What would new weapons would you like to see in Aftermath?

Que-Ever said:
oh, here's a suggestion a guy made in PHL a while back, I thought it was pretty cool.
Yuo have like a remote sort of thing, and you aim it at something, and a combine sattelite brings down a suppression beam or the like in the area. Like a missile caller, or seomthing. But with the suppression beam. oh daer, I'm afraid I haven't explained myself very clearly...
Epic Megagames called, they want their Ion Cannon back.

sinkoman said:
I want to see a handgun, that shoots a lazer beam.

Now don't get all excited and all, "OMFG TH4T5 ST00PID SC1 F1!!!", i'm not finished yet.

I think it'd be cool if it was a dog controller. Primary fire gets dog into that position, or gets him to attack if you selected something attackable, and secondary fire gets him to pick up whatever you shot. So you get him to pick up that dumpster with secondary fire, and then, just like the grav gun, primary fire on that combine squad and he throws the dumpster on them.

I think that'd own.
The second bit kind of negates the first... why do we need a laser handgun that is in fact not a laser handgun? I like the idea of commanding dog, but all they really need to do is have the "C" button context sensitive rather than having a whole new gun for it all.
I would like the OICW or just a better assault rifle with a bigger clip and a nice zoom.
You won't see the OICW. That was scrapped because the project in real life was scrapped as well.
Hmm.. why not some more powerful weapons? perhaps some weapons from cs? hehe ;) it would be awesome if you had m4a1 in HL2.. or the paramachinegun..
I mean the weapons in HL2 sucked.. really

MP7 was a bad gun... the 9mm pistol wasn't that good either..
hey how about the SG3000 sniper?? lol