What will you do...

What will you do after you get the game (regarding this forum...)

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Companion Cube
Aug 21, 2004
Reaction score
What will you do after you get the game regarding this forum...

Would you:

1) Never post here again

2) Only post when I need help with something

3) Still post here, this forum rocks!

4) I'll still lurk here and make the rare post or 2

(if i knew how to make this into a poll I would :( )
Danimal said:
(if i knew how to make this into a poll I would :( )

I think there are poll options at the bottom of the "create new thread" page. Try editing your post and seeing if they're there or not.
Wheres the I'll still lurk here and make the rare post or 2 option? because thats what I do now, and what I'll probably do once I complete the half-life 2 singleplayer levels.
yeah, i would never go to these forums for the single fact i might discover a spoiler that would ruin my Halflife2 experience.
Ahh I might need to make a new thread for teh poll :eek:
I won't visit until I complete HL2, that's for sure. But I'll most likely still hang out.
Hey wise guy, if you do ill just have to go and spoil the suprise thats coming this monday. I dont want to say it just yet, but i know its gonna be big, Lets just say the spoiler has to do with a color that is gonna make big news.

After beating the game myself, people might post several ways on how a level could be beat (using physics, using only the manipulator, etc.)
I don't think anything will change, I'll still hang around here.
damn butthole, that is a damn good point, think about the possiblities, ALone with the manipulator. The weapon adds so many possiblities, You bring up the best point. Beat the game using only phyiscs as your weapon. Sexy sexy thought indeed.
I might check after finishing HL2 to see how many 'Woo I finally have the game =D' threads there is.
I'll still post here, but I will stop for abit to play sp for awhile and not get hit by a unwanted spoiler.
1 for sure. I only come here for the news, not the little kids that troll around on the forums.
yeah, its funny how Halflife2 is the only game i was never tempted to download or get a leaked version of, just for the fact i didnt want to spoil the genious behind all the story and action, There is so much mystery that it makes me shiver at the idea of playing through the game and finding out all the mystery.
I post here once in a blue moon - So I voted never again. Besides, once I get the game, I will start visiting Halflife3.net
What you talking 'bout D@Linkwent, what surprise, don't tease me!!!
J/K :D
-=Off topic=- Wow i thought my thread would be closed! :D

-=back on topic=- I actually might hang around to fend off unessacry flamers.
hehe, Rafa now u know how it feels, to be teased and pushed around :)
Stereo said:
I post here once in a blue moon - So I voted never again. Besides, once I get the game, I will start visiting Halflife3.net

Yea I mght do the same, Half-Life3.net forums would be my next destination!
im sorry evil, but i think what you are referring to is the oppisite sex, they are female. Boy are they nice. I dont want to spoil what happens when u actually have sex with the opposite sex, but what i will tell you it sure is exausting.
ThE power of the cheese compels you, THE POWER OF THE CHEESE COMPELS you to send through paypal, 1 millon dollars :)
D@Linkwent said:
im sorry evil, but i think what you are referring to is the oppisite sex, they are female. Boy are they nice. I dont want to spoil what happens when u actually have sex with the opposite sex, but what i will tell you it sure is exausting.

And in other threads I thought you were the peace loving 'im never gonna argue' type of guy. I guess people change as the terrortorial areas of the wolven
D@Linkwent said:
im sorry evil, but i think what you are referring to is the oppisite sex, they are female. Boy are they nice. I dont want to spoil what happens when u actually have sex with the opposite sex, but what i will tell you it sure is exausting.

No, you got it all wrong... not flaming or anything...
Oh i better stop talking before this magically changes to spam and arguring :rolleyes:
D@Linkwent, you have been warned three times.

wow, banned, that sucks, just when we were getting to know each other..... it's hilarious :thumbs:
Icarus said:
D@Linkwent, you have been warned three times.




I was awaiting his answer :(

but he'll be back :p
-=off topic=-WOAH, I knew D@linkwent would eventually be on the other end of the sharpened edge.

-=back on topic=- Would these forums still stay around after the realease of Half-life 2?
you forgot the "slit my wrists because of all the stupid ****s complaining about the game on hl2.net" option
impunity said:
you forgot the "slit my wrists because of all the stupid ****s complaining about the game on hl2.net" option

OH, good one. If i can edit my poll i would add it and then vote for it 3 times!