*What you didnt want to belive....*

eh? George said it was 3.5 years for them.. not it would be another 4 years.
then again I dont think anyone really has any stock in 3drealms releasing DNF any millenia soon
Well he said 3.5+ years for id, and that they've been working on it since early 2003, so it's more 2.5+ years'ish, yay.
Ha, The time they've been making it has varied a lot. I mean, it was annouced before Half-Life was released (1997 if I remember right). So that's 7 years ago. Planet Doom says that work didn't REALLY start till 1999. That's 5 years. And now someone posting there is claiming they've only been working on it for 3 years.

And they are claiming it's "Normal" for a game to take this long.
Maybe they've decided to use Source, but in a couple of months I expect everything to be ported to the Unreal 3 engine. Then the next iteration of the Doom/Quake engine. Then perhaps Unreal 4, maybe even Cryteks next pirated venture. After that maybe a new generation of the X-Ray engine, then back to Unreal 5. Then after all that it will come out as a .gif file. But the world will have ended by then when the Sun got a wee bit bigger.
joke of the industry, scrapped 95% of the game, gb needs to grow some brains...
George Broussard is a complete ****ing asshole.

He should roll up and die in a hole. What a joke.
Mr-Fusion said:
George Broussard is a complete ****ing asshole.

He should roll up and die in a hole. What a joke.

I agree, I read the 3D Realms forums occasionally and they way he treats the fans is absolutely apalling. Their webmaster, Joe3DR is an even bigger asshole. Those guys need to realize that without their rabid fan base, 3D Realms would have died a long time ago. You think the 3D Realms team would ever allow a fan to take a tour of their offices like Valve does? Not on your life. They're all too busy jacking each other off all day.
Wow, the more amazing thing is that there is a DNF forum.
Wow, the more amazing thing is that there is a DNF forum
heh, yeah. what the hell would they talk about?


i just have this image in my head of these guys sitting in a room twiddling their thumbs going "i have a good feeling about tomorrow..."
redundant said:
heh, yeah. what the hell would they talk about?

i just have this image in my head of these guys sitting in a room twiddling their thumbs going "i have a good feeling about tomorrow..."

ROFL, same