What would you do if you had a Mini-Strider in your house??


Jul 9, 2003
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I got this idea from a dream i had last night... well, i'd get a leash, take it on a walk, and make it attack people

just for an idea of this said strider's size... it is about 4 feet tall and 20" wide
I already have 7 cats and 7 dogs, a mini-strider would be too much extra work
Id tell it to remind me to stop smoking that shiz dawg.

Who dreams about games, jeeeebus? Hehe
I would put him on a leash, pet him, play fetch with him, and teach him to terrorize people.

If those spindly legs were strong enough I would ride him. YEEEHAWW!!!11!
Feed him Skittles and call him George. Train him to get drinks for guests. Give him a nice little jungle gym in the backyard to climb on.


Okay! I'd take him to downtown Richmond and have him re-enact the bit of the strider video where he blows windows out and then that car :)
I wonder if you could teach him to go in a lidder box.

Good thing is he could probably catch his own food by using that gun of his.
I'd do the same thing as The Mullinator, ride it around :p.
I can just see a really cheesy happy family home video with gordon playing with his beloved strider in a field.
i would use it as target practice for it IS A.I.
I'd teach it a new move with that flashy gun it has...

I'd to a nice shootingseries at the fireingrange with it. Definently. Then ride it home, and act like nothing.
If by any chance a Valve employee reads this: we need this game!!

This is getting pretty hopeless....

But err.... to get ontopic :cheese:...

I'd return it to the store and get a houndeye...

digsy said:
Id tell it to remind me to stop smoking that shiz dawg.

Who dreams about games, jeeeebus? Hehe
i do, all the time... :(

Still, i got to play HL² before you! :naughty:
well id keep it the hell away from my room when im playing HL2.

*mini strider walks in all happy*

*sees me shouting things at a big strider on screen and trying to kill it*

*ministrider tests his weapons*
I'd name it Bob, play frisbee with it in a park and shoot anyone who tries to call the cops. I'd let it sleep on my bed, I'd make sure it's joints got all the oil they need, I'd tell it who it has to kill while walking down the street so it can get them later ("See that man with the pretty badge and that nice little hat? He's BAD, BAAAAAAD! Kill him tomorrow."), I'd teach it to roll over, I'd go on a cockroach killing fest, I'd give it a lecture about where little striders come from, and a hell of a lot more...
This could be the biggest waste of bandwidth this forum has ever encountered.
Jadewolf5675 said:
This could be the biggest waste of bandwidth this forum has ever encountered.

not realy.

i remember a fluffeh thread or something.....

basicly consisted of this

"fluffeh :imu: " X20
Dougy said:
well id keep it the hell away from my room when im playing HL2.

*mini strider walks in all happy*

*sees me shouting things at a big strider on screen and trying to kill it*

*ministrider tests his weapons*


you'd be playing and then you start to see the wall and part of your desk stretch back, you turn around "what the...."

bam :O
thehunter1320 said:
I got this idea from a dream i had last night... well, i'd get a leash, take it on a walk, and make it attack people

just for an idea of this said strider's size... it is about 4 feet tall and 20" wide
Months ago (before sept 30th 2003) lol.

I brought up how it would be funny if they created a live headcrab, and you take it for walks around the park, having it wear its headcrab muzzle so it can't brain suck/face hug you or anyone else...

Then the shock collar training kicks in, so you can teach it to obey...


here's the therad on it (started about dvds, went into wanting an included headcrab plush toy as a bouns... then went from there)


shapeshifter "here's hopeing for a headcrab in the box then I would really get one."

Spitcodfry "Then you would be able to play the game while having your mind taken over by it. So, in reality, you're not really Gordon but a headcrab that's undercover! Muwhahah....muwhahahah....muwhahahahahaha!!!"

shapeshifter "lol I meant like a doll one, you know those plush ones or whatever they call them but hell if I was getting a live one that would be cool, Id open the box and put it in a cage, cool pet."

spitcodfry "And turn it loose on door-to-door salesmen."

spitcodfry "LOL...the problem is training it to not attack you."

shapeshifter "put blinders on it, yea that should do it, like horses wear, that way it only attacks what you point it at."

Feath "Do Headcrabs have eyes?"

shapeshifter "I'll assume they do for the sake of having it kill what i point it at, otherwise it will lead to complications"

(gets even more wierd, talking about "how headcrabs sense people")

shapeshifter "I suppose id have to wear a headcrab proof helmet, and make a little muzzle for the little guy, then when I go for walks with him in the park, or around town I can pull the muzzle off and the leash and let him jump free, with no fear of head landings on myself "
Well, lets see now, if there was a real strider in my house I would probably run to the nearest phone booth and change into my gordon freeman suit :D
I swear I posted in this thread...

Anyways, I would sick it on my neighbors :D
I would use him to carry things around the house. Actually, he could hold my beer and do the dishes. :)
Personnelly??? I would take him to the local circus cause I got a strider and can make millions!!! muhahaha

or i would take it to valve and show it off and say "ha, you guys only got models? ^.^ "
i would disguise it as a lamp so that i wouldn't get fined for keeping it my dorm, then i'd have it blast the bejesus out of a lot of the snotty people that i may deal with or at least get ole stridy to stab them in the leg
Come to think of it, a miniature (Shetland?) Strider would make a pretty cool coffee table, if you could get it to crouch...
we'll hate strider when we'll face them in hl2.....
i don't want a strider in my room... maybe a real Alyx is better (hope my girl-friend dont' see this :rolleyes: )
I hate spiders, so having a lil strider like that would freak me out. X_X

But, what about this, if you had a pet strider, what would you name it?
Me, Stridey. lol, toooo generic but oh well.
Id clone it and use selective breeding to make huge ones. Then destroy the Earth with my strider clone army :flame: