What will you make?

I've though about making a Mice (I don't like rats) map of my room. It's a great way to learn the tools as you can skip the concept/design plans stage and just start making things. Ther will be plenty of objects that require advanced skiils to make convincingly (sp?)
Can we already tests some physics and gfx with the new upcoming SDK without HL2?

cause everybody is saying that he wants to test things...
Originally posted by Gojin
I'm gonna make a house out of water, and then a glass ceiling with a soda machine on top, then you shoot out the ceiling and i'll have a bounce pad under the soda machine, and make it smash into the water house, causing one bigggg splash.

that would not be posible.. I already saw some emails from Gabe about those questions
Originally posted by sharp
Can we already tests some physics and gfx with the new upcoming SDK without HL2?

cause everybody is saying that he wants to test things...

no, im pretty sure you need the engine.

Originally posted by sharp
that would not be posible.. I already saw some emails from Gabe about those questions

why wouldn't it be possible? you can make solid objects out of water, and if something hits them they will splash, so theres a solid house made of water, wiht a glass roof, with a soda machine on top, glass then breaks and the soda machine hits a bouncer deal and then comes down and hits the water house and makes a splash....should work fine. unless there is some mystery email that hasnt been seen.
Im going to make a house and drop it into water...because....it might float...:eek:

and then ill try the pyshics and lighting, and try to get them to work together to do weird things.
Hmmm the Source engine has gravity in it, i wonder if a good programmer could code the life of a super huge star, and then watch as the engine is sucked into non-existance
I will make a map where you fight on top of lots of matresses hanging from ropes, and under it there will be a flaming spike pit with those spinning blade machines.
you wouldnt be able to stop moving, or else the mattress will tilt and you would fall into the pit. Slowly there would be nowhere to stand because the ropes would have been shot and the mattress would fall. and above the mattress part would be a bunch of platforms with barrels on them and if you shot the supports it would start raining barrels and the mattresses would become unstable and stuff like that.....havok to the 100th power
Originally posted by Dux
A Large Dam, possibly the one from Half-Life 1

Lots of TNT, lots of water on one side

Then a big big bang.

Unfortunately, from what we've heard, the water would just stay there, as if the wall had not been destroyed. Lame, and I hope someone finds a workaround. I may be wrong though, but this is the impression I have gotten while looking over some interviews. I haven't read the whole topic - this reply could be obsolete.
Originally posted by omlette
Unfortunately, from what we've heard, the water would just stay there, as if the wall had not been destroyed. Lame, and I hope someone finds a workaround. I may be wrong though, but this is the impression I have gotten while looking over some interviews. I haven't read the whole topic - this reply could be obsolete.

yeah, basically the water is just a block, and it wont move, it will have waves ontop, and you can cahnge the opacity but the block of water itself wont move.
Originally posted by Murray_H
Hmmm the Source engine has gravity in it, i wonder if a good programmer could code the life of a super huge star, and then watch as the engine is sucked into non-existance

That would be extremely badass - but also a paradox. I think the engine would actually confuse itself and... well, crash. Someone should ask Gabe about this. Great idea. :)
Yeah, it sucks that the water won't move but it would be a bitch to program.... like someone said in another thread modelling how fluids behave (like air and water) is pretty damn hard, and would eat CPU like crazy.
Alright, here's my idea.

What's going to happen, is first, the player will be introduced to a race car or dune buggy or whatever, then he will get in, speed down a long strip, hit a ramp and go through rings of fire and over some cars (see fig. 1) hit a loop that has boxes and barrels to smash through at the end, then, as they head towards a huge ramp, they will see a large screen that shows them coming out of the loop (they're being watched with the camera), then the player will hit the ramp, fly through the air, smash through the screen and and land in a big pool. The player will proceed to get out of the pool, and be stuck in a room with a pistol lying on a table. In one of the upper corners of the room, a wooden support will be visible. The player will eventually make the choice to shoot it. This will trigger the wall sliding away, revealing a massive pachinko machine at least 5 times bigger than the one in the e3 video, including 30 barrels and a sound clip of Nicholas Cage exclaiming "I...I LOVE PACHINKO!!" Once all 30 barrels have fallen, a siren will sound and the roof of the area will open up, revealing a large spacecraft which will beam the player up. Once onboard, the player will have the delight of watching the G-Man's rendition of 'A Kiss to Build a Dream On' by Louis Armstrong complete with lip syncing. After this strange paranormal experience, the player will be sucked through what is effectively the "poop chute" of the ship, and fall from about 10,000 feet in the air landing in a vat of toxic waste from which a strider will rise and kill the player, while a sound clip of an eleven year old Counter-Strike player yelling "OMG OWNED!!" plays.

That is all.

(fig. 1)

C = Car
O = Ring of Fire

     O   |   O
 /|  |   |   |  |\
/_|  | C | C |  |_\
I just hope Manke comes back with a new version of "USS Darkstar" with HL2 engine & physics :) Mr. Manke are you around still???
oh, and since I'm watching "Law & Order" it reminded me that I'll try my best to model Angie Harmon, then myself (w/Van Damme pecs hehe)....oh never mind, if I learn how to do anything I'll be balancing mattresses on barrels like everyone else :P
The first level I'm going to make is a test of the driving/ camera system. I'd design a tiny Mars-rover-type vehicle with a camera attached, and (if possible under default conditions) drive it by remote control while I watched what it saw on a camera. Kinda like a bomb disposal robot! *gets an idea*

But my first real delve into HL2 mapping would definitely be something horror themed.. maybe a recreation of my house/ town after being abandoned for a hundred years and haunted by ghosts. I'm sure that the Source engine would allow for some absolutely *freaky* scenarios in that department ;)
Since HL1 didn't support realtime lightning/shadowing and i wanted to make a discotheque i'm planning to do a controlable discotheque/night club that show off many of the special effects Source is capable to implent.
Im gonna try to make some places in the capital of sweden!
Originally posted by medic
Im gonna try to make some places in the capital of sweden!

Gothenburg? :P

I will have my SP project (or maybe the Sci-fi one) to work on (link the sign, the mod thread) but i will be making test maps in the beginning just to get the hang of the engine.
Stockholm ;)
i think it could be extremly cool in the HL2 engine!

ill probably make a map with a flooded town....to take someones idea further about the building made out of bareels id say to also point a car ramp at that building to launch urself into it! one thing id like to do though is to make a teeter totter like thing with a crane holding a large beam over one end and when u hit a button it drops launching the car on the other end towards ur opponents! id like to do those wide open terrans also they were hella fun on planetside (that game died to fast though) i bet ppl could do alot with it
hey the thought just came to me...someone needs to make a mod that recreates the ps2 game stuntman..this time make it 100X less frustrating though
I'll make a giant wooden tower with explosives all around the base. Lots of NPCs at the top.

Light Fuse, Run Away
I'll make a paradise island stuff, with palms and shit like that...can't wait to explore the warter :)

the second map will be something with snow..lots of it :)
I want to make the freakiest map ever made, i will make people shit themselves:flame:
I´m going to make Baghdad city and hide saddam somewhere and try and find him, and then beat the shit out him :cheese:
Originally posted by High Poly
I´m going to make Baghdad city and hide saddam somewhere and try and find him, and then beat the shit out him :cheese:


Make a map "20 ingenious ways to kill saddam".
I'm going to make a huge "building" made out of loosely nailed together wooden pieces. then run amok with an automated weapon and watch it all collapse. :)
Im gonna try and make a house with a huge wrecking ball coming at you at very high speeds and it hits you onto a tramp, were you fly into a coming airplane! Wee! I would also include screaming.. AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Wee! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!
One of the first maps I made was my entire dorm from college. Unfortunatly, I put too much detail into it (it was accurate to more than a meter) and it had too many "texture faces" or something to run... I'll have to scale it down a bit and try using it again for HL2. Playing LAN games at college is great, but imagine actually playing in the college. Not bad...
I plan on making a map called Aftermath. It will be loosely based on one of my HL1 maps, a partially sunken harbor. Broken piers, sunken and partially sunken boats. I'm sure i'll be adding in more things as I can come up with them in my head.
Originally posted by MeCubed
One of the first maps I made was my entire dorm from college. Unfortunatly, I put too much detail into it (it was accurate to more than a meter) and it had too many "texture faces" or something to run... I'll have to scale it down a bit and try using it again for HL2. Playing LAN games at college is great, but imagine actually playing in the college. Not bad...

you wouldn't have to scale it down for hl2...but you would probably have to remake objects so everything can be moved around and destroyed
i plan on learning hammer, then eventually mapping my house and yard in high detail...then if i can actually pull that off ill try modeling my school in high detail, the gym, every classroom, the track, EVERYTHING. im no fan of the columbine stunt, so dont worry lol...ill NEVER pull anything like that. unless a teacher shoots my foot or somthing lol ;)

i would also like to look at some of my favorite movies, and try to map locations from the movie.

and...id like to make a huge ctf map ...where cameras are hooked on trees around each of the bases, but swapped so each team has a control room, and blue can see reds base, and red can see blues base :)

dont worry by time i learn hammer, ill have way more ideas than that ;)
Originally posted by x84D80Yx
i plan on learning hammer, then eventually mapping my house and yard in high detail...then if i can actually pull that off ill try modeling my school in high detail, the gym, every classroom, the track, EVERYTHING. im no fan of the columbine stunt, so dont worry lol...ill NEVER pull anything like that. unless a teacher shoots my foot or somthing lol ;)

i would also like to look at some of my favorite movies, and try to map locations from the movie.

and...id like to make a huge ctf map ...where cameras are hooked on trees around each of the bases, but swapped so each team has a control room, and blue can see reds base, and red can see blues base :)

dont worry by time i learn hammer, ill have way more ideas than that ;)

Cool, You Are Doing your Home too.
Did you know you can start mapping your home now and then port it to the hl2 engien?
Thats What I am Doing. Only Mine is Ging to Be My NeighberHood.
But you wont be able to get in close to all the houses. My Hous Is Going to be the Most Detailed One. Im Going to Ininclude Every Single Object In It. Im Like 98% Done With My House, and 20% done wiht the surrounding Areas. But over All im 22% Done WIht Everything.

If you have Alredy Started On Your map Post Some Pictures.
I may Post Mine Later
hmm nice to see so many capital letter in the same place.

i guess a lot of people will be modelling their homes, it's a good place to start and to learn the technology as the reference is very[\I] close to hand...
Originally posted by AgentXen
Cool, You Are Doing your Home too.
Did you know you can start mapping your home now and then port it to the hl2 engien?
Thats What I am Doing. Only Mine is Ging to Be My NeighberHood.
But you wont be able to get in close to all the houses. My Hous Is Going to be the Most Detailed One. Im Going to Ininclude Every Single Object In It. Im Like 98% Done With My House, and 20% done wiht the surrounding Areas. But over All im 22% Done WIht Everything.

If you have Alredy Started On Your map Post Some Pictures.
I may Post Mine Later
I did ages ago, but it's turning out ugly as hell..pain in the ass really :)
hmm first map probably work on a pit/concentric helix concept I've had for a while, orignally was for UT2k3 but I hated the gameplay style of the game, so I wasn't motivated. That and working with polygons in Maya makes you want to kill yourself.