What will you choose???



When HL2 is out in november 16th what will you choose STEAM or STORE???
Both....I want the DVD...I also want the chance to win a visit to Valve :p
silver for me.... (bought it the day the offers were out)
a guess it would be steam.. but i think I would get a HL2 box trough mail also..
steam... i've alredy bought it of steam... silly me
allrdy got mine off steam, i got Silver, probly will get retail version whent it comes out tho just for souvenier
None of ye damn business, punk! Naw, joking.

Retail, cd or dvd, don't care really but since I'm from the Cold Hell aka Finland, it might be DVD only.
Beserker said:
None of ye damn business, punk! Naw, joking.

Retail, cd or dvd, don't care really but since I'm from the Cold Hell aka Finland, it might be DVD only.

That's possible, yes. I'm not sure on how it'll be here in Sweden. I would prefer one simple DVD myself as both my and my dad has DVD-drives, mine writes... hmm. Then again it would not reach all customers.
Well.... there's no chance I'm gonna get a creditcard, so I guess store... :(
I saw the CE is 62 in preorder.
I bought the silver package the day the option was available.
I'll by buying a hardcopy of Half-Life 2, I want something I can physicially hang on to :p
I've gone for the Gold package over STEAM. But I'll most likely end up buying it on disc for a "just in case". Situation. Plus, I don't want to spend 12 hours loading it up again. x .x
-JeZ- said:
I bought the silver package the day the option was available.

Same, but I will probably buy a retail copy once it hits the budget/bargain bin :)
InnerDemon said:
I've gone for the Gold package over STEAM. But I'll most likely end up buying it on disc for a "just in case". Situation. Plus, I don't want to spend 12 hours loading it up again. x .x

actually you don't have to... You can write Your Steam directory into a DVD so you can always use it as long as steam is avaliable to play again and again...
There have been like 5+ polls on this. I got both.
im still torn appart... i dont play CS nor DOD but i do play TFC which is not included in any package i got the voucher but gold will cost me 70$ cuz i live in Israel.

so i guess ill wait till its out on retail or stay with my bronze pack
I bought myself a bronze pack couple of days ago. I like the instant playing thing.
Already bought silver. I'm too lazy to go to the store, and I doubt I'll be picking up an actual solid copy until it's in the bargain bin. Damn all of you who have disposable incomes! :p
I got the ATI coupon, so I have bronze. I would upgrade to silver, but as they (apparently) don't accept paying by switch, I won't be doing so!

Plus if I was to get even more games than I do from the bronze pack, I literally would do *no* work :)
No one can beat the Collectors Edition, with the Game on a span-dangled DVD, so many possibilities.
I don't get it, does retail = steam silver package? Or will we not get DoD:S or anything with the retail copy?
Correct. No DOD with HL2 Retail.

I've got an ATi voucher, so I'm sticking with bronze for now. When all the other things become available, I'll upgrade to Silver. I'm sure the packages will remain available for the forseeable future.
Can ATI coupon holders upgrade after the game has been properly released? I always assumed that we have until the day to decide...
I upgraded one ATI coupon to silver.
Bought gold for another machine.
Reserved CE for collection, and a reg retail for my third machine.
Steam - silver, already bought it.

Might still buy it in the stores if i see it on the shelf.
Janet Reno said:
Both....I want the DVD...I also want the chance to win a visit to Valve :p

You don't have to buy the Gold package to have a chance to win a trip to VALVe. Legally speaking, they can't do that.


"2. Or if you are a United States resident you can enter by sending a postcard marked "Valve HQ Trip Giveaway" to the following address: PO Box 1688, Bellevue, WA 98009. Your postcard must be received by December 31, 2004 and include your full name, birth date, address, phone number and email. Incomplete or late entries will be rejected."
I just got bronze, HLSource and DODSource aren't going to look or play any differently than the copies I already own... and to hell with paying an additional $40 for a bunch of crap ... t-shirt, poster, box, sampler book, blah blah... just give me the game and CSS... I'll wait for the Mods of HL1 and DOD to really bring them over to source with improved polys, textures, resolutions, etc
DoD:S is getting a full graphical overhaul, just like CS received.

You're correct about HL:S, for the most part, though.