What would new weapons would you like to see in Aftermath?

I think that the blue grav gun will probably end up being destroyed during the explosion.

After the explosion and the G-Man talks to you and leaves through his magic door... You don't have a weapon at that moment... You probably lose it, and maybe they'll find it's parts later and convert it into the .... [one gun that was originally in E3 but they took out, but it allowed you to swing things around]....

Just a thought...
gluon gun, it's just nuts and halo 2 riped it off
that or a grapple hook
Sorry, I've just been throught 3 pages and I must be blind... where are the masses whineing about the OICW? Despite the great annoyance that people were over that gun, it'd be nice to see it in HL2:A I suppose. I believe it's the only weapon featured in a video that didn't make it into the game? I believe that it has a good chance of getting in this time round.

- Crowbar will be back rather than putting in the Ice Pick. Stun Baton is a posibility mind you...
- Grav-Gun will definately be back. It'd be criminal to leave it out.
- The Pistol? I reckon it will stay. It's not a significant enough "wow" gun to replace.
- Magnum is more likely to be replaced, but what for? Desert Eagle perhaps? Maybe even the AlyxGun..
- MP7 I can see being taken out and replaced, partly because people weren't very happy with it. Perhaps it'll be replaced with the MP5 seen in early development? The MP7 was a bit crap, but it looked great at the same time...
- The Combine Plasma rifle... I think it will stay, simply because it's hard to make a standard issue rifle simply disappear!
- Shotgun - It'll stay, though it'd be interesting to have a flak-cannon like twist on the idea with a new experimental weapon type thing.
- Crossbow - I think this is a very good candidate for replacement , given that it's a slightly oddball weapon in the first place. I'm thinking OICW or a straight down the middle Sniper Rifle (which be boring as hell). Potentially, they could to a twist on the Guass - give it a scope and a chargeable sniper attack.
- Grenades - Very likely to stay
- RPG - Can't see them getting rid of this either, though there is scope for a multi-barrel experimental UT type weapon with no laser dot (which would be a shame to loose and makes you wonder what you'd kill striders etc. with)
- Bug Bait - Antlions are back and it'd make sense for bugbait to be there too.

Other weapons I'd like to see it. The Gauss should be in there in some form, even as the aforementioned sniper type weapon. I'd also like to see the Hivehand or something similar - the original Hive Hand was a good idea (bullets that turn corners) but it wasn't pulled of quite right. "Bullets" that make a wimpy crunching noise remind me of rice crispies which isn't very satisfying. That gun should be retooled and made more beefier. I reckon the SLAM will be in, but if Valve were to come up with some new and exciting stuff (eg. different physics guns?), i wouldn't be complaining...
I'd like the Combine sniper rifle. As long as that's in, with the kickass laser, I'm a happy pappy.
Of course, I can be appeased with any alien weaponry, be it of Xen or Combine origin. :p

It'd be dumb not to put in the SLAM, since it's right there and ready to go.
The flare gun, cremator head and alyx's gun are also good candidates, since they were all shown but not useable. (I'd also like to know wtf the cremator head actually does. Plus, including the head means that the body would have to be included too, along with his flamethrower deelie and fun-time combats. :p)
Don't put the OICW in please. It's been cancelled if I remember correctly, so it wouldn't make sense for them to be floating around in Eastern Europe.

The Cremator Gun (Immolator?) would be cool.
We need some BMRF weapons, like the gauss, or the teleporter gun??
A new grav gun that will act as a shield as a new fire mode but has a limited charge that goes up slowly.
Yeah, some advances in zero-point energy, along with associated sweet-ass shader effects, would be noice.
i just want the weapons to behave a little more realistically

as in

no more crazy spin/wobble to the nade launcher nades

no more crazy double shot for the spas 12. (in rl the spas 12 can be put into semi auto mode, do that instead)

model a grenade launcher for whatever the submachinegun is this time

model a speed loader for the 357

of course thats never gonna happen so i'd like to see some sort of return of the incendary rifle aka flare gun.
Gauss gun
Stunstick (in single-player too)
Some powerful hand weapon (Like a mobile Airboat gun)
Sniper Rifle
You should pick up a stunstick and a desert eagle from some dead combine and work your way up to emp rifles and overwatch plasma shotguns
*Displacer (Opposing force).
*The scoped machine gun that was cut from Half-Life2, possibly as a replacement for the current smg.
*Combine sniper rifle; the fact that it emits a blue laser, giving away your position would prevent it from becoming the next AWP.
*Gluon gun, maybe mounted on some new vehicle? Speaking of vehicles, driving a Combine APC would be fun.
*Rat flail.

Remember that we're going to be fighting much tougher enemies in the expansion. The new weapons in Opposing Force would have been overpwered, but they were balanced out by enemies much tougher than anything Gordon had to deal with on a regular basis.
A sniper rifle similar to the one in Opposing Force.
Rat flail? How about all the same weapon with the slam and some new combine toys.
Yeh. It disolves organic matter, used by Cremators to clear the streets after uprisings and fighting has ended.
Can also be used on living matter, disolving Combine, oh yes.
It goes for a bad day when you spill some of that solution on yourself during the job. :)
I dont think Cremators are Human based, I was under the impression there Synth, seeing as during the original story, when Eli was telling you about the 7 hour war, there one of the troops that comes flooding out of the Citadel.
You can't get rid of the crossbow, best weapon in the game!

Realistic weapons suck, I want a lascannon!
The alyx emp tool would be the first weapon you get...

"beep beep boop"
What about all the cut weapons from HL2, and some of the OF ones
MarcoPollo said:
They have real rail guns that work.
Do they? our British rail network doesn't work, with what sourcery did they manage that one??
Welding gun such as the one in jbmod/garry's mod

also a real sniper rifle (not to down the crossbow, a great weapon, but hl2 needs a sniper rifle)
(7) v(muz)=(2DF/m)^.5=(2DILB/m)^.5=I(2DLu/m)^.5

v(muz)=Muzzle velocity (Meters/Second)

D=Length of rails (Meters)

F=Force applied (Newtons)

m=Mass of projectile (Kilograms)

I=Current through projectile (Amperes)

L=Width between rails (Meters)

B=Magnetic field strength (Teslas)

u=1.26x10^-6 (The magnetic permeability of free space, Henries/Meter)

These calculations ignore friction and air drag, which can be formidable at the speeds and forces applied to the rail gun slug. Top rail gun designs currently can launch a 2kg projectile with a muzzle velocity of close to 4km/s on roughly 6 meter rails. To reach this kind of velocity, the power source must provide roughly 6.5 million Amps. Ouch.
i support the idea of a G36. however, i would be upset if we get any living or organic weaponry. valve seemed to have left it out of HL2 for a reason and i hope they stick to that decission.
Sniper rifles are really bad, really boring. You can't be scared of an enemy if he is so far back that a sniper rifle is useful. Plus they involve no skill at all, crossbow takes prediction to use.
CMEast said:
Sniper rifles are really bad, really boring. You can't be scared of an enemy if he is so far back that a sniper rifle is useful. Plus they involve no skill at all, crossbow takes prediction to use.
Couldn't agree more. What game doesn't have a sniper rifle? - Few games have 'sniper' rifles that are actually unique and HL's crossbow is one of these merry few. I do think that they'll put a sniper in place of the Crossbow though - it's just such an odd thing for the player character to stumble across. Three times. This assumes that the loadout is stripped from Gordon at the end of HL2, which is probably a safe assumption...
Yeh, stumbling across crossbows, and ammo for crossbows, all the time is a bit wierd.
They should have a flame thrower, maybe you walk into the combine armory in the way down and get to take all their goodies
CMEast said:
Sniper rifles are really bad, really boring. You can't be scared of an enemy if he is so far back that a sniper rifle is useful. Plus they involve no skill at all, crossbow takes prediction to use.
i agree. i hate it when a game throws in a sniper rifle simply to have a sniper rifle. case and point: max payne. amazing game, but why the hell would you have a sniper rifle for close quarters urban combat? i think sniper rifles should only be included when it is incorporated into a fun aspect of the gameplay or in multiplayer.
I'd like to see the MP5k (with burst fire mode) and OICW from the pre-release screenshots, and maybe the tau canon in hand-held form.. Plus a crossbow that shoots flaming iron rods! or not.
I miss the link gun from hl1 I loved charging it up and shooting my self across a hall.
All the guns the leaked alpha had but we didn't get to use, such as....

Sniper Rifle
Flare Gun
Mine Launcher
Tau Cannon