What was your first game alias?

Something along the lines of this:

Yeah, pretty stupid, I know.
EDIT: That was lame :(.

Anyone ever pretended to be someone else ingame? Just for laffs?
Possibly Lemonhead when I first got Tribes 2, but there may be some other name I've just forgotten.

Switched over to Thadius_Dean sometime when I was playing Animal Crossing for the GCN. I named one of my neighbors Thadius Adams Dean or they named me that or something. Anyway, I liked the name so much I stuck with it. So now you guys know my alias' middle name :P
Man, I honestly can't even remember. That's got to be a good 10 years ago...

Most recent ones include N45 (PC), Core407 (Xbox Live) & eniGma (Dreamcast).