What will you choose???

Im getting the retail copy, only because im on 56k and it would take me til the end of time to download it.
debug said:
When HL2 is out in november 16th what will you choose STEAM or STORE???

It's somewhat foolish to wait until release to buy over Steam, because if you do right now, you get to enjoy CS:S in the meantime. CS:S is great because it gives you something to do rather than agonize over the fact that there's a month left to wait.

TST_Devgru Seal said:
The only thing you get earlier is CS:Source....

Not HL2.

Technically, you do get HL2 earlier :D I love Steam and the fact that I don't have to drive a half-hour to the store, wait in line, come home, and wait 30-40 mins to install. My installation's done and chances are that I'll be playing at 12:01am that day.
