What would be the coolest weapon EV0R?


Party Escort Bot
Oct 20, 2004
Reaction score
In your eyes, what would be the coolest weapon ev0r created?

In my eyes, I think that a fully automatic ghey-making laser rifle would be the ultimate weapon. Just make sure you're dressed as a drag queen while using it.
a super chicken canon that shoot living chickens
Da-Muffin-Man said:
What about the nuclear powered chainsaw? With radioactive chain links :p
A nuclear powered chainsaw ith radioactive chain links that shot out radioactive chickens that when they hit a person, they shoot out ghey laser beams from their eyes while dressed as a drag queen.

A nuclear powered rifle that shoots 10mm explosive rounds as primary, sonic bursts that can destroy a tank or turn people inside out as secondary.
Remember Ghost in the Shell? High-powered Subsonic bullets, the dude had them in an UZI, his shit ripped up an armored car, or wait... was it a dumpster truck?
ailevation said:
Remember Ghost in the Shell? High-powered Subsonic bullets, the dude had them in an UZI, his shit ripped up an armored car, or wait... was it a dumpster truck?
it was your mom.


:) <3
yeah dude, that thing was sick. Also, I love the "10mm HV Penetrator" in F.E.A.R.. It makes satisfying sounds, is wicked cool, and has a good clip.
That would be cool, especially if it had a clip/barrel replacement combo. Would make for interesting reload anims.
A remote control for yo lady!
You could put her on mute...play...pause.....................


I'd make trillions.
Bullets with knives on the front to stop people from catching them in their mouths.

And maybe a rail gun that shoots real rails.
Hper Flux Ban Pistol and automatic rifle ......like the one munro has.
all hail HFBP
for cool factor? there is but one choise! the Ingram MAC-10. Yes, I know that it's unreliable, inaccurate and will break as soon as you really need it to kill someone/something but what the hell. It looks mean, fires 1200 rounds a minute and the name is just cool. Long live the american UZI!
Beerdude26 said:
I actually wasn't surprised by that.

You weren't surprised there wasn't a link, or you weren't surprised I tried clicking?
Bob_Marley said:
for cool factor? there is but one choise! the Ingram MAC-10. Yes, I know that it's unreliable, inaccurate and will break as soon as you really need it to kill someone/something but what the hell. It looks mean, fires 1200 rounds a minute and the name is just cool. Long live the american UZI!
A Mac 11 in .380 can get up to almost 1500 rds/min :rolling: :E