worst xmas present ever...

I was saying to myself "Be gratefull she got something" untill i read that she bought an $800 necklace. Wow, what a bitch
Holy crap... an $800 unauthorized purchase.... I smell Judge Judy in their future. :p

If he was here, I'd tell him "hey, you're not alone... I know how you feel, man... I hate your girlfriend too!" :D heh heh
She's hated around the world now if it's true. Good job stupid :thumbs:
So this guy hands his girlfriend all that money AT christmas, so she can get HIM his expensive present instead...

I'm still laughing how she just went and bought herself a present and got him some naff nVidia card, and then poured coke in his PC when he dumped her, and kept the necklace... Thats just pure evil, I love it lol.
It's a song.

About whips and pokers and cigarette burns!

Kangy said:
It's a song.

About whips and pokers and cigarette burns!

Can't click on the link cuz I'm at work, but...let me guess. The Masochism Tango?
Steve wins 100 points.

(and I win 1 point of postcount++)
Kangy said:
Steve wins 100 points.

(and I win 1 point of postcount++)
Ha ha! I own "Songs and More Songs by Tom Lehrer"

It's great...he wrote all those songs back in the 60's and 70's, but they're still funny.
PvtRyan said:
If you'd wear a diamond necklace, it might not be a girlfriend you're looking for :P
Well, these are liberal days :naughty:
Crap, if I were that guy, I'd just look at her & say "get the fcuk out of my house, you soleless bastard :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: ."
Marine 2 said:
Crap, if I were that guy, I'd just look at her & say "get the fcuk out of my house, you soleless bastard :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: ."

Marine 2 said:
Crap, if I were that guy, I'd just look at her & say "get the fcuk out of my house, you soleless bastard :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: ."

Maybe she should've bought some new shoes instead of a necklace.
Feath said:
Maybe she should've bought some new shoes instead of a necklace.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Maybe he meant "you bastard with no bottoms on your shoes"

Damn you, Feath. Beat me to it.
Haha, southerners.

He still hasnt changed his location
MaxiKana said:
That's another reason to add to my list of reasons not to let anyone else then myself by my electronic stuff.
I'm the same way, whenever I ask for something that's electronic, I always write it down on a piece of paper for my mom. My dad can handle it, but my mom...no way.
Tr0n said:
Shaddup yankee... Who you talking about?Me? :|
I have a feelin' its bout me. Excuse me, i gotta go eat some pork rinds, betty sue say she dont cook for me no more.
willyd said:
I have a feelin' its bout me. Excuse me, i gotta go eat some pork rinds, betty sue say she dont cook for me no more.

hahaha! put your mouse over the bout ahahahahaha BACKYARD WRESTLING IS TAKING THE WORLD BY STORM looool