What would you rate Half-Life 2 out of 10?

What would you rate Half-Life 2 out of 10?

  • 10

    Votes: 63 62.4%
  • 9

    Votes: 28 27.7%
  • 8

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • 7

    Votes: 6 5.9%
  • 6

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • 5

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4

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  • 3

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  • 2

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  • 1

    Votes: 1 1.0%

  • Total voters


Jul 7, 2003
Reaction score
I would give it a 10 of what I've played so far. The game is awesome and it exceeds my expectations. My only complaints is the loading times. A big clap and cheer for Gabe and his team; you guys are pure geniuses - LITERALLY!

So then, what would you personally give it?

Edit - Can an admin/mod please add a poll, thanks.
you rated half life a 2/10


8, right now. Because I do not have it and are jealous of everyone that does.
11 out of 10 since I don`t have it yet ;(
Of what i've played so far: 10!

I simply can't find anything bad. The loading times aren't that bad for me, 10-15 secs maybe.

I've played to Ravenholm, by the way.
deffinately a 10. After kleiners lab how do u get up the long ladder? any1 tell me?
honestly, 8 out of ten, i think the story takes too long to get going really, but i dont know, could get better, not done yet :thumbs:
Ff what I have seen so far: 10 of 10
I am at the beach where you get the bugbait.
I've played for a few hours and I had a smile on my face all the time. With my headphones on my head I was totally immersed into the game. And there are going to happen a lot of things you don't expect. And I like the subtile humor, and was somethimes related too HL which I really liked. And a very nicehno style soundtrack which is really cool when your running for your life while the combines are shooting at you.

Until now 10/10, I can't name any other shooter which is allready fun even if you don't have any weapon yet.And after that it only gets better.
If the audio/video jumps would be fixed, and the load times vastly improved, I'd be compelled to give the game a fairly decent 9.4. The game starts off a bit slow for my liking, but I like playing around with the physics of the levels, much more in this game than Max Payne 2 (Also used the Havok engine, if memory serves me right). I also drop the score .5, because I thought Alyx would be much hotter.

Played a short 45 minutes on:

2.4 Ghz P4
1 GB DDR333
GeForce 6800
20.1" Viewsonic LCD Monitor
Audigy 2 ZS
Logitech 680 THX speakers
2x 80GB Maxtor drives, RAID0
XP Pro SP2
Gyration wireless keyboard/mouse
9.9 im totally blown away...one of the best game experiences ever!
A BIG FAT 0! Seeing as how i can't play it because Steam is a big pile of crap. Whoever had this activation idea should be fired! Why didn't they just make it where you had to register it within two weeks or you coulnd't play it after that until you restistered it? It's so stupid that you have to activate it the same time you install it. Everyone and their mother is trying to activate it right now and it's making steam impossible to register HL-2. Good thinking on Valves part, NOT!

*Note: I'm just pissed right now. I payed 10 bucks for overnight air so I could play it today on my day off. BUT NOOOO!!!
9.9 - loses a mark for the AI not being as mindblowing as they made it out to be and the NPCs getting in your way a bit.
Having finished it earlier this evening, i can say 11 out of 10, just blew me away. Well worth the wait.
Well... the game may be amazing, but I've had all of 30 seconds of gameplay before it crashes.

The game is probably worth a 10. However, the process needed to play the game is going to garner a fat ass zero. Having to activate and register/log-in online to play the single player is ludicrous. Valve not forseeing a huge dump on their servers and strains within their network is shocking, given that they must have had some idea of intial demand for this game.

Something tells me that while they may be great programmers, they really need to work on the operations and logistics management as well as their damned PR.
id say 9/10.
not as revolutionary as they'd like you to think. too much mind numbing box smashing, physics are pushed in your face too much, as in "you have to do this, you have to do that"

My only complaint would be the frequency and duration of loads.

Other than that, a stellar game. Very immersive. Unlike any other i've played.
unfooking believeable! 10

Every level is more exciting then the last.
From what I've played (just got to Ravenholm) 10/10 easily. I am a huge Half Life 2 Fanboy, but all bias aside, its the best game I have ever played.
MaStA said:
deffinately a 10. After kleiners lab how do u get up the long ladder? any1 tell me?
shoot the lock, yeah i feel like an idiot.

I spend like 10 minutes trying to climb over it, but theres a lock on the left side.
To where I've played (I just got the bugbait) 8/10 unfortunately. The boat sequence was way too long, and a lot of it just seems to be running and shooting, running and shooting... Gameplay just seems very different from the original HL. Then when they stop that they throw annoying puzzles at you that I really didn't like. I had to do a simple puzzle involving building a bridge with a board, and despite its simpleness, it took forever, which detracts from the fun.

So far, my favourite parts were everything up 'till the boat sequence (special mention to the areas with manhacks :)), and bits of Ravenholm and bits of the buggy sequence (the parts I enjoyed most weren't actually on the buggy, but around midway through that level).

Oh well, you can't please everyone, and I got the game for free anyway (friend had an ATi voucher but not a good computer). The graphics, sound, and engine in general are excellent, so I am very hopeful for the mods anyway (DoD:s'll be fun I bet, but some others look hopeful (BM:S) as well). As far as FPSs go, still good, and still a fun game, but not what I expected.
I am giving it a 7/10 so far. Disapointed... I did impulse 101. There's only like 5 guns. No gore... wtf?! Wheres my Half-Life 2?
I'd say 9.7, or 9.8 so far, but it could get better/worse, although I can't see it getting better than what I've played so far!

Didn't Gamespot rate the sound a 9?

Am I the only one who is really impressed with the sound quality?
I hate you guys! All you guys who own the game can burn in hell! I want it so bad but my f**kin school work is getting in the way!
9.9 because no games deserves a 10.
It's absolutely awesome!
id give it a 7/10


1. the graphics dont look as nice as in the screenshots- sorry but they really dont :s man yof them were brushed up in photoshop imo. but obviously they are still amazing and revolutionary.
2. the storyline isnt really there im afraid.
3. the gameplay even with the physics is pretty one dimensional imo, just frantic run and gun with spassy puzzles a ten year old could solve.
4. can be frustrating to play, find myself spinning round constantly looking for enemys and that becomes stressful rather than captivating. and also i find myself wanting to explore and look around the stunning city 17 but cant because im being attacked from 360 degrees all the bloody time.
5. some of the levels go on too long, to the point where you just want them to end e.g the airboat level. how many bloody mines am i supposed to avoid and gates im supposed to open before the bloody level finishes.
6. you have to pay for day of defeat when it comes out.
7. valve goes through the whole security thing of steam-fair enough, but then STILL bloody insists on the dvd being in the damn drive. if i bought the damn thing off steam i wouldnt have had to do this, so why do i if i register over steam with a dvd, it doesnt make sense. they'd better change this cus its damn unfair.

saying this, the game is revolutionary in aspects the physics are absolutely stunning, the engine is absolutely beyond amazing (10/10 for that). the fps that thing puts out is unbelievable.

of course the main reason i bought this game was for all the cool mods that will doubtless come out. always a worthwhile investment.

cs: source is a tarted up cs and nothing more, its way too similar to cs orginal. 5/10
Storyling complaints, same as Half-Life 1. You people just don't understand the way Valve tells stories. You don't get a story served to you on a platter, you EXPERIENCE the story. You are in the story, the story is about Gordon Freeman battling STUFF!!

I will give it a 9.8/10

1. Graphics fantastic
2. Sound ****ing amazing
3. Gameplay ****ing awesome
4. Feel and movement of game, best ever.
5. Most realistic characters i've ever seen in a game
6. Amazing scripted sequences, far better and more creative than any other game ever.
7. Sex.
Well the thing I don't like about the story is really just due to some of the long levels. I know how hl1 told its story, and it was great, but you got bits of it more often, whereas in hl2 some of the levels are just fighting/puzzles w/o learning anything interesting. Throughoust the entire airboat level you didn't learn anything. Gordon fought a helicopter while in an airboat doesn't make for a good story. My guess is it'll get better once I'm back in City 17 (assuming we do go back) or once I'm in the citadel. Out in the wilds is a dull place for a story.

Although no review is complete until the game is complete, so...

Only 1.5 hours in.

- Great story
- Immersive environment
- Physics
- Graphics

- Loading times is what kills the game in my opinion
- Some audio/fps glitching after a section loads
- You don't get to experience the levels or the brilliant art design because you are constantly getting shot at