What will be the CS:S suprises?

as far as i know the impulse commands are developer commands...
Ecthe|ioN said:
what if the escape maps get ressurected ? es_frantic, es_jail or prison?, es_trinity ?? ahh .. *drools*

trinity owned..i love the cliff fights.
I'm hoping something halflife2 themed will be added to CS:S as an option, a few levels, a gametype, maybe some combine ct models . . . something like that would be really cool. Not enough to ruin the gameplay, just something to throw us a bone.
CS would not be the same with vehicles. I, for one, am completely against this idea. Remember, this is CS:S, not CS2.
I will not fully rest until I kill a T camper on oilrig and see him fall from that tower and into the water
true, it could be a HL2 command, not CS: Source... Hmm... Well, I don't care, as long as us beta testers get the whole game when the beta is over - Next wednesday.

Ok, a surprise:
None of the models blink. Whether this is to do with some sort of special militia training I don't know, but it's creepy.
I vote for a "find the bomb car which is in one of several places and crash it into an objective(like a school or a church or a group of non-Muslim children)" mode.
I'm guessing either vehicles, which would be implemented just slightly better than the last attempt at them ;), or a new game mode which has respawning (Lets hope, getting killed within 30 secs on a 40 player server aint no fun).

I'd hope for a new game type. CS works fine as it is, but sometimes I just want to be able to run and gun without having to worry that i'm gonna be sitting out for several minutes. Especially if CS:S is the only MP available on release.
There wont be any vehicles cs:s is just a port of cs ther not going to change the actutall game its just fancier looking and has ragdoll physics! ITS NOT GOING TO BE THE ONLY MP FOR FOR HL2!
Ur stupid if u believe that junk!
yadalogo said:
There wont be any vehicles cs:s is just a port of cs ther not going to change the actutall game its just fancier looking and has ragdoll physics! ITS NOT GOING TO BE THE ONLY MP FOR FOR HL2!
Ur stupid if u believe that junk!

Oops, sorry, I wasn't aware that your opinion was fact.
I never actually managed to play jeepathon... Was it any good?
Jeepathon and siege with the APC were just plain rediculus...and I loved it :) They should bring them back so we can continue our wacky antics.

I also loved playing Jeepathon10k or whatever it was. There was a drivable dune buggy, jeep, shopping cart, forklift and tower. It was fun :)
Oilrig with that crane that you can control from the HL2 videos. Please? Please? PLEASE?
Oh the jeepathon10k tower... Man I can't remember a second I wasn't in stiches watching that lumbering lego behemoth moving around. Fun times and a good enough reason for vehicles in CS in it's own right.

Brilliant stupidity :)
I hope they made something cool. Like the above poster said, a movable crane on oilrig, things like that. Vehicles would also work quite well I'm sure.

My suggestions:
-huge maps (with beautiful 3d boxes), but not too complicated layout
-interactive scenary: cranes, vehicles, drawbridges, camera's & bigscreentv's, elevators, ...
-confrontational map layouts: drive the t's and ct's toward eachother instead of giving them many different ways to get there
-bring back oilrig
Jeepathlon was fun, but unfortunally vehicles in HL was not very sophisticated, so it would lead often to bugs and stuff :)

Prepare for a new generation of tons of funmaps, with better vehicles than ever! :p
Oilrig source would make buy that alone.

With a better hele model and interactive crane.
