What would new weapons would you like to see in Aftermath?

wackywack101 said:
the oicw or whatever can be put into hl2 even if its not real because- hl2 is science-fiction there could be a toilet juice gun 4 all i care. HL2's storyline is screwed up anyways..

The (BIG) gun in hl that looks like a back pack with a hose attached and shoots massive laser stuff.
NO snarks they suck
Dual uzi's (sven)
More of the old guns.
That funny spore gun in op4 that makes funny noises when u "feed" it.
Heavy duty mg's
Laser type guns.
at least twice as many guns that are in hl2 and they hold twice as much ammo.(remember this game doesnt havew to be realistic)

Oh, of course, after ragdolls, physics, realistic faces and a great storyline, who needs realism?

Just to point out that not all of your ideas will be executed :p
short recoil said:
An electro thermal (plasma) anti material auto loading rifle.
.50 calibre explosive shells, decent scope (thermal, night vision or something)
that'd be sweet...
But i'm content with having a regular sniper instead of the crossbow.
I guarantee you that 95% of people who played Half-Life 2 would not have noticed the real-world problems that gun freaks go into labour over. Valve probably doesn't know what they've done wrong either, but it's highly unlikely they'll make any changes even if they did. The bottom line is: who cares? Charlton Heston?

i care :(

Now don't get me wrong, I don't want hl2 to behave like Rainbow 6 or Americas army or anything like that.

I'd just wish that the real life weapons that i mentioned didn't quite defy all logic and reason so much. I mean really, EXPLAIN to me how a shotgun fires an extra round through its magazine tube. Thats the equivalent of giving the 357 revolver some crazy secondary fire mode that involves firing all 6 rounds at once without needing the barrel.

aaaahhh i'm making my head hurt.
I'll like a sonic thingy gun. It'll make people suffer in agony from the loud sound it makes, but will be ineffective to you because of your HEV suit.
Flyingdebris said:
I'd just wish that the real life weapons that i mentioned didn't quite defy all logic and reason so much. I mean really, EXPLAIN to me how a shotgun fires an extra round through its magazine tube.
Sure it's silly, but it's not something I've actually thought of long and hard. From a gameplay perspective, the two fire modes are good and I guess that's what matters. In future Valve should be a little more accurate - it seems strange that for all their on-site research for realistic european locations that they can't understand the inner workings of the guns in a shooting game. But really people shouldn't let it bother them too much ^^
oh well such is life, thats what i get for being a military accuracy geek as well as an FPS player
A gravity bomb...


If you can get a Zero-Point-Energy manipulator, what's so rediculeous about a grav bomb?
Jintor said:
A gravity bomb...


If you can get a Zero-Point-Energy manipulator, what's so rediculeous about a grav bomb?

ill tell u. the difference is that a grav gun accually can be made, a grav nade cant.

if u check out a bit of particle physics and string theory, u see that there is a thing called zero-point energy in real life. the prob is that is uses shitloads of juice to power it.
that is a reason that they havent dev'd it yet.

EDIT: (i know im nerdy, im born to it)
You know the original Tunnels video from E3 2003? The flare gun that Gordon was shooting flares at the combine with? THAT is what I want.
Flyingdebris said:
i care :(

Now don't get me wrong, I don't want hl2 to behave like Rainbow 6 or Americas army or anything like that.

I'd just wish that the real life weapons that i mentioned didn't quite defy all logic and reason so much. I mean really, EXPLAIN to me how a shotgun fires an extra round through its magazine tube. Thats the equivalent of giving the 357 revolver some crazy secondary fire mode that involves firing all 6 rounds at once without needing the barrel.

aaaahhh i'm making my head hurt.

Well, you have to give Valve some credit. They did atleast make the reload and, aside from the double barrel, the shotgun operates fairly realistically. IE: Gordon doesn't "pump" the action if you reload with rounds still in the gun, like every other game on the planet. And if you fire a shot, and quickly reload before he has a chance to "pump" the action, he'll reload, and then cycle it to eject the empty shotgun shell.
piggy said:
ill tell u. the difference is that a grav gun accually can be made, a grav nade cant.

if u check out a bit of particle physics and string theory, u see that there is a thing called zero-point energy in real life. the prob is that is uses shitloads of juice to power it.
that is a reason that they havent dev'd it yet.

EDIT: (i know im nerdy, im born to it)

If people actually made a "zero point energy manipulator", it's probably be the size of a house, and only be able to move really small things.

Science has only just started believing in the zero point energy stuff. They're not exactly in a position to harness it.

-Angry Lawyer
this is SUPER science though

and yeah you are right they did get the reloading sequences right for most of their stuff. but if someone would make a realistic weapons mod for hl2 i would hop on that and never look back
I wouldn't. I'd rather not have the worst aim on the planet, the inability to hold more than one weapon, and having guns jam on me/having to perform maintenance on them.

-Angry Lawyer
Heavy Machine Gun and Alien/Experimental weaponry, maybe an actual Sniper Rifle too.
Haha, and you'd have to fill in form E-18HGF9354-587DBC84HR, as well.
To be God honest, I think a 1903 Springfield would be awesome. It would just... make me feel all warm inside. I like bolt action. And it would feel so *resistance* like too. Combines patrolling the street, a lonely resistance fighter peeks out of an alley way, and get's a shot off going right through a combine guard's chest. And then quickly ducking back into the alley to blend back in to the surrounding rubble.
kaf11 said:
i agree. i hate it when a game throws in a sniper rifle simply to have a sniper rifle. case and point: max payne. amazing game, but why the hell would you have a sniper rifle for close quarters urban combat? i think sniper rifles should only be included when it is incorporated into a fun aspect of the gameplay or in multiplayer.

Hey, that was the coolest sniper of them all. With the camera following the bullet and what not and the best zoom feature as well.
To add on to what was posted ealier in the thread: Last time I read about the MP7, if you dropped it, it would start shooting... untill the clip was gone I guess. And the p90 is already in that one HL2 mod, substance i think it was.

And the AK47 would not be a good choice for the game. For lots of reasons, first to start off, there is a newer version. The AK74, which is more accurate would probly be included if an ak was to be included at all. Also, only terrorists use the AK47 now and HL2 is in the future, so the AK47 would probly take over. Along with that, this is in or near Russia(there are posters on the walls with russian writing on them) so the AK74 would obviously already be there.

But I think they will only add a few more not-so-important guns, nothing huge. This is an expansion pack people, not HL3. But I still would like to see a few guns like a heavier machine gun than the MP7 and also Alyxs gun. I only want Alyxs modded colt because it looks awsome. Maybe the HK53(or a gun like it) because I just love how it looks.

On to my last part. Accuracy. Has anyone but me noticed how unaccurate the guns are? For example, the pistol rarely hits what your aiming for if your more than a few yards away. Same for the MP7... and the combine assalt rifle(cant remember the name). It may be like that for gameplay reasons but it still annoys me. Also, the amount of tracers the guns have, or how well you can see them in the light, may be one reasons I think the accuracy is off, because I can actually see where the bullets are going. But I dunno... its still fun and all...
short recoil said:
An electro thermal (plasma) anti material auto loading rifle.

You have no clue what you just said do you?

I want to see something original, painkiller had some really original guns. Not some super-zorg-plasma-laser-super(again)-gonnorhea-thermalvision-scoped megarifle.

How about a wave rifle? It shoots invisble radio waves and makes people's head explode because of pressure :D.

Top Secret said:
To be God honest, I think a 1903 Springfield would be awesome. It would just... make me feel all warm inside. I like bolt action. And it would feel so *resistance* like too. Combines patrolling the street, a lonely resistance fighter peeks out of an alley way, and get's a shot off going right through a combine guard's chest. And then quickly ducking back into the alley to blend back in to the surrounding rubble.

To my knowledge, they haven't used those guns for over 50 years :dozey: . Plus, you could do the same thing with a regular sniper rifle. Have you seen "Enemy at the gates"? You probably have, but if you haven't it'll be your next favorite movie. Guaranteed.
piggy said:
ill tell u. the difference is that a grav gun accually can be made, a grav nade cant.

if u check out a bit of particle physics and string theory, u see that there is a thing called zero-point energy in real life. the prob is that is uses shitloads of juice to power it.
that is a reason that they havent dev'd it yet.

EDIT: (i know im nerdy, im born to it)

Well there's obvioulsy a difference between being nerdy and having some common sense. A mini grav-gun like that is quasi-impossible, and really, who cares if they have grav-bombs? It's not realistic? I guess it wouldn't fit in with all the super realistic stuff like combine hover crafts and randomly placed barrels full of explosives and alien headcrabs. An anti gravity field bomb would be tight, like, it explodes and creates a small field of no gravity for a short amount of time so you can jump really high in it :D.

Edit: They should have an AK-X which is some sooped up AK-47 with HL2 style recoil control, 4x scope and a gangsta design.
Actually the springfield was used in Vietnam, I think. Im not really sure. But I never really liked it anyway. As you said, you can play ww2 games with noramal snipers too...

And the gravnade, I picture would be more of a riot like weapon. It would just send out a giant wave, knocking stuff over, but not causing the damage of a noram nade. But the anti-grav idea makes more sence and I think thats what he meant... but I still like my idea : P
A couple of ideas

1) Thermal Grenade - Grenade ignites anything within 20m on fire
2) Pulse rifle - Emits a large pulse wave that blasts anything in front of it backwards several feet, killing it.
3) ICRECR (Individual Combat Ready Electrical Charge Rifle) - Launches several small electrical rounds that fly through the air, sending an intense blast of electric shock to anything it passes by.
4) Area Cleaner Grenade - Once its activated, the grenade creates an intense area of gravity which pulls anything within a certain radius towards it, squeezing every object it affects to the point of breakage, then once the area of gravity is full, the grenade detonates throwing everything that it sucked in at an extremely fast velocity
One thing to remember... while an idea may sound cool, source cannot do unlimmed things you know. Another simple gun would be easy, but making something that does things not already done would require them to code it into the source engine which would take longer time to make.

And remember, this isnt like SoF2, peoples lims cannot get blown off, melted, squeezed, etc.. so try not to suggest weapons that do that sort of thing.
Mike L15, save your "you can't do that with the engine" comments for when Valve actually takes a look at our suggestions.
TheSomeone said:
Mike L15, save your "you can't do that with the engine" comments for when Valve actually takes a look at our suggestions.
Well, its pretty much a given that they wont include guns that melt you, blow you apart, etc, unless they added that kind of damage system into the game which Im pretty sure they wont, or they would have already...
LMAO, yeah. I know there are newer sniper rifles than the 1903 Springfield. :) It's just my second favorite bolt action rifle, and has that whole "resistance" feel about it. As for favorite bolt action rifle, that would have to be an M40A3. :D
I would like to see the guns that valve took out of the half-life 2 beta, like the gauss gun, the OICW, the sniper, and other weapons like that. Hope it has a better G-gun :p
I'd like to see something relevant to dog's ball, so that when you throw it, dogs jumps out of nowhere and kills everything and tosses a random car...
Kinda like the pheropods for the antlions, but for dog
Actually, thinking about how this is in the future some, how bout an automatic shotgun? They look pretty cool, and balances itself with low accuracy, but high rate of fire. Something like the usas12, spas15, saiga12k(sence its in Russia) or HK Caws.

But, that might disapoint some people since the spas12 has been in the game sence the 1st Half-Life...
here's an idea for a weapon. Like the shock roach from OP4 (but it shoots spikes) it would attack you but instead of you getting it as an invintory item it would actualy attach to your arm and drain you health for a few seconds before you could use it. The best bit would be it might sometimes attach to your weapon. It would attach to the barrel of your shotgun (secondary fire=super source gibbing). Or it would attach to your RPG launcher and when you shoot it would attach to the RPG. The funniest thing would be if it it attached to your arm while you throw a grenade and it would force you to hold the armed grenade in your hand and kill yourself. The only way to detach it would be to get out your crowbar which would automaticaly hit it off (doing yourself minor damage).
The sniper rifle would do nicely, and be a decent replacement for the crossbow as well.
Not that I dislike pinning combine folks to walls or anything, but white-hot rebar makes for some wierd ammo. Apart from which, the sniper shoot really slow, so it's not that much of an improvement.
I'd like to see the crossbow taken out actually, it doesn't really fit in with the whole game...imo