, not the super cool cannon (unfortunately.)

The antlion grub :(


But, last but not least, the cremator. Who/what is he/it? It looks AWESOME. Also, when talking to Kleiner in his lab, you'll notice what I think is the cremators mask/helmet in a jar.



  • antliongrub.gif
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  • bullsquid.gif
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  • cremator.gif
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  • fassassin.gif
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  • fastzombie.gif
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fastzombie.gif is in the game, I almost thought the cremator was too when I saw all the burnt up corpses in canals.
Striders are in the game near the end and they do use the laser cannon.
I'm sure all of those models will be used in mods, expansions and hl3.
The antlion grub was for a proposed level where you enter an underground antlion nest. They never actually made the level though.

The bullsquid would have been cool to fight, but I'm sure we'll see it in the next expansion.

The female assassin was replaced with those white-suited combine guards. I think I read somewhere that the assasin AI was instead put in the fast zombies.

Speaking of which, the fast zombies were given cooler models. They apparently shed large parts of their human bodies in order to be lighter and faster.

Yes, that is a cremator head on Eli's desk. They were meant to be flamethrower guys who went around and "serilized' areas. They were probably cut because the big green cloak and exposed arms don't fit with the combine's overall style, and perhaps because the flamehrower was cut too. The head is very nifty though.
First point: How come noone has the leak, only their friends have it. I've lost count of the amount of people who have said "I don't have it, but my friend does and he told me..."



This has been mentioned a large number of times. The hydra was cool to see attack other things but when it attacked a player, you just saw a blue blob do "something" and then you were dead. They weren't any fun to fight.


It's in the game, just not for long. Maybe Valve didn't find a place to use it.

Shield Scanner

This is in the game but I haven't seen anyone actually open up. They may have done when I wasn't paying attention


Valve made the change from an enemy Stalker to the things you see in the Citadel. Maybe they coudln't get it to work correctly or maybe they prefered to show you what the Combine were doing to people. Maybe people didn't pity them as much as they expected when they were enemies.

Zombie Assassin

I think this was changed to the Fast Zombie.

Ant Lion Grub

Originally, there were some underground Ant Lion levels, but they got rid of these when it was more fun to fight the Ant lions above ground. Maybe the grubs were meant to be there.


I don't think they found a place to use it. It wouldn't have been in Ravenholm even if they did put it in because in Half-Life Bullsquids and headcrabs would always fight.


No idea why this isn't there, but you can see its head in Eli's lab. It's in a jar.
(EDIT: Actually they may have thought it was too Alien. In the game you don't see anything that it's a Synth or isn't human derived.).

Female Assassin

This got changed into the Fast Zombie, it wasn't just left out.

Fast Zombie

This is in the game, the more "alive" one is an older model. I don't think that it only takes over corpses, I think it turns people into corpse like things.
Dont show me the Hydra, it brings up depressing memories from a certain teaser...

It's weird how much was left out though, almost scary when you think about it...
Wasn't there a level at a pier in the videos valve released? At the beginning of Codename Gordon, or am I just crazy?
Hmm... Those screens were *sent* to you, yet you know which ones are in the game and which ones are not?

And how'd you know of Nova Prospekt?

Ugh, pathetic BS'ing...

(edit)Yeah, there was gonna be some oceanside level, but it obviously didn't make it. The Ickyfish is still there as you can see from the level where you go through the first portal.
Well, just look at how much they scrapped and redid in the original Half-Life during the one year delay...
JHD536 said:
Hmm... Those screens were *sent* to you, yet you know which ones are in the game and which ones are not?

And how'd you know of Nova Prospekt?

Ugh, pathetic BS'ing...

(edit)Yeah, there was gonna be some oceanside level, but it obviously didn't make it. The Ickyfish is still there as you can see from the level where you go through the first portal.

Bah.. never mind this..
Some of those will probably be in a later expansion.

Hopefully valve will release the models and data; then mods like svencoop can make good use of them.

Svencoop brought back the chaingun grunt and some other creatures using unused models in the pak files from hl1. They'll probably do the same with 2 if valve gives the OK to use the pre-alpha models.
They probably will release the pre-alpha models, and I'm just aching to play a HL2 version of Sven Co-op.
Here's a fun fact. I had the stolen build (yeah, yeah, go ahead. flame me. I haven't deleted it, either, because I used it to compare the final version with it.), and there's a model for a squashed Antlion Grub. This is the interesting tidbit: Obviously, you wouldn't be able to see the bottom of these grubs, after they've been squished, because they'd be stuck to the ground. At the bottom of the squashed grub, it says (in handwriting) "If you can read this, you're looking at grub bung*." I guess this was just a joke inside of Valve.

*Bung: I don't know if this is what it says, but it sure looks like it.
JHD536 said:
They probably will release the pre-alpha models, and I'm just aching to play a HL2 version of Sven Co-op.

Actually, they probably won't.
Why not? They've already said they're releasing a bunch of stuff with the full SDK, I don't see why they wouldn't include these models with them. They did it with HL1.
A Big Fat CoW said:
Why not? They've already said they're releasing a bunch of stuff with the full SDK, I don't see why they wouldn't include these models with them. They did it with HL1.

They released Models that weren't in the game with the HL1 SDK? Like what?
i think the panther, the diablo, and some other bug.

that's awesome info betamaster :E

i personally really wished the cremator would make it ;(
Evil^Milk said:
i think the panther, the diablo, and some other bug.

that's awesome info betamaster :E

i personally really wished the cremator would make it ;(


Those were released with Half-Life. I didn't download the SDK but I saw them when I looked at the Pak files.
The female assassin zombie looks very... very... ouch. Wouldn't be a pretty sight especially without the headcrab on... looks like the head got split too.
I own the game. My friend, before the game came out, sent me a folder of screenies he took in the model viewer of all the enemies. I know which are in because I have pictures he sent that I never saw in game.
Stop blaming your friends, stop deniying you Dled the leak, I DID!
Well I didn't, but my friend did, and he said...

Some of those enemies look quite crap, and some look good, but I wish there had been actual assassins in it. With katanas! Yes!
My friend (Called, erm, Feath2) downloaded the leak because people were making a huge deal about it being full of class monsters and stuff.

And then he looked around for a bit and decided that people were making stuff up because none of the monsters looked as impressive as people were making out. Also, he thought the game was the best game he'd played in ages and more monsters/weapons doesn't always mean "better game".

He also wonders why he seems to be one of the few people to think this.

I agree with him totally.
Most of the Monsters or Guns were cut out because they didn't work, or they didn't add anything to the game. While I would have loved some bullsquids ect... It didn't happen. Not a big deal in my opinion. I would have liked a few more levels, weapons or monsters. Especially at the end. The ending was really a time when they could have hit us with some more stuff... But they didn't. That was disappointing, I agree.

Some of the stuff might have been removed because it was too much effort with too little reward. Like the Flame Thrower. But I don't know. I do know that this was a kick ass game and I do know that I would like someone to use the updated skins, (or create some of their own) and update Half-Life Source to the current Graphics to go along with the physics and so on. That, would rock! The AI is already there right? ALl you have to do is **** with the textures and the models... right?

The Game was still excellent. Even with all of the stuff that they cut. The game still kicks ass.
To do a proper HL: Source you'd have to make every level all over again. And redo all the textures. And...

There's only one thing I really wish had had a part in the game and that is the Icky. There is actually one place (in the Ravenholm mines) where they could have used it. Other than that I think HL2 was utterly amazing.

EDIT; God damn it, there were no Biozeminades. HL2 sucks.
bung = shit btw
They should've used bullsquid at the start of route kanal it least
how hard would it be (if even possible) to mod the fast zombie AI back into the female asassin model?
It pissed me off seeing that they had cut so many monsters out of half life 2 that were supposed to be there, also they cut out some really cool maps like kleiners lab when the striders come there. And also all the docks maps were removed, that double pissed me off!
also they cut out some really cool maps like kleiners lab when the striders come there.

I thought that was going to happen the second time you went there, after Nova Prospekt, but it didn't. :(
i started a similar thread somewhere else not seeing this one, but i too had a copy of the beat. (booo) and one thing i really liked was the ability to command other NPC's i know you can do this later in the game but there seemed to be alot more option to do it in the beta, for instance when you first get the rocket launcer, in the beta there were loads of science dudes walking round with launchers too that you could command by clicking on them, you could make them get you health packs or weapons or just move them into better fighting positions, there was even a tutorial all about commanding players, all this was taken out which is a real shame.
chimpmunk said:
Stop blaming your friends, stop deniying you Dled the leak, I DID!

Where from? I looked on about 700 ****ing websites any none had it!!!!!!!!!
I don't mind that they cut things, but it would have been nice if they had left the models (or even the code, if it was in) in the game, a la HL1
it was cool when mods like Point of View would reuse old stuff