What was your first game alias?


Sep 7, 2004
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We've all played online games, I'm sure, so what was the first gaming names/aliases you used and why? Thought it would be intresting, we all started from somewhere and all have a story to tell about them.

Mine started as "Nick" - for my name, it just seemed logical. In 2003, I joined a squad called "NoSkill" for Delta Force games, I couldn't be Nick-NoSkill it was too dull, so some members all suggested names for me, cartoon names, Mutley was my favourite and I've become attached to it ever since but it was only in 2005 when I realised that the cartoon actually spealt it "Muttley", so I guess mine is abit more unique with one "t", hehe. :)
Neohunter evolved to Davey Chaos to KingOfCarrotFlowers to DeusExMachina to now, Comrade Voyager.
I had some names stolen from video games, but well... Finally I thought up of a new name when "Rayman" was taken.

I couldn't think of anything, and I saw that one movie.. Flick or something like that. It was a CGI about an ant. Anyways, I thought that it wasn't original, and I needed to finally have a unique name.

I took away the c and added an o to the end.
I've only seen people with this name a few years after I created the name.

I must've had this since 1998 or something around that... maybe 2000

Gay. I know. I was playing MOH: AA using GameSpy and I couldn't think of a name. I was so noob.
It always has been, and always will be, bvasgm.

For everyone who doesn't already know the story of how I came up with it, when I registered here and it asked me what I wanted my screen name to be, I really didn't have anything in mind, so I just smacked my keyboard. Bvasgm came up on the screen, I thought, "Hey, that's not bad", so I just kinda rolled with it.
Ultimat3 l33t N00b Slay3r ...

Nah, I did go by the name 'Swensko' when I started playing the Battlefield 1942 demo and right after the release of the full game.
About half a year after that I started using 'Loke' as my nickname. However I've used several other nicknames before that too, like in Delta Force but unfortunately I can't seem to remember what I used to call myself.

Oh, and Worms was my first online experience ever. Darn it, can't remember what I called myself there. Just too long ago. :(
Flyingdebrisguy, then i shortened it to Flyingdebris.

Story of my name is that 8 or so years back I decided to install a PC port of the old 3D0 roadrash game on my family computer. I tended to crash into the street signs in the game a whole lot, so i chose a name to reflect that.

Been using that name ever since, sometimes i'd pick a different name for like a few minutes, but i'd revert to Flyingdebris because it didn't quite feel right to be named anything else.
Same as it has always been. I'm tempted to change it but I'm not sure what to.
Had a few variations of the name in WoW (such as DrSus) but they didn't stick in any other game.
CptStern is easy to remember, good for when you're cursing: "STERNNN" (said like KHANNNN) after you've been wtfpwn'd in the politics forum :E ). I've been other names but I'm still active with some of them like Mumbly Joe who according to homer might have been the president of the US (Bob Dole)
Originally BUZ, which is short for my last name. This was years ago when your alias had to be 3 letters long for the arcades. Later it became WarBastard (from an episode of Spaced) which became Warbie, because i'm lovely and it sounds nicer.
This one, sadly.

But this isn't my alias of choice :|
This has been mine since i created a gmail account - didn't want to have my own name, seemed stuipd...

Before that it was Nafets; My name backwards!

let me get this, I got it..

"onetime post" the first time playing an online game (chess)

"player" the first time playing hl1DM (default)

I changed it to "theotherguy" when I started playing DOD. It's been the same ever since
"onetime post" the first time playing an online game (chess)

"player" the first time playing hl1DM (default)

I changed it to "theotherguy" when I started playing DOD. It's been the same ever since
Great name. 'Cause your not just theguy, you're theotherguy.
Stigmata, on the suggestion of one of my friends in grade 8. He was convinced it was a type of beetle.
Dance in Fire, just because i stomped on this bag that was on fire last year at school
My first was D-T-M in StarCraft which is a play on my name. Blood-Omen was my next one I used mostly in Quake3 and UT.
Now I do Quixoticism in everything but I'm looking for a new one because everyone thinks it's taken from Don Quixote, when it's really quixotic. :|
SOHKAR > Darkjakk (I made it up before jak 2 came out, but alas no one believed me D: ) > Adrik Senturus (My name is actually a typo :p) > Adrik.
Hellfreak, because I was a proper 'ardcore lad. Then one of my friends said that name was stupid, so I changed it to Monkeyblimp101. I probably had something before those two, but I can't recall them as I hadn't been much of an online gamer until I bought Half-Life.
First name I used for longer than a week was Bean. Stayed like that through most games except for dod, which turned into [5*]KillerbeaN when I joined a group of friends who all had "killer" and/or [5*] before their name.
I had chosen Bean because I often reminded people of Mr. Bean, I could do a pretty good Mr. Bean smile.

Sooo it stayed like that for a couple years.
When I joined this forum I just put Idonotbelonghere because I was a noob to message boards.
Recently, I decided to create a fresh new name. I enjoy editing audio. My name is Adrian. New name = Naudian. It would have just been Audian but that was already taken on Gmail.
Used to use Defiant all the time. Moved to AmishSlayer a few years back for most things. In a fantasy kind of rpg I use Gangus.
I believe my first one was Kikkoman, though I'm not sure. Shortly after it changed to Kikkocool, which was lame. Then Fhqwhgads, then [] Brick [], then The Brick. I have no plans on changing any time soon. I still like it.
Always been Reginald since about 2001. Annoyingly, it has grown in popularity since then and I occasionally find games where it's been taken. So I switch to my Alt. name. Clockwork_Apricot. I don't like it that much, but I am always guaranteed acceptance with that name.
I'm suprised how new some people are to online games, makes me feel old. :|
I'm relatively new to online gaming. But I've been gaming since I was bout 4. In fact, until relatively recently, online gaming was hardly practical.
I am cursed by the matrix. I was "Epoc" before the first matrix came out. Of course afterwards, all I ever heard was "way to rip off the matrix n00b", so I changed it to "Link". That was fine untill I went to see the matrix reloaded. 5 Mins in and morpeous turns to a new character and calls him "Link". The most victor meldrum* moment I have personally ever had.

The weird thing was, no one had ever told me that there was a character called link in zelda, yet as soon as the matrix reloaded came out, people starting ripping me for both. I mean, I get the matrix thing, but why did the zelda attacks get caused by the film? Weird.

*For our american friends, Victor Meldrum was a British sitcom character whose catch phrase was "I don't believe it".
My first online name I think it was Flippo, from a cartoon on YukYuk.com
My first online gaming experience was in 1997 with Activeworlds. I played that game for 2 1/2 years... and I used Flippo primarily on that.

Then I believe I was a bit slow in my younger years of school, so I tagged myself as a snail... but I was in a super-hero phase, and added super to it...
Thus creating Sup3rsnail!(been my email name since the dawn of time.)

Then about 3 years ago, I saw Donnie Darko... and was watching the credits.
I saw a song/band name called "Lucid Assembly". Never listened to it/them.
But I thought it was nifty, so I used it as my name... for some reason I added x's to it, made it look cool.

Then I looked up the meaning of Lucid, and thought it was even cooler... so I shortened it to xlucidx.

Yeah, not very exciting but there you go. o.o
My name originated from the weapon 'brick' in Time Splitters 2 for the GC. Loved to do deathmatches with only bricks, one hit kill, slowmo animations and as many bots as possible.
I think I begun in, like, 2002 (when I actually grasped the concept of "online gaming" and "gaming handles") I was "YaZaA", because my friend was Bizma, and i was like "Oooh, letters from the arse end of the alphabet".

In 2003/4 I became Jinto Reedwine after one of the Pandaren Brewmasters in Frozen Thrown. I shortened it to Jintor afterwards because Jinto Reedwine was generally too long for games/forums. I'm currently using Lumbargo for certain things (like my gmail address) because my last name is Lum, I like the words Lumbago and also Embargo, and they sort of combined.
First game name ever was Dekster, which I used for online roleplaying games such as alienaa (Before it became pay-to-play. The bastards!) and Neopets (I was VERY young). Then that changed to Dekstar, which I still use for most of my usernames, since it's like my real name... kind of.

Then I started messing with fake names during CSS so I could have some fun with some of my old clan membes. Names like Harrogate Prostitute and Roger Bailey were my favourite. Eventually I tried Andy Pandy - A relatively harmless sounding name for someone who owns almost constantly - and it stuck. People think I am, upon joining, pretty young and would be easy to kill (because of my childish name). But then they get pissed off when I start to own :).
Sometimes I still switch back to Harrogate Prostitute or Roger Bailey, but only for the anonymity. A lot of people on my regular servers know who I am and avoid me :(.
Fist one...unsure... but my first major one was... Unholytick.
I was on zone.com and wanted something with unholy in it..it suggested Unholytick. That name became my name on Battle.net for a year or 2.
My first would have been DAKKADAKKA42, in the good old days of MotS. Eventually I got bored and switched to Bob_Marley (with or without underscores, additional numbers or capital letters) when I was playing JKA, and it just stuck. However, I have been known to play under the guise of Ichbal/Ichbal52 more recently. Though Bob_Marley is still my main.