What will the world be like in 2020?

The Thing said:
The meteor that supposedly killed off the dinosaurs is estimated to be about 100 million tons of TNT strong.

So yes, it can be possible.

So far, the only doomsday theory I'm worried about is in 2012 when the Mayan calendar ends.


Thats just a theory.. Im still waiting on an explanation of how a meteor could be equal to a million nuclear blasts.
Ermm...the total energy output of Mt. Saint Helens on May 18, 1980 was about 400 million tons of TNT. It can happen.
Mt. St. Helen is not a meteor its a volcano..

Even then, were all still here.. so again, i doubt it.
C-O-N-Spiracy said:
Thats just a theory.. Im still waiting on an explanation of how a meteor could be equal to a million nuclear blasts.

Why dont you do some research on how a nuke works, then you might understand.
I know how a nuke works.. and im well aware of its destruction..

but a comparison between a rock and a bomb? cmon.
That rock is 1 mile wide and is moving at a speed way faster than a bullet as it hits the earth.

Think of it like this.

A nuke blowing up is a pinprick to the earth.

The rock is more like a sledgehammer.
C-O-N-Spiracy said:
I know how a nuke works.. and im well aware of its destruction..

but a comparison between a rock and a bomb? cmon.

What happens when a bomb goes off? An energy transfer occurs.

What happens when a space rock (comet, asteroid, meteor, whatever) hits the Earth? An energy transfer occurs.

The rock is travelling really frigging fast (17 miles a second is a number that I read for an asteroid). Just imagine that slamming into the Earth - all the kinetic energy it has will have to be transfered into something else.

Don't think of a bomb going off and a rock hitting the Earth as a rock and bomb, think in terms of energy and numbers
The Thing said:
That rock is 1 mile wide and is moving at a speed way faster than a bullet as it hits the earth.

Think of it like this.

A nuke blowing up is a pinprick to the earth.

The rock is more like a sledgehammer.

A pinprick? A nuke can take out a whole city. A million nukes can make the world pretty baron, but a rock a mile wide? The worst that would happen would be a alot of ground trembling and alot of dust, but certainly not enough to cover the globe.
Im not saying a meteor wouldnt destroy something, however, to say it would wipe out all life on earth would be preposterous.
A rock a mile wide is still pretty small.

Like... Really small.

I've heard of rocks the size of Texas on the history channel :p.

BTW, if we nuke the rock, it will blow up into a bajillion pieces. What if those pieces hit the earth? It would be spread out and hit the Earth in more places at once.
C-O-N-Spiracy said:
Im not saying a meteor wouldnt destroy something, however, to say it would wipe out all life on earth would be preposterous.

Again, the long term effect of the dust would kill everyone, not the actual impact.

bam23 said:
A rock a mile wide is still pretty small.

Like... Really small.

I've heard of rocks the size of Texas.

We arent talking movies.
DoctorGordon3 said:
We arent talking movies.

Yea, I edited the post. I hadn't even realized it was submitted..
bam23 said:
BTW, if we nuke the rock, it will blow up into a bajillion pieces. What if those pieces hit the earth? It would be spread out and hit the Earth in more places at once.

I believe that would be better than 1 giant impact.
" OH NOES!!!1111

/me hopes it hits the continent of Asia "

what the hell is that suposed to mean ??

and wont most of the kinetic energy of the rock be wasted when it enters the atmosshpere of earth and burns ? when it reaches the sruface it will have lost a bit of this energy that should count for something lol and dust flying up into the air will only leave the place where it struck barron no the other parts of the world i dont tink it could get a cloud big enough to cover the entire earth.
if we blow it up into chunks most of them would fly past earth and the ones that dont will be almost harmless ...
Okay, but assuming one could do that much destruction, weve gone this long without a meteor taking us out, i wouldnt expect it to hit any time soon.
C-O-N-Spiracy said:
Okay, but assuming one could do that much destruction, weve gone this long without a meteor taking us out, i wouldnt expect it to hit any time soon.

Using your same logic, it has to hit sometime.
DoctorGordon3 said:
Using your same logic, it has to hit sometime.

Maybe a meteor will hit, they hit all the time, some as small as a grain of sand.. but if you ask me, a meteor causing destruction of all of life on planet is just way too far fetched.. Id be willing to bet my bottom dollar that war would cause destruction of life before a meteor ever could. And im not gonna go by a theory that a meteor knocked out the dinosaurs some million years ago and would be likely to happen again just cause some scientists speculate, yet, still are unable to prove that theory to be true. Im not saying this is bad logic, because youre right, the inertial hit of the earth by a meteor traveling that fast can do some pretty hefty damage.. but i believe that, just like any other natural disaster, wouldnt cause all of life to be destroyed overnite, or over any short period of time. It just seems to me that there is not enough dust in a mile to envelope the earths atmosphere causing a blockage of sunlight. Maybe over a general area, but i seriously doubt a meteor is going to have an overwhelming effect on the earth and all life on it.
Seriously, some people here need to do some research on how dangerous a meteroite collision would be. A rock a mile wide travelling at 15-20miles per second would unleash a huge explosion of heat and debris. Its not just the debris from the rock itself, but the material from the collision site. The atmosphere wouldn't slow it down even slightly, and landing on sea/land would make no difference whatsoever to the damage caused.

A flake of paint the size of a fingernail travelling at a huge velocity managed to crack one of the Space Shuttle's windows while in orbit. A flake of paint. That proves its less to do with mass/size, and more to do with kinetic energy and speed.

Oh, and as it happens we're overdue for a large collision, the last major one happened over Tunguska in Siberia, its been estimated that such sized rocks tend to fall on the Earth with frightening regularity (although that one exploded in the atmosphere).
a rock exploded in the atmosphere?
wonder what it was made out of, must have reacted with the heat and the oxygen an combusted or somethin
Parrot of doom said:
Seriously, some people here need to do some research on how dangerous a meteroite collision would be. A rock a mile wide travelling at 15-20miles per second would unleash a huge explosion of heat and debris. Its not just the debris from the rock itself, but the material from the collision site. The atmosphere wouldn't slow it down even slightly, and landing on sea/land would make no difference whatsoever to the damage caused.

A flake of paint the size of a fingernail travelling at a huge velocity managed to crack one of the Space Shuttle's windows while in orbit. A flake of paint. That proves its less to do with mass/size, and more to do with kinetic energy and speed.

Oh, and as it happens we're overdue for a large collision, the last major one happened over Tunguska in Siberia, its been estimated that such sized rocks tend to fall on the Earth with frightening regularity (although that one exploded in the atmosphere).

Well according to that Website that someone posted, allowing you to imput calculations of a meteor, size, mass, speed and angle, enabling you to see how much of an effect a meteor that size on earth would be , a meteor a mile-wide, even traveling at 40 miles/s, at a 45 degree angle, would only effect up to 200 miles. There is significant Air Blast, but most certainly not enough to seperate the sun from all life on earth.
And as he said, at 20 mps, assuming worst case for things he did not specify, the impact would have little effect outside the imediate area.

No thermal radiation, most ejecta blocked (So no wall of dust) and the Air Blast would be inaudable at 200 km.
KoreBolteR said:
What will the world be like in 2020?

personally i think we will have hotels on the moon,

have 3d virtual reality, with 5000 people on 1 server =map the size of nyc :D

we will find another planet with life

there will be a half life 6

world war 3 will occur (hopefully not) lol

not family cars... family planes ^^

Finding a planet with life? I doubt it. Interstellar travel is slow business.
AntiAnto said:
Yeah I heard that too. I can't wait to see this huge comet coming.

i hope you don't mean like ''oh look there it is!'', because... it's moving so fast that it'd be here before we even noticed...
lol... "Ohh, look at the pretty..." BOOM
That site is retarded. I put in the width of the projectile at 1 million miles and it said it would have no effect on the earths mass.
Alientank said:
That site is retarded. I put in the width of the projectile at 1 million miles and it said it would have no effect on the earths mass.

about as accurate as were gonna get for now..
I earth was to be destroyed the public would have heard of it. I haven't. And besides, most of the 1,6 km large rock will have burned down before it reach surface.
C-O-N-Spiracy said:
Racial statement? This is about meteors son.
He's talking about the guy that said that he hoped the meteor would hit Asia. But i dont think it was meant in a racial way, more of the fact that it would be far away.
Are you really reading the news??
It was 2019 and a while later they said it would hit 2060

Thats why they don´t talk about it. I am sure they will talk about it again if this date is wrong too.

Btw hi all. :bounce:

WHILE {'crazy mode'=1} DO

Fine about the meteors. I like the topic, but the discussion has derailed into a impact premonition fest.

I think in 2020, we'll have a law that forces you to have a chip implanted under your skin, so that "security forces" can tell everything about you wherever you are in the world. If you don't wear it, you're either dead or a fugitive.

Also, I think the media will get a lot more stupid and obvious lies will be all around everyone, and nobody will question them.

The politic scene will be as stupid as ever. We will have a couple of central parties, and then one that is really really central. You will be able to vote through your implanted chip.

A cool thing about 2020 is that there will be less work. You will have 30 hours week, won't be rich or anything, but will be able to live a good life if you don't care about all the "wider" issues.

I think we will have virtual reality, maybe not in our homes yet, but at least in public places like entertainment centers, or at the cinema.

Common people will be less educated than nowadays, simply because the educative system will be worthless. Maybe a plan will be conceived to teach the youth through computers, but it will miserably fail. On the other hand, a select few (wealthy/lucky) people will achieve higher education, and by higher, I mean they will have opportunities mankind only dreamed of: experiments with quantum physics/mechanics, timetravel, teleportation, dark matter energy, climate control, ... experiments will be fun, and it will be very enjoyable to hear about it in the news.

The entertainment (=music/movies/games) industry will be completely different from nowadays. All those things will be freely and widely available. Being able to target the audience directly, without a middle man, will change a lot of things when it comes to entertainment. It will be a tool for the governaments to soothen the populace into servitude, and most will gladly accept it.

I don't have a clue about the international scene.

in 2020...everything will be exactly the same .....except...more expensive.....hair styles will be different...i assume short crew cuts will be all the rage.....clothes wont look much different.....maybe a new style of jeans.....wars will still be going on....meteors will not be hitting the earth....technology will be advanced...better graphics...pure photo realistic graphics....we will have the same voting system...same school system...although elementry middle and high schools will get more attention in politics and universities will cost double....cars will not fly....hybrids and full blown ethonal or electric cars will begin to touch the iceberg of mainstream........other than that.most everything will be the same....trust me...today isnt much different than 1990 in terms of politics and human manerisms
I think the world's ending in 2012, so we'll be drifting in space or whatever :(

500th post by the way.