What will be coming out between now and Xmas?



I have decided to wait on my upgrade. What will be coming out between now and Xmas? What will be the new hardware bully on the block?
KidRock said:
I have decided to wait on my upgrade. What will be coming out between now and Xmas? What will be the new hardware bully on the block?

fx 55
a64 4000 (same thing as fx55 but locked multiplyer)
6800 ulta 512 i think..
new 939 boards


maybe the 6600gt on agp

i only know of those thoug
Unless you have oodles of cash lying around I wouldn't bother getting the latest and greatest hardware. The cost-to-performance ratio tends to be rather topheavy. However it may be wise to wait anyways simply because when new things come out slightly older hardware often gets a lower price. Just something to consider.
No matter how you look at it you will loose a bunch of money upgrading your computer. There's always something new coming. The last few times I've upgraded I have waited till the end of summer and purchased the upgrade. No point in waiting, since an upgrade usually just last a few years anyway. Damn the efficiency of computer-science...
GreasedNeut said:
fx 55
a64 4000 (same thing as fx55 but locked multiplyer)
6800 ulta 512 i think..
new 939 boards


maybe the 6600gt on agp

i only know of those thoug

No no no!! all wrong, don't listen to this guy.

4000+=FX-53 and NOT FX-55
There will be no 512 Mb cards this year

Doesn't matter when you upgrade.....just do it now to get it over with. But you need to upgrade BEFORE HL2 release date and not after, if you choose after there will be major problems.
One word


If you're going 64-bit, just wait for this baby.
the real question is, do u really need to upgrade right now? or even around X-mas? because next summer PCI-Express is going to be the new technology which probably be mature enough to give benefits around this time next year.

what i normally do is get the very top-line stuff once every 2-3 years or so.. instead of smaller upgrades every 6 months or every year.
so there are a few things to consider here.