What would new weapons would you like to see in Aftermath?


Jul 7, 2003
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What new weapons would you like to see in Aftermath? I personally want to see the gauss gun. I had loads of fun with it in Half-Life, especially multi-player. Its a good way to get around.

p.s This isn't an excuse to get the second thread in this forum.:p

Edit - Can a mod edit the title please. =/
i would like to see a harpoon gun or some form of live ammo...
oooh a bullsquid gun
i think we'll get the psygun.... it hinted at that in the PCGamer article
No bullsquid gun, that's silly.

Manhack Grenades (The same as the Metrocop ones)
Sniper Rifle (The combine one)
Snarks (Like the ones from HL)
Guass Gun (Like the one on the buggy)

I think thats it, I dont want to see the OICW.
Jandor said:
No bullsquid gun, that's silly.

i know i get over excited when i don't take my pills,
but seriously as i said b4 somesort of live ammunition gun, that maybe you find in an experiment lab on the way out of the citadel, or a remote control weapon like the rpg but with more control.
Is it confirmed officaly that you are Gordon. I hope not.
If not you look up at the citadel exploding and you see a black dot rushing towards you and it hits Cubbage in the head. Voila grav gun.

Besides that an unmounted Combine machinegun and a gauss gun.
An electro thermal (plasma) anti material auto loading rifle.
.50 calibre explosive shells, decent scope (thermal, night vision or something)

Or a Needle rifle.
night vision would own... since it is getting dark by the time you blow up the citadel..
Nah it isn't confirmed

I would like to, see, a gun, that has a huge explosive, or the gun is really huge..... don't ask, I wonder.
MarcoPollo said:
Rail gun anyone?
Kinda the thing in my idea, i think rail gun is a bit cliche now.....and they arn't very effective even in theory.

A gun that uses electro thermal plasma to propel the slug would be much cooler, and unique.
that tool that the Hunter Chopper has, the plasma thing... don't know what is called
The same one thats on the Airboat, that would be cool. but a bit overpowered.
I think it would be hard to control, cuz it looks like it has quite a bit of recoil
I would like to see the crossbow have an exploding arrow that sends guts and gore flying everywhere.
short recoil said:
Kinda the thing in my idea, i think rail gun is a bit cliche now.....and they arn't very effective even in theory.

A gun that uses electro thermal plasma to propel the slug would be much cooler, and unique.

They have real rail guns that work. There are some that they are testing that can put a 30 ft Diameter hole in an aircraft carrier!
But i like ur idea its like a cooler railgun.
I would LOVE to be able to use the Alyxgun

YA HA HA FULL AUTO!! :sniper:
A brickbat :p
Not sure what it is, but theres a weapon ent for it in HL2DM :D
did Stunstick and Slam ever go into HL2DM? I dont play it.
I think they should have something to fill the rocket launcher niche ala Quake and UT. So far there is no (relatively) slow medium damage weapon with a blast radius except for using the grav/gren combo.

There is also no beam weapon i.e. gluon/link gun.

They'll probably put a sniper rifle in too but I really wish they wouldn't, don't forget these weapons will end up online and sniper rifles are always bad for gameplay.

I would personally like to see the manhacks become the new snark although rather than drop them in front of you it would be better if you could throw them so they deploy in midair.

Another movement tool would be nice too. If not the long jump module/tau (which I'm sure people will be clamouring for) then maybe some form of grappling hook... or a hoverboard! :D

Speaking of which, I reckon there will be more vehicles. Do you reckon they might try for a flyer of some sort? Would be interesting but I think it will most likely be a ground based vehicle.
Yes who wouldn't like to see new weapons i know i want to see some new kickass weapons and some more fun stuff.....like being able to use the combine terminals.
The hand weapon you get off the Alien Grunts in the first game which shoots little bees at people. That would look cool source style.
No it didn't it could shoot around corners.
Also the Opfor sniper rifle, I love that bloodspray!
Hmm, it's strange that no one thought of this, so I made an account just for this thread. So, my weapon idea: A 3 barrel grenade launcher, because one of the most effective weapons is throwing down a grenade, picking it up with the grav gun and tossing it somebody for an air burst with a large radius. Also there are lots of grenades around. This gun would allow you to set two ranges for airbust, for primary and secondary fire. Should get it in the end to use against quick enemies, which lacked in half life 2.
I'd like to see the Super Grav Gun... best damn thing ever :)
and Avraell....
Welcome to the forums!! :thumbs:
I wish gaussgun would come to this expansion. So much fun to shoot combine through walls even with the one in buggy =)
Oh, i know!
Nuklear Armmegedon!
Or maybe a super sheep!

Seriously though, i want another launcher. And the ability to turn the danged laser on the rpg off for DM. And a grappling hook would be nice... but it would get the OFLC on Valve's case... if you could use it on live people.
oldagerocker said:
I'd like to see the Super Grav Gun... best damn thing ever :)
and Avraell....
Welcome to the forums!! :thumbs:
okay, this is really obvious, but I just have to blurt it out cuz it came to mind...

you still have the blue grav gun!!!! which means you'll be throwing stalkers and anything else that gets in your way around!!! haha

*Gordon and Alyx running down the citadel as stuff is exploding all around*

Alyx: Oh no Gordon, what are those things?? (stalkers) there's too many of them!!

Gordon: .......

*Aims gravity gun and fires at the bunch of stalkers*

Alyx: Well that was fast
